A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

You can achieve the quality using my method. To say it can be better.. well show me? I never see high end sift shots.. Sam had the best ones for years and years and until I brought this up.. I just never saw them? I have no doubt they exist, but I dunno where.. Any links? I think everyone wouldn't mind seeing more lol..

How much better does it need to get? Those pieces of contaminant I can count on one hand? C'mon.

This was a buddies very first try using my method to my knowledge. It's on FB if you know who this is.. Just sayin'..

I know there are other ways of acquiring high end product, but the time involved is certainly where people love to cut corners.. this helps people kinda do that, that's all.


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I want to thank you guys for sharing this info as I would not know the potential of dry sift without it. I am flipping all my time and research into dry sift instead of BHO. It's time to go back to square one.
I can't wait to give this a go. I will admit, this method is very simple for someone looking to achieve full melt.

If you guys have other teks, feel free to share them.
Daub Marley check out Dry Sift Wizard on FB or on IG. Or the site itself.. Or youtube dry sift wizard tutorial 2 .. I go through it step by step on what i'm doing exactly and kinda commentate. It's basic but you'll get the point if you haven't seen it yet or were confused at all by the write up I did. Cheers.
Sparc in SF have some Pinot Noir and will get tomorrow the Black Label and Pure Kush from Aficionado that I have been showing on my thread, 70 on Second St in SF has quite a collection of my hash
Sirdab I really appreciate the love but you are making too much of me but hopefully the knowledge I am sharing will have that much of an impact in the hash community.

You are quite welcome Frenchy!!
But, your influence is perhaps greater than you may think.

You are very humble my friend.

But, take a look at your join date on RIU, as soon as people saw /read your original thread...

The water hash community doubled .. Mini washing machine sales probably increased 3 fold & Your Specific line of Bubble Bags were flying off the shelf.

Although, I had studied Ice Water Extractions prior to that thread...

When I saw my first Cannoli, I was bound and determined to try, I'm sure MANY members will say the same.

This comment only makes me respect and admire your contributions even more, Cheers Frenchy!!!

One of these days, I want to shake your hand, and thank you personally.
You are quite welcome Frenchy!!
But, your influence is perhaps greater than you may think.

You are very humble my friend.

But, take a look at your join date on RIU, as soon as people saw /read your original thread...

The water hash community doubled .. Mini washing machine sales probably increased 3 fold & Your Specific line of Bubble Bags were flying off the shelf.

Although, I had studied Ice Water Extractions prior to that thread...

When I saw my first Cannoli, I was bound and determined to try, I'm sure MANY members will say the same.

This comment only makes me respect and admire your contributions even more, Cheers Frenchy!!!

One of these days, I want to shake your hand, and thank you personally.
Thanks my friend and we will meet the world is small and the US even smaller.
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Daub Marley check out Dry Sift Wizard on FB or on IG. Or the site itself.. Or youtube dry sift wizard tutorial 2 .. I go through it step by step on what i'm doing exactly and kinda commentate. It's basic but you'll get the point if you haven't seen it yet or were confused at all by the write up I did. Cheers.
I will. Thanks!
His screen sizes are nowhere near mine, unless he changed and is now offering kits using my sizes, though I don't know why. His tek and my sizes will never ever work.

I am against carding simply because it breaks up fragments even smaller when you do so. You can refine if you want but i'm not a fan. :)

So what micron size screen are you using for the top and for the bottom? I want to try this method. I have a 120 micron screen, would this be usable for the top? the bottom?
Got a question or 2. You say no carding, then I don't understand the wipe on wipe off maneuver. Or the moving of the material to the corner. So what is the exact means of moving the material over the screen??

Also I'm trying to get a good idea on the actual size of your sieves. Lines per inch are dependent on the diameter of the lines for a micron size. 200 seems way to large from what I've done, but I'm here to learn.

I get my screens from Victory Factory. Here's a chart they have showing lpi and filament dia. and resulting micron openings
Ok haha.. wow what a damn weekend in Denver!!

DWG707.. My sizes.. are close to work bag status. Top screen closer to 220u.. bottom in the 190u area.. somewhere in there anyways.. not totally sure on the conversion.. close to 65-75lpi and 75-95lpi.. respectively..

WattSaver.. I do not card. Every picture you will ever see from me was made using 2 screens, 10-15 second sift. Basically what you are doing is trying to gently separate the long stalks from the round heads.. by simply moving the stuff around the top screen, what happens is the long stalks fall down.. they catch in the air and fall sideways.. they fall across the holes and by not bumping, vibrating, etc., you prevent them from 'dislodging' and falling through into your good stuff. When people shake and vibrate it helps this contaminant fall through.

Lpi is sometimes tricky.. the company I use makes custom lpi for me with 90 micron threads.. they are consistent with real lpi, as opposed to screens and meshes that are sometimes made with either thicker or thinner threads, which skew the lpi a hair. Obviously it will still work if it's close enough, but I really like the sizes I use and sell, I believe in them and I think the quality speaks for itself. Obviously the resin is only as good as you grow it, but even crap product leaf and such can be turned quickly and easily into very high quality, organic, truly solventless dry sift.


Also, thank you to Frenchy.. spent the entire flight back from Denver chatting it up over my method and hash in general.. dry sift, oil, ice wax.. yeah.. amazing flight.

Negative, no booth.. was just wandering around lol. I'll have a booth in Santa Rosa in June though!
The San Francisco event was moved to the Sonoma County fairgrounds, or my backyard.. quite stoked.
Just go to? Naw. But to smoke at booths, probably yeah. Most likely they do a 21+ type deal like in Denver.. show your MMJ card and get a wristband etc.