A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

Ok here's a couple I might not have put up yet.. i've got a ton and kinda lose track lol.

All the same 10 second ish sift, no carding, no refining.

From some bunky seeded outdoor that looked like this

HK seeds.jpg

to this

View attachment 3027307

Cleanest in the world? Absolutely not, but for patients, when you can make this in 10-15 seconds, it's a big plus from what i've seen.


This was another bottom of the bag type deal.. had some stuff lying around for a week or so, just ran what was shaken down at the bottom, wasn't even properly dried, wasn't 'trim' really.. but this is what turned out in just a few seconds. Not bad, eh?

This was something I did from week old moist trim because I was impatient.. didn't even dry it proper.. hence a few bits I don't like in there..


I am doing this with mediocre, un-prepped trim most times because most are impatient, including myself lol. Give me high quality trim and properly dry material, and my method will basically yield the best product you can envision ever attaining from the cannabis plant.

:hump: :joint: :peace:

I'd gladly give my left hip away for a fist full of 99.9% Glandular Heads..
Every time I look at these damn pics ......
I seriously go on the search for screen sets and just get frustrated at the price.

Might have to just do a DIY set..
I got some extra time on my hands...

Are your new mesh #s close to the old ones?
I'm not asking for your exact numbers brotha..

A little help for an out of work, physically disabled hash lover?
Bad rep for everybody to see and coming from a name in the industry. Not good for business!
I am supposed to give a visit with TC and do a video on the technique next month, curious to meet the Dude in Denver on 4/20.
I have some Frost Bags in for review, I will be doing a giveaway on Instagram giving a 5 gallon set away. I would do it here but I think it's against the rules.

Has anyone used this company?

I'd gladly give my left hip away for a fist full of 99.9% Glandular Heads..
Every time I look at these damn pics ......
I seriously go on the search for screen sets and just get frustrated at the price.

Might have to just do a DIY set..
I got some extra time on my hands...

Are your new mesh #s close to the old ones?
I'm not asking for your exact numbers brotha..

A little help for an out of work, physically disabled hash lover?

Where do you live? You can't find anything locally? I shipped to Australia and it was only 100 bucks. That same guy told me b.man tried to charge him close to 300 so that's why he checked mine out. He is stoked thus far.

The new mesh numbers are somewhat close to the old ones, yeah. Of course, the 'old' ones were really more a suggestion on where to start ya know.. I never personally used those sizes, at least have not in the past few years anyways.

Send me a message on FB @ Dry Sift Wizard or shoot me an email through the website and we can chat further. Cheers.
Warmachine he is just a hater. People were spending 40 minutes carding tiny amounts to get quality that wasn't even on par with what I could produce in 15 seconds. LOL.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, eh.

Problem is he thinks he's doing it right.. and he's not. Nor using the correct sizes.. at least not what I use or offer.

@guitarisgr8 - I do not like frozen products for sifting. The leaf comes out far too brittle in my experience, but you are always welcome to try.

This was the same 4 handfuls i've been running all week, all produced in ~80+ degree weather in my kitchen. No carding and no refining, 3-5 minutes produces around a G of full melt to get me through the entire day start to finish. The second grade you get at the same time is still decent to puff as well and still bubbles a tiny bit after 5 times through.

Can you tell which was the first run and which was the 5th? Heh.





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Damn bro...

That shit looks fiyyyyaaaa!!

Totally agree on carding...
Who the hell would wanna spend 45 mins carding sift, over and over and over..

Carding is counter-intuitive to this process, but fuck...(lol)

He produces amazing results.. But I'll be damned if spend 45 mins for . 3 .4 grams of hash.

I'll be in contact soon, thanks brotha!
You are quite right. In his video his yield stinks because he isn't doing it correctly at all. The whole point of my method is that the stalks fall sideways and the heads find holes in that mess to fall through, using surface area and small amounts of trim as your allies.
What he did was force 1000x too much material onto a screen that's half the size of mine and attempt to replicate a method that was 100% designed by me and then try to claim it doesn't yield well or any of that. I had multiple people on ICM claiming over 10% yields at this quality level all day long, the problem was that most didn't dry their products out enough to begin with, and it matters a great deal.

I ran 1/4 of the material, or less than he did, at a far, FAR lower quality level (Outdoor, Sativa, last years stuff, wasn't well cared for, had been handled and such, had fans in it, was 80+* inside, etc.) and yielded far more than he did using much crappier starting material.

He put the screens back to back and then commented on how the stalks and stems were sticking out of the mesh.. well yeah because he didn't do it correctly and left basically no opening between the screens. The whole point is that the drop to the next screen of about two inches allows long contaminant to fall sideways naturally sideways in the air, not get stuck in the bottom screen lmfao.

