I thought the ops' post was a bit pretentious, arrogant and topped of with a bit of sucking up leading to a flame bate waiting to happen

I would have almost expected more trolling then thusfar >_>
You can't just say everywhere in a some place is good weed (well, you do, but anyway), maybe, just maybe, your hanging around witht he right crowd, and that the colorado connections you uphold are of bit higher standards then certain others.
Everywhere is good and bad stuff.
For you to experience your eneviroment and connections as high quality maybe says more about RIU then it does about colorado.
Seems to be the good one's have been uniting here hehehe.
Great to see the colorado folks sticking together though.
But this is just a forum section with most likely is just a ~0,005% representation of Colorado's herb smoking and growing population and it is not an accurate estimation of the quaility indicating figures..
Salute to them colorado growing and smoking fanatics here, keep it up you, I've been hearing good things ^_^
Aaanyway ...
I wanna see that bong too.