Fresh 2 De@th
Well-Known Member
trying to understand this, and basically what i've come to if you're buds dry too quick you've basically missed the chance to cure them, am i right?
Your growroom holds a lot more air than a jar. I thought I already explained that. If it still doesn't make sense to you, put one of the suggested hygrometers in a sealed container and note the changes. BTW, the hygrometer doesn't measure the relative humidity. That requires a small calculation and an awareness of the dew point.
As a side note, the condition you describe above - ie. lights go off, temp drops 15F and the absolute humidity remains the same - paints an extremely unlikely picture, as the humidity will surely increase due to transpiration, alone. This is not a guess. As such, I'm at a loss as to where this is going.
hmm, you talk as if this is fact. do you have any proof other than what you suspect? there are some people that would beg to differ, me being one of them, but if the're is any facts to what you say i would accept or receive it much better than what someone believes.basically..
people say you can recover them by adding a fresh leaf or eye of newt etc...
it may help a bit... but IMO they are never really the same as if you had got it right first time.
barebones point on the subject is to dry them slowly and evenly
Hygrometers do measure relative humidity, not absolute humidity.
Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor compared to the mass of air, and it remains constant in a closed sealed environment (not accounting for things like plant respiration, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, AC, etc). If you seal a jar the mass of water vapor inside is going to stay the same, the water can not go anywhere.
When the temp drops in my grow room the absolute humidity stays the same, but the relative humidity changes as a function of the temperature. This is the same reason we get condensation outside as dew. As the temperature drops the relative humidity increases, until the air is saturated and dew starts forming.
Where this was going was to demonstrate the difference between absolute and relative humidity giving you a real world example of another sealed and contained area besides a jar.
hmm, you talk as if this is fact. do you have any proof other than what you suspect? there are some people that would beg to differ, me being one of them, but if the're is any facts to what you say i would accept or receive it much better than what someone believes.
As I've said twice before, there's not enough air inside a sealed curing container to make a meaningful difference in the readings. It's a lot smaller than your sealed growroom.
The absolute humidity in your growroom can't stay the same due to transpiration. It's a fact, not a guess. We've been here, as well.
To be honest, we're only concerned with what happens inside the jar and are happy to leave the meteorologic discussions to other forums. Thank you for the explanation; I'm sure that some found it useful. Now let's move on.
Forgive me for not explaining that most of the volume in a sealed container is taken up by the bud and its associated moisture. Seems pretty obvious to folks who harvest and cure weed, and it's, well, kinda the crux of the entire process. Please stop trolling this thread. We're not here to debate non-applicable constraints with someone with zero experience, we're not here to play games with the contents of your growroom, and we're not about to take anyone seriously who had to start a thread asking about controlling condensing water vapor in his own garden. Doing "this for a living" apparently didn't help. It's time for you to go back to Toke n Talk.. point is that when temp goes down, relative humidity increases, and vice versa...
I'll inform the press.
only to have it shoot down to 30% and kill my cure when my grow room heats up
perfect cure takes experience. nothin else. Science debate all you like its just funny if you read the last couple pages. Do you guys talk like that in real life?
listen lame, i didn't ask for your opinion and could care less for it, i was and i'm still looking for facts. don't know how you would answer a question that didn't request for your silly opinion; totally defeat the purpose for me even asking, you know what IMO means?
obviously not .. or you wouldn't have made this statement.
you can beg to differ all you like, believe what you want and dry your buds as quickly as you can..
if you want proof look for it, I'm not your assistant..
personally I make decisions based on my experiences..
Why on earth would you keep your jars in your grow room? The idea is to keep them in a cool, dark, dry place, like a closet or the kitchen pantry.
A psychrometric chart and a full understanding of enthalpy is needed to debate the who, what, where and when of the physics of humidity.
It is pretty much an exact science at this point. So the temp down, humidity up, is only part of the equation, there are several other factors that determine what will bring about a rise or fall in humidity levels, not always temperature related.
Way more than is needed for curing buds, but I am stoned to the bone and just had to chime in that factoid.
Love this thread by the way.
perfect cure takes experience. nothin else. Science debate all you like its just funny if you read the last couple pages. Do you guys talk like that in real life?
trying to understand this, and basically what i've come to if you're buds dry too quick you've basically missed the chance to cure them, am i right?
haha, you're too funny lame. if you notice that question denoted for an answer of facts and not fiction or what you believe in, you dick in a butt.Actually you did ask dumbass.. and you didn't mention the word science fact or evidence when asking originally which is why my opinion was given.
If you don't want someone's opinion then don't come onto a public forum asking fucking ridiculous questions everyone already knows the answer to because they could be bothered reading first.
This site needs a fucking moron filter. Oh wait it has one +ignore