A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

D urbmon right about 60 bucks either size kit. I'll eat a few bucks if it goes over that, but i've sent a few up there and that's about right.

Cheers man.

Thanks MnH. This is on the top of my want list. Will likely be putting an order in the near future. Cheers!.
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Cheers man! Contact me through the site and i'll send you an invoice whenever you are ready. New website coming soon that will address all this stuff.. i'm terrible at web design lol..
Cheers man! Contact me through the site and i'll send you an invoice whenever you are ready. New website coming soon that will address all this stuff.. i'm terrible at web design lol..
How many grams of sift will you average per run? Also, what do you do with the bud after you run it? I saw online that bubbleman likes to turn it into coco butter. Thank you.
How many grams of sift will you average per run? Also, what do you do with the bud after you run it? I saw online that bubbleman likes to turn it into coco butter. Thank you.

Kinda depends on the material you are gonna run.. is it super duper frosty? I much prefer to run sugar leaf and popcorns vs. actual larger/dense nugs.. the 'destruction' if you will.. of larger nugs to 'release' those trichs.. just isn't worth it. That's where b.man got people, but making them think they had to grind stuff up, it provided him a base to say 'more screens' to filter it all 'back out' after PURPOSELY CREATING CONTAMINANT... it was an ass backwards method to begin with, and he duped quite a few people into believing that was the way to do it.

I got kinda fed up seeing this going on and decided to give up my method that eliminates all that nonsense. People keep telling me i'm not doing anything new, and that this has been around forever, but if that were truly the case, somebody else would have already made the threads I have and shown this method, and well.. they haven't. B.man took this method and introduced 'new' sizes to his lineup and started using this for himself to sell.. as have 2 others i've found doing the same thing. The screen sizes they are using are not what i'm currently offering. They can get you close, but I upgraded the method once people started to take it for themselves.

I had my own sizes made and they work quite a bit better. I had no intentions of doing anything like this, I gave the actual method up for free last August.. but once others tried to profit off of it I knew I had to do something, fuck that.

After i'm done sifting my stuff, I usually throw it through the ice bags or roll into joints. Still quality smoke given you didn't run it 5 or 6x.
Kinda depends on the material you are gonna run.. is it super duper frosty? I much prefer to run sugar leaf and popcorns vs. actual larger/dense nugs.. the 'destruction' if you will.. of larger nugs to 'release' those trichs.. just isn't worth it. That's where b.man got people, but making them think they had to grind stuff up, it provided him a base to say 'more screens' to filter it all 'back out' after PURPOSELY CREATING CONTAMINANT... it was an ass backwards method to begin with, and he duped quite a few people into believing that was the way to do it.

I got kinda fed up seeing this going on and decided to give up my method that eliminates all that nonsense. People keep telling me i'm not doing anything new, and that this has been around forever, but if that were truly the case, somebody else would have already made the threads I have and shown this method, and well.. they haven't. B.man took this method and introduced 'new' sizes to his lineup and started using this for himself to sell.. as have 2 others i've found doing the same thing. The screen sizes they are using are not what i'm currently offering. They can get you close, but I upgraded the method once people started to take it for themselves.

I had my own sizes made and they work quite a bit better. I had no intentions of doing anything like this, I gave the actual method up for free last August.. but once others tried to profit off of it I knew I had to do something, fuck that.

After i'm done sifting my stuff, I usually throw it through the ice bags or roll into joints. Still quality smoke given you didn't run it 5 or 6x.
I thought bubbleman runs all fresh frozen nugs...now I'm a bit confused. What is your most flavorful micron sift? I have yet to try...Beyond jealous! Thank for the information. Can't wait to learn more.
That's the beauty of my method as well.. for the same reason Frenchy skips certain bags in his ice wax process, I also do this in my dry sift method.

Most people were geared towards carding over multiple screens.. so yeah you ended up with so many goddamn different grades it got to be sorta dumb.. same with ice wax.. you just don't need all those bags.. you want trichomes and just trichomes.. period.

My method allows for larger screens (coarser) to be used to collect more of an array of sizes.. you aren't limited to just one size/particular effect.. you get all sizes and relative effects of those trichomes.. and much like Frenchy says his hash has a more 'whole' high to it, the same applies here.

Not a fan of separating into many different grades.. one melty grade with all trichome sizes would be ideal, and that is precisely what my method achieves.

Fresh frozen is for making bubble.. we are talking super duper, dried/cured product to start with..
Yeah it's ridiculous man.. the thread had a bunch of great replies and although heated, it was fine, nobody was calling names or anything.. the issue is that I mentioned somebody probably screwed with my account.. all of a sudden the PW didn't work on my last name, when I had a mod try to recover it, the email was changed to @nowhere.com which is obviously not a real email, and it wouldn't have let me register like that, which means somebody is screwing with me.

Then in that thread 4 or 5 others who are well known on there mentioned that b.man would no longer be getting their support, and they had no idea he ripped me off etc.. once they all started to see that and hop on board the thread got wiped and I was IP banned once again for no reason at all.

He is a mod over there and basically is just trying to keep me from getting this information out there.

I've been kept from registering at a few sites as well due to him being a mod.. it's total crap. Bout to start my own forum and say whatever I fuggin' want.. he can bite me
Wasn't there a thread just created on icmag like Sunday where someone wanted to know where your original thread went? I can't seem to even find that thread and if that thread is also deleted then there is def. something fishy going on. I probably didn't look in the right spot though so you should see if you can find it.
Daub that is the thread where people hopped on him.. it's gone now so nobody can see that others know he copied me and is trying to profit for himself when I had no intentions of doing so..

And of course, still ip banned.. lol. wtf man..
It rhymes with 'trouble man' ...

Ahem. Guy jacked his money maker from Mila and Eldon originally.. now this.. among others.. gave it up for free, and he tried to profit off it.. fucking sad. Not his method, nor his idea.. I gave it up free, and he tried to run with it.. just unreal dude...even called me names and such in his youtube vid.. lol. All to make money off my method I gave up free of charge.. wtf??

Now i'm being banned when OTHER PEOPLE talk about him... lmfao!!!!!

I hope this is ok.. keep an eye on drysiftwizard.com .. I'll have a forum up soon. Just for sifting. People like that.... they don't belong in this community...
Sad that there is actually somebody out there who wouldn't want this available to everyone.. no carding, no refining, no nothing.. courtesy of @dabthirty goddamn.. last years outdoor flowers, he was shocked at how well my method worked.. love to see this..

Trash to stash on my kit.. carding lolololol stop it..






Imagine what you can do with nice indoor trim.. or even nice outdoor trim haha.
Stop it haha. I'm broke AF right now and I want dem screens so bad. I feel like this 90%+ pure heads is the next level. I can taste the terps from here!!!!!!!!
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