A question for Libertarians.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA! The chemistry and physics undergrad prerequisites for medical school are tougher than all of law school. You either know it or you don't, and you have to know it very well to build upon it during the next semester. It's not like some bullshit philosophy class.

Do you really think that going to some third-tier toilet law school is harder than med school? rofl.
I don't know, I've never been to medical school.

Yeah, law has no pre recs, but the process it's self is said to be more challenging than medical school.

The hard part about becoming a doctor happens right after you graduate medical school.


Well-Known Member
like bignbushy and nutes&nugs, you are a simple closeted homosexual racist republican.
LMFAO....you can't stand being called out, so you revert to name calling...typical Liberal retort.....registered Independent, happy married Hetero who lives in reality, not ideology.....you are a laughingstock.


Well-Known Member
beating a dead horse will have to do until he gets his own room (projected date of own room: ages 58-59 or so) and can beat his diminutive member in peace.
Speaking of beating a dead horse, you are usually the first one to bring up Ron or Rand Paul. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

During the summer my law school offered a summer class in federal income taxation.

None of the faculty on staff were qualified to teach it.

There is a law professor who lives in Tennessee, but taught in a law school in Chicago.

They hired him. He said he would do it the exact same way he did at his top 50 law school.

Well I had discovered high octane pain pills like 3 weeks before the class, so I slept through the mid term. 20 percent of the grade.

Time for the final, same thing. Only this time I went in. I was an hour late. I spent one hour on the test and couldn't think of anything else to write. I left an hour early.

I got my grades back, I got a B+ for the course.

There were people who were studying hard through out the entire term. Worked 10 times harder than me, and got a D or C.

Yeah, we're all just perfectly equal in our abilities.
so, are you looking for a pat on the back because you were a shitty student and got over on the students who worked?


Well-Known Member
That is only half true.

There is an excess of law schools right now. They are so much cheaper to open compared to dental, Medical or just about any other kind of professional school.

the problem is, technology has enabled medicine and the other things to specialize more heavily today and means one lawyer can do the work 20 lawyers did 20 years ago.

however, there's only one top 100 Law School in Knoxville Tennessee, and everyone I know who graduated is doing pretty good. Working long hours, but not a one is going to make under 60,000 dollars this year, other than the ones who started their own practice right out of the gate, they could.

But the truth is, and anyone who has done both will tell you this, law school is quite a bit harder than medical school. I've met several people with md and jd behind their names. That's what each has said.
i disagree. medical courses require a grading system 5% above the norm. example: A=92-100


Well-Known Member
so, are you looking for a pat on the back because you were a shitty student and got over on the students who worked?
No, I'm saying that if we were all equal, I would have failed.

In Law school you are graded against the class. Depending on the professor, a B+ ranks you from 2nd to 5th, you aren't graded against the test.

I had an aptitude for income tax law. There were other classed where my slacking cost me, and i got a few C.

We all have slightly different abilities.


Well-Known Member
i disagree. medical courses require a grading system 5% above the norm. example: A=92-100
In law school only one or sometimes two students are going to earn an A. Sometimes none will.

These guys (and gals) that get a jd and a md are like super competitive a types.

They want straight A's.

They might have been saying it's harder to finish law school toward the top of your class than it is to do so in medical school.