A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

I have to apologize DSW you were not the rude dude at the Santa Rosa High Times Cup, he was the only person that I kind of recognized,who acted like he knew me and did not introduce himself which made me believe that it must have been you. I saw him again this weekend at the Hempcon and made sure it was not you. I still don't understand why you did not introduce yourself since we were supposed to meet but at the same time I don't really care. As you have seen I have a hot Mediterranean temper, wrong button at the wrong time. My offer was not to compete with you but to show different dry sieve techniques side by side, to make a video and an article of the session, I would have actually be promoting your process which I thought was vital for you since you are always complaining about people ripping you off.
Anyway as an apology here is another invitation if you want to see me do some sieving. I will have a live dry sieve demo at Area 101 Saturday sometimes in the afternoon. Tim Blake is reopening the place as a dispensary and they are also having a Farmer Market "Grand Opening", starting at 2pm. This is an event that you do not want to miss if you live anywhere in Northern Cali. Don't forget to bring your magnifying tool if you come and some of your dry sieve to judge the quality of your work by other mean than pictures but most importantly introduce yourself.

Fair enough.. and thank you. From my end i'm over it.. I think in this industry could very much use more educational/instructional videos and I for one would love to be a part of that.

I think we can all get a bit heated at times, especially on the keyboard when we really.. well.. can say almost anything we want.lol. Understandable and i'm just as guilty.. so I also apologize for anything i've said. I greatly respect you and everything you've done for people around the globe and I want you to know that.. for real.. that is why I searched you out and talked all the way home on the plane.. I DID want to learn. Always willing to.

I just saw this as i've been super busy the past few weeks.. so sadly I missed that, but there will be another chance soon at the em. cup if you attend, and i'm sure you will be. :)

Also, I would like to congratulate @Cubangrower for his 3rd place best US Non Solvent dry sift this weekend in Seattle usin one of my kits.. absolutely stoked to see that happen in a day where sift doesn't really get the love it deserves.

Cheers buddy if you see this!!
Yeah i've talked to him, and indeed it's one of my kits.. i'm pretty stoked to see people banging this out not only quickly, but being able to get this on their very first runs and such.. almost no learning curve..

Thanks for posting man, so damn fire.

Also.. would like to point out.. it wasn't *entirely my kit that took 3rd in Seattle.. I probably should have clarified haha.. it was used to get the first 97% purity or so (lol) and then he used a little touch of his own to further refine, although also using my 3rd screen. I know for a fact he used a little trick of his own that is similar to what Sam is doing.. that last 1% or so is a real bitch lol..

However, for the masses, I don't think anyone should be too ashamed of being able to bang out 97 or 98% purity in a matter of seconds.. I know i'm not.. and this is why I am so proud that it was used as a part of this winning combination..

Eventually this will be the standard I believe.. I can't wait to see almost everyone doing this as a normal thing.

There is nothing quite like super high quality dry sift smoke. I'm partial/bias though lol.

Oilmakr you are now ignored. Thanks for posting your dirty, nasty fingernails in my thread though. We know you make garbage, we saw already when you solvent-loaded Matt's thread as well.. go away.
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Looking forward to giving this a run. Many thanx for sharing this process with us,

Damn, watching that hit in that vid gave me a contact high..lol

Peace and Sift it DRY!!!!!!!!

Asmallvoice you are very welcome sir.. it needs to be seen by more people, and sadly it's been erased multiple times over at other forums because others wanted to profit off of this for themselves while suppressing the information or who I am..

This has given people another quick and easy option to make amazing quality sift in a matter of seconds/minutes, and cuts out all the long process of carding through multiple screens repeatedly. (carding still has it's place, don't get me wrong)

Eventually this will be the standard for everyone, much like the water bag is currently for making high quality hash.


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Being as you cant be respectful and keep your bs out of other peoples threads ill answer you here. You say no one can make clean bho then you say most of entries failed so obviously some people can make it proper. You have a big mouth and are an arrogant jerk thats why you keep getting banned. Im tired of your crap. Woohoo you found away to do something people have been doing for 1000 years man wow i bow to you.
And to answer your question no im not a chemist but i am currently enrolled in some organic chemistry classes. Are you a chemist?
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Being as you cant be respectful and keep your bs out of other peoples threads ill answer you here. You say no one can make clean bho then you say most of entries failed so obviously some people can make it proper. You have a big mouth and are an arrogant jerk thats why you keep getting banned. Im tired of your crap. Woohoo you found away to do something people have been doing for 1000 years man wow i bow to you.
And to answer your question no im not a chemist but i am currently enrolled in some organic chemistry classes. Are you a chemist?

