A perfect cure every time

I hate to sound cryptic and/or blow off folks' questions, so I'll just spit it out. I'm not exactly a legal grower and I firmly believe in respecting the authorities by not baiting them on the forums, or elsewhere. As such, I don't post my op, the exact yields, etc. I'm actually purposefully vague about the exact wattage and the like.

Believe me when I say that I would LOVE to show you guys the boxes. They're setup in a 2-tier arrangement with an auxiliary light and fan, all on a metal rack. I'm pretty proud of it. It's something I've wanted for years. Literally. But, there's a problem. The work is kinda unique and the boxes can be identified. It wouldn't take the efforts of MI6 to find me within a short period. I have a family, I live in an upper class neighborhood, my children are just starting their lives. There's a lot to lose. Having lived though Overgrow, never again.


I understand. I guess I'm just having trouble envisioning a multiple tray system for doing that minimal screening of the bud between hanging and putting into container for curing. Maybe you're referring to your dryer racks?

Also... what is "overgrow"?
Hi Sticky, this is a wonderful tool for the process of drying. Do you have a website URL at all. My partner will love this little gadget . I have also posted an article about smell if you could read and advise
A wonderful new year to all .

My wife often jokes how we should have gone into the hygrometer business. :)

You can buy the hygrometers on ebay or Amazon. They cost ~$20. Good luck.

I understand. I guess I'm just having trouble envisioning a multiple tray system for doing that minimal screening of the bud between hanging and putting into container for curing. Maybe you're referring to your dryer racks?

I didn't explain this well. It's not a multiple tray system. Nothing that complicated. In essence, it's a kief (sifter-type) box, just a lot bigger. I have two. Three, actually, but one isn't as large as the others. FWIW, I started out with a pair of 12x12 boxes that I got on ebay, similar to the Natural Goods boxes that are sold there now.

For drying, I use racks similar to this:

Also... what is "overgrow"?

Sorry, Overgrow.com was the biggest canna forum in its time. To this day, nothing has come close to what OG offered. ICmag holds some of the last remnants of the group and its collective knowledge, though its GrowFAQ can still be found as the core of Cervantes' book. The board went down, after its owner's home was raided, and many of us went underground as a result. It's a long, complicated story.

Overgrow.com was the biggest canna forum in its time. To this day, nothing has come close to what OG offered. ICmag holds some of the last remnants of the group and its collective knowledge, though its GrowFAQ can still be found as the core of Cervantes' book. The board went down, after its owner's home was raided, and many of us went underground as a result. It's a long, complicated story.

Now that you explain it, I think I've seen others reference that before.

I'm sorry I missed that. Sounds like a wonderful resource. I took a 'little' 14 year hiatus from growing. All we had back then was the "handbook" and each other to talk to. Luckily, there was a pretty good scene going on in San Diego at the time, so I knew a lot of talented growers. Within my circle, I was 'the electrical guy', so I got to help setup a LOT of cool grow rooms. I'm dealing with a little bit of information overload with all these websites that are around now! I'm grateful they are here though. I've found I forgot far more then I remember. I'm so glad there is a way to share information now since otherwise I wouldn't have anyone to ask questions.
Goto YouTube and Google jorge's bud mold washing and you should find a video on how to wash the mold of the buds. It will extend the process a couple more days but you'll have smoke able product in the end
I tried the jar method previously to reading this. It is drier than a popcorn fart! It makes sense to get a hygrometer and perhaps I let it hang too long before putting into jars. Like others say there is no aroma until you break into the buds and I wish it had turned out more potent. Next time I will get a hygrometer and try this out. Nice tutorial. :eyesmoke:
I tried the jar method previously to reading this. It is drier than a popcorn fart! It makes sense to get a hygrometer and perhaps I let it hang too long before putting into jars. Like others say there is no aroma until you break into the buds and I wish it had turned out more potent. Next time I will get a hygrometer and try this out. Nice tutorial. :eyesmoke:

Then you definitely waited too long to get them into the jars and they were over dried. It is a lot better to put them into the jars a little too wet than too dry. At least you can dump them out of the jars and let them dry more. Once the buds are over dried there is nothing you can do to "re-start" the curing process. Yours buds may still be decent, bu they will not have the smell and potency that they could have. Live and learn!
Just received a few Caliber IV hygrometers for my "perfect cure". Thanks for the informative post Simon.

Just FYI. The Caliber III's production has been ceased by Western Hygrometer due to patent infringement by a chinese manufacturer who produced cheap knockoff's and saturated the American market with them causing Western a lot of problems like complaints from poorly working units, which when returned were found to be these cheap chinese knockoffs. So be careful when ordering a Caliber III off the internet.

I have been assured by the manufacturer that the Caliber IV is an even better unit which also allows for user calibration. Though the caliber IV comes with the same stock calibration as the III and can be used right out of the box.
+rep for the idea of using a Hygrometer. I cure in 1/2 gallon jars and being able to drop one of these in the jars will really let me hit the right humidity level before I vacuum seal them in pint size jars.
Just received a few Caliber IV hygrometers for my "perfect cure". Thanks for the informative post Simon.

Just FYI. The Caliber III's production has been ceased by Western Hygrometer due to patent infringement by a chinese manufacturer who produced cheap knockoff's and saturated the American market with them causing Western a lot of problems like complaints from poorly working units, which when returned were found to be these cheap chinese knockoffs. So be careful when ordering a Caliber III off the internet.

I have been assured by the manufacturer that the Caliber IV is an even better unit which also allows for user calibration. Though the caliber IV comes with the same stock calibration as the III and can be used right out of the box.

Amazing. Our community can create quite the demand for what's essentially a product aimed at a very limited market. Thank you for posting this. I'll be ordering some Caliber IVs, as well.

Hi Simon, do you have a link for this product. Looks amazing .

You can find them on amazon for like $15. But as I stated in my post it may be difficult to find the Caliber III's because they've been discontinued but the Caliber IV's are the same and you can calibrate it.
Heh, it's as if folks would rater argue than grow lots of bud. When I started out, I identified a number of growers I wanted to learn from, shut my mouth and listened for a hell of a long time, while putting in the hours in my own garden. Here, the less experience you have, the louder you are. No thanks.

I am new. I like to argue as well, but I also like to smoke pot and dont have four months to waist. Thank you for you information.
It's a confined, sealed environment. There's not enough air inside a container to produce a meaningful variance.


My grow room is a confined, sealed environmental too, and when the temperature drops 15*F after lights off the relative humidity goes up. The absolute humidity will be the same, but the relative humidity (what the hygrometer measures) fluctuates with temperature so I don't see why it wouldn't apply to a drying container.
My grow room is a confined, sealed environmental too, and when the temperature drops 15*F after lights off the relative humidity goes up. The absolute humidity will be the same, but the relative humidity (what the hygrometer measures) fluctuates with temperature so I don't see why it wouldn't apply to a drying container.

Your growroom holds a lot more air than a jar. I thought I already explained that. If it still doesn't make sense to you, put one of the suggested hygrometers in a sealed container and note the changes. BTW, the hygrometer doesn't measure the relative humidity. That requires a small calculation and an awareness of the dew point.

As a side note, the condition you describe above - ie. lights go off, temp drops 15F and the absolute humidity remains the same - paints an extremely unlikely picture, as the humidity will surely increase due to transpiration, alone. This is not a guess. As such, I'm at a loss as to where this is going.