He calls me negative and aggressive yet jacked my tek after telling me he was going to. Seriously? What kinda person does that? Who bans you from every website and channel you have simply to prevent you from telling the truth? That you don't need to believe his lies and garbage?

He was telling people on his latest video that his screens are 'special for hash making' and that normal screens from an art supply shop or whatever wouldn't work, and that they had to buy his stuff. When I asked what was different about them he banned me from his youtube and called me a dickhead, that was about a week ago.

He just uses his name to promote stuff that wasn't even his idea and pretend he's some kinda awesome hash maker. Ok, scratch that.. he's good at hash. Stick to that and leave the dry sifting to people who understand what's happening.

The moment I saw him teaching people to grind up buds so he could sell you a product to remove the contaminants you just MADE ON PURPOSE I knew he was a follower and notthing else. If he had any good ideas over the past few years himself he would have introduced them, not copied mine poorly and pretend to throw me a bone while trying to put me out of business.
I feel ya DSW, he did do it quiet a bit different than you did.. I can see why you don't agree with how he does things. Your procedure deff did produce a nice clean sift though. It makes me want to try it but I don't think I have enough bud/material to justify buying new screens and such just to try sadly.

I don't agree with him though trying to sell the idea as his by selling his own screens as if he came up with it...
The funny thing is that all of you hash makers have never taken the time to study traditional techniques and you are all thinking that you are reinventing the game.
Check up Afghani dry sieve techniques or may be Lebanese or Moroccan to give you some perspectives.
100% agreement.

My first study of hashish unfortunately was learned through Cervantes.

^ A very basic, poor means of collecting resin from the cannabis plant.

2nd was Rize's method.

While MUCH better than Cervantes' it still lacked the” basics of hashish”.

And then I finally found a true Legend Of Hashish, A guy named Frenchy Cannoli...

Ever hear of this guy?..(haha)

But, in all seriousness, You, Frenchy; have inspired sooooo many people to revert back to true Hashish, not Ice Wax, nor Bubble Hash, but real true pressed, activated hashish.

Since, I have purchased the first volume of The Legends of Hashish.
If you want to learn Hashish, these books that seem dated are the real deal.

There is a very good reason that Hashish has been utilized across the globe for thousands of years.

I truly believe that Frenchy Cannoli has been one of the strongest influences in the cannabis community.

The impact of your original thread and You-Tube presentation displaying your Hashish is of Astronomical Proportions.

I want to again thank you for your passion and contributions to our community.

I honestly believe that you have impacted the world of cannabis concentrates in such a prolific manner,

The greatest impact on the world of extracts since the explosion (no pun intended) of BHO.

And perhaps more importantly, reverting oil makers into hashish makers.

Cheers to you, DSW, even B-man and Rize.

Pure cannabis resin without solvents, is the purest, most aromatic concentrate hands down.

I will always love hash and oil however.

Just gained a stronger passion for Hashish as of late.

Through vaporization..
I've learned Hashish is absolutely the purest flavor obtainable.

Even my very best oil...while having an amazing flavor...

The floral essence of pressed hashish is Heavenly. If done correctly, BHO doesn't even compare.
Nobody is claiming to be reinventing the techniques. Simply introducing a new one.

I had never seen what i'm doing anywhere in any book, which is why I decided to let it out. I would love to see another method where you can pull 5-15% at that purity in roughly 10-15 seconds.

If there is another, please share! I'd love to check it out as well, always good to learn :)

Texas - that looks great dude, from grinder kief? Wow.
Nobody is claiming to be reinventing the techniques. Simply introducing a new one.

I had never seen what i'm doing anywhere in any book, which is why I decided to let it out. I would love to see another method where you can pull 5-15% at that purity in roughly 10-15 seconds.

If there is another, please share! I'd love to check it out as well, always good to learn :)

Texas - that looks great dude, from grinder kief? Wow.

Traditional techniques may take a little longer than 15 sec. of work but will deliver considerably higher quality and quantity. Outside the fact that you are stacking your screens and use specific microns you are just sieving. If I understand well the main point of your technique is to have the stalk separate themselves from the trichomes heads while passing through your stacked screens so what about not sieving the stalk in the first place?
This is the definition of the word sieve in the Webster Dictionnary:
A sieve is a device with meshes or perforations through which finer particles of a mixture (as of ashes, flour, or sand) of various sizes may be passed to separate them from coarser ones, through which the liquid may be drained from liquid-containing material, or through which soft materials may be forced for reduction to fine particles
After reading the definition of the word do you still feel like you are introducing anything new?
Sirdab I really appreciate the love but you are making too much of me but hopefully the knowledge I am sharing will have that much of an impact in the hash community.
Hey Frenchy, I just have to ask, do you have any product in any Bay Area dispensaries right now? If this is somehow against RIU rules, you can PM me. Thanks.