I can be respectful, but i'm not going to advocate making poison on a public forum like you do. *shocker*

I have a big mouth? Lol. I'm a jerk? Lol. Maybe.. but is it wrong what i'm saying? Hmm.. nope. You just don't like it ;)

I found a way to do something people have been doing 1000 years? Lol. Almost chief. Is this like you guys making poison butane oil in your backyard when people were making honey oil back in the 60's with everclear and shit?

Actually nobody was doing this method of mine, that's why it's such a big deal and everyone is copying it/ripping me off recently.. or are they just doing that for fun because like, you know.. it's been around forever like you say? Whoops., you're wrong again aren't you?

But let me guess.. you ran down to your local store and picked up some canned tane because everyone else is doing it right? You're not a chemist, and you're nowhere near educated enough to have any clue on what you are doing, that's why you are coming off as an asshat. I speak truth and fact, you speak conjecture and bullshit. You DO realize making chemicals extracts here in California is ILLEGAL right? And has been the entire time?

Just because 1 or 2 people out of 35 pass their RST's doesn't mean.. as you put it "it's being made proper all over the place".. uhh, no, it's not, otherwise more than fucking 1% of entries would pass their testing, haha.

Speaking of testing, here is the latest results from 3rd place in Seattle using my kit, it was a dry sift that tested over 80% total cannabinoids and did not require any chemicals or solvents. *gasp*

Props to @Cubangrower once again for coming to the same conclusion.. open your mind and good things happen.

your still a dick, and the masses like BHO......
and its only the shatter entries that fail....

You're*.. and the masses still like bho? That's nice, what's gonna happen when people are getting arrested for making it/distributing it in the near future? Eh?

Much like the poison most of you are producing, surely you don't give a damn. The only reason people make it is because it yields well and people get something decent off their crap herb they don't know how to grow. Molds, pesticides, other systemic chemicals jam packed into their gardens.. then run it through some hydrocarbons.. sounds awesome.

It's only the shatter entries that fail? So what you're saying is you can break down the chemistry of why that happens and why a budder or wax passes right? Or is this just your 'observation' yet you cannot tell us why?

I got 10 bucks that says it's the latter. If i'm a dick for asking for proof and chemistry then you're ignorant for believing everything you read on the internet.

Post your lab sheets. Do you have any? Or are you another one who spends a thousand dollars a week on canned butane but can't 'afford' to test your shit?

LOL.. you guys are funny
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First off cubangrower used part of your tek then refined to take 3rd place until someone solely uses your tek and wins anything shut the fuck up and stop riding coat tails. bho is outlawed in CA so what? There are plenty of people here with chem backgrounds who can argue science with you. Your proof that all bho is poison is cause at one event most shatters failed? Wheres your proof that clean bho cant be accomplished? Using your own logic ive seen plenty of garbage hash all over this country does that mean all hash makers are producing garbage? No it doesnt. The issue at hand is your holier than thou attitude. Theres plenty of other hashmakers here that prefer hash over bho you dont see them jumping on every bho thread talking shit, do you? Your bs is was causes your issues. Like i said before stick to your drysift thread and no one would have any issue with you. Enough said im done with this argument.
First off cubangrower used part of your tek then refined to take 3rd place until someone solely uses your tek and wins anything shut the fuck up and stop riding coat tails. bho is outlawed in CA so what? There are plenty of people here with chem backgrounds who can argue science with you. Your proof that all bho is poison is cause at one event most shatters failed? Wheres your proof that clean bho cant be accomplished? Using your own logic ive seen plenty of garbage hash all over this country does that mean all hash makers are producing garbage? No it doesnt. The issue at hand is your holier than thou attitude. Theres plenty of other hashmakers here that prefer hash over bho you dont see them jumping on every bho thread talking shit, do you? Your bs is was causes your issues. Like i said before stick to your drysift thread and no one would have any issue with you. Enough said im done with this argument.

Lol? Too many things in here to correct.. but i'll just leave this here so everyone can see what a dipshit you are and how far out of your ass you are talking. We know he refined it further, ON MY REFINING SCREEN.. then he used a static trick to clean up the last 1%. But you're right, I should be ashamed people are only pulling 97/98% purity in a matter of seconds on MY OLD SETUP.. he was one of the first 10 customers and i've since changed out my bottom mesh, I already told him i'd be sending him a new one and how impressed I was that he managed to even get that clean on the old one. You honestly have no idea what you're talking about lol.

And yes, your argument is completely flawed. You are comparing 'dirty' hash to 'dirty' bho, except that only one of them contains hydrocarbons and petrochemicals, that's why nobody bitches about not so fire water hash or sift.. you are just not bright enough to make this connection through your incessant bullshit ramblings.


I still see no lab sheets from your testing. So you're claiming you can tell me and everyone else how to make a *guaranteed* zero PPM bho? Love how 'truth' is somehow an 'attitude' though.

I'll wait.
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lol all you got is grammatical errors.. and no i do not spend thousands of dollars on canned butane in a month, your ignorance on the subject matter is rather funny.

your still a dick, ill stay out of your treads stay out of mine

Rize stays in his threads and out of the BHO threads you should do the same.
lol all you got is grammatical errors.. and no i do not spend thousands of dollars on canned butane in a month, your ignorance on the subject matter is rather funny.

your still a dick, ill stay out of your treads stay out of mine

Rize stays in his threads and out of the BHO threads you should do the same.

No, what I have is you and the other guy both refusing to prove to us that you understand chemistry, let alone actually test your products.

Sweet lab sheets, btw.

I'm glad Matt does that. In case you haven't noticed, i'm not him.
alright then, i will spend the 140 to have my shit tested, it will not be this week or next but give it 2 weeks time and ill get it done.
alright then, i will spend the 140 to have my shit tested, it will not be this week or next but give it 2 weeks time and ill get it done.

No need man.. all I wanted was to be sure I was correct all along in thinking most do not test already, yet claim they make clean meds.

It's just conjecture. Fine by me, do whatever you want lol.
lol, well my friend you got me, have fun with people ripping you off your shit lol, if you really are superior it wouldn't matter that everyone rips off what you do, but since it is simple anyone can do it... you are no longer superior your just a guy that will fade away.... the future will tell and its not really going in your direction is it? the guy that used your way still got 3rd right to what?
lol, well my friend you got me, have fun with people ripping you off your shit lol, if you really are superior it wouldn't matter that everyone rips off what you do, but since it is simple anyone can do it... you are no longer superior your just a guy that will fade away.... the future will tell and its not really going in your direction is it? the guy that used your way still got 3rd right to what?

Pretty good logic there.. so what LPI are my screens? 4 people know, and you are not one of them.

The future will tell.. and being that dry sift is gaining popularity while bho is getting outlawed and people arrested for making it, you'd have to imagine more will be going the way of the natural extract vs. chemical in the future, that's pretty much a given. All I have to do is look at my first 4 months vs. my last 4 months in kit sales, and the fact that it's jumped 700% in the same timeframe, and interest is at an all time high.

Yes, he took 3rd place with his sift.. a guy who picked up a kit in February.. and likely only had a couple crops to mess with prior to entering. Considering he was basically a brand new add to the sift game, i'd say that's pretty impressive, no? I've been doing this for 12 years.. are you claiming that all icewax makers are just as good as Nikka or Matt or Frenchy or whoever else? Unlike you bho guys, there is an artform to making true hashish. You guys spray chemicals into a dish and then stick it in an oven and wait.

He likely already learned a ton just in that one competition and likely understands even further how to utilize what he has.. that's what you do, you learn and get better. Just about every single picture in this thread of 95-99% heads was all basically by first timers.. it's not like these people are veterans of years and years of practice. Just wait ;)

The simple fact that anyone can easily, and basically -instantly- make full melt sift is going to win a lot of people over. No drying, purging, waiting, etc.

Even the cleanest bho will still have small trace amounts of chemicals. Fact.
Let me weigh in here.
Solvent extractions have their place. Its easy, you can run very large batches for cheap, and you can remove the waxes, dirt, mold spores, even bacteria. Butane is exceedingly safe for consumption and it is not a poison. Its almost as safe as CO2 but CO2 doesn't explode. Ethanol could be considered a poison and is used to remove the waxes. It boils at a much higher temperature than butane and is much harder to purge without losing all your terpenes. This is why the shatters failed the RST. Considering that we drink ethanol, I would say that having a little left in your extract it probably much less harmful.
Solvent-less extractions also have unique benefits. They are legal in most respects, and If you want to retain all of the terpenes that are naturally in the trichome then you cannot use a solvent. The waxy coating of the trichome gets dissolved and releases the terpenes which escape with the purging solvent (which acts as a carrier agent). There is really no way to save them because adding them back in presents a new problem. Terpenes will act as a solvent with the cannabinoids and will make your extract gooey and hard to handle. Plus the highly volatile terpenes will just evaporate unless special precautions are met to prevent it.
The downsides to physical trichome extraction is that it is very laborious and unable to handle much volume. Contamination can also be impossible to remove and you must inspect all material closely, but food products are way worse in my opinion. It is also a lower yield overall, and increasing it usually causes contamination problems and kills your quality.
If I had to spend my $$$ then I would buy the 99% dry sift.
this process is great for small scale hash making but it isn't for the big boys who have to process pounds, of fresh material

I really wish your attitude would change, its definitely the real reason behind getting you banned

it would be great to have you as a productive member of this forum rather than someone trolling around trying to sell something

honestly you need someone else working the keyboard because the BHO bashing marketing technique isn't working here

hell im sure most people who bought your kits still make BHO as well
I know I do

it is all preference lets leave it at that, your kits will sell regardless