A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

The tables shows the portion OVER 35k is taxed at 25% He made 28k (or so he claims). FAIL

i'll have to look back, but i believe $28k is what i made after all taxes.

otherwise my earnings would not have been taxed at 25%, as i clearly showed was the case.

i never really pay attention to my taxes, as they are fair and unlike robroy and beenthere (et al), i am not a freeloader. but i clearly know that i was taxed at 25%, and that my effective taxes were around 22% or so. i know this because i ran a calculation after doing all my taxes and getting the refund.

and i believe the table shows *the 25% kicking in around $33k, not $35k. no need to lie, red.
My God, you don't know the difference between a marginal and an effective tax rate, do you?

the marginal tax rate on my income above $33k was 25%. that's federal only, dipshit.

as i stated, my effective tax rate was around 22%. about 22% of my earnings went to taxes. federal, state, medicare, SS, and others.

since the cap on SS stops at $108k, someone who makes hundreds of millions every year pays an EFFECTIVE social security and medicare tax of 0%. if you have any smarts, the guy making hundreds of millions pays 0% state taxes. but you still can't escape capital gains, and pay 15%, minus a whole bunch of dancing horse deductions and mandatory mormon church tithing. so 10-13%.

my wife has a 68 page tax return (including multiple state returns). i fill out a 1040ez.

you are a douche.

You called me a liar...but don't admit you did the same

that's because you are a liar, whereas see4 was simply pointing out the marginal tax rates in the IRS tax code.

are you this slow?

you lie. see4 points out facts. there is no equivalence between the two things.


i take 8-10 minutes to fill out a 1040ez every year.

i hope and wish for the day where i can send my CPA a ton of receipts on a fully legal cannabis operation, but i will wait for federal approval.

you are the one who is the wikipidia warrior on tax debates, all part of your uber-homosexual online persona.

nothing against gays, i just feel like you really just wanna see my penis.

i will show you my penis. just say the word.

but you need to make us pancakes first.
how about this for a tax analogy?

5 guys walk into a bar, each orders a draft beer for $2 a pop, each pays for his own, and nobody gets screwed over, and nobody gets a free ride.

or we could do it the Socialist way,

5 guys walk into a bar, order drinks at 2 rubles each, then when the bill comes, they drag the barkeep into the street, put him against a wall and shoot him as a dastardly capitalist counter-revolutionary, then grab the nearest peasant in reach, put him behind the bar and tell him to start pouring. and thus the glorious party leaders drink for free.
how about this for a tax analogy?

5 guys walk into a bar, each orders a draft beer for $2 a pop, each pays for his own, and nobody gets screwed over, and nobody gets a free ride.

or we could do it the Socialist way,

5 guys walk into a bar, order drinks at 2 rubles each, then when the bill comes, they drag the barkeep into the street, put him against a wall and shoot him as a dastardly capitalist counter-revolutionary, then grab the nearest peasant in reach, put him behind the bar and tell him to start pouring. and thus the glorious party leaders drink for free.

Run out of refills or what?
Fair enough. I was thinking of the units I've seen that come in a suitcase and can be plugged into other controls.

you're absolutely right many still do - and that provides a high degree of interoperability & redundancy. Both are still a viable option though.
the marginal tax rate on my income above $33k was 25%. that's federal only, dipshit.

as i stated, my effective tax rate was around 22%. about 22% of my earnings went to taxes. federal, state, medicare, SS, and others.

me: paid 22% last time i was a full timer making about $28k.

romney: makes $20 million: pays 13%.

How can you pay a 25% marginal rate on $33k when you stated many times you only made about $28k a year, like your quote above says?
Dude, you've lied so much you can't even keep up with them.

since the cap on SS stops at $108k, someone who makes hundreds of millions every year pays an EFFECTIVE social security and medicare tax of 0%.
What you are ignorant about is the fact there is no cap on medicare taxes paid by employers, we have to pay half of every employees medicare tax, the only cap is on our own, dipshit.

i fill out a 1040ez.

you are a douche. because you are a liar, whereas see4 was simply pointing out the marginal tax rates in the IRS tax code.

are you this slow?

you lie. see4 points out facts. there is no equivalence between the two things.

see4 knows about as much as you do about taxes, not very much.:lol::lol::lol:

You've got your ass handed to you on many occasions, yet not once have you been man enough to admit it.
You have zero credibility and are a joke.
see4 knows about as much as you do about taxes, not very much.:lol::lol::lol:

And you know about as much about running a millionaire dollar business as a liar would about lying about anything. The only thing that you are observably good it is lying. You certainly can't grow for shit, and then lie that you never seen my bud, even though you literally commented on it 2 days prior. You certainly don't run a business, and lie about what I stated about running a business and my earnings.

You are silly. My friend's 6 year old son is less annoying than you. And he knows more than you. And I'm willing to bet his weekly allowance is more than you make, putting a 6 year old in a higher income tax bracket than you.

You share nothing, you provide no detail to yourself, you only bitch about other people. You are a weak boy. You are weak minded, you lie, cheat and steal to get, what you think is, ahead in life. It's not working out for you, because in the end, you're still a sore loser. Honestly bro, you are one step away from being the next Finspoogy.
No. The burden off proof is not on him. He stated the claim. Just as in court, I can state a claim, and it is believed to be true until otherwise proven false.

So go run along little boy, go find that proof.
I have a 14" cock. It's true until proven wrong.
Me and my giant schlong have played pinball on the moon. It's true until proven wrong.

I hold the moon's pinball record!
Me and my giant schlong have played pinball on the moon. It's true until proven wrong.

I hold the moon's pinball record!

Nope. I can prove you have not been to the moon, unless of course you are stating you are an astronaut, and then you will need to let us know who you are.
And you know about as much about running a millionaire dollar business as a liar would about lying about anything. The only thing that you are observably good it is lying. You certainly can't grow for shit, and then lie that you never seen my bud, even though you literally commented on it 2 days prior. You certainly don't run a business, and lie about what I stated about running a business and my earnings.

You are silly. My friend's 6 year old son is less annoying than you. And he knows more than you. And I'm willing to bet his weekly allowance is more than you make, putting a 6 year old in a higher income tax bracket than you.

You share nothing, you provide no detail to yourself, you only bitch about other people. You are a weak boy. You are weak minded, you lie, cheat and steal to get, what you think is, ahead in life. It's not working out for you, because in the end, you're still a sore loser. Honestly bro, you are one step away from being the next Finspoogy.

Dude, is it my fault you jumped into a subject you obviously know very little about?
I was merely pointing out how stupid your buddy UncleBuck is when it comes to taxes, you're the one who put yourself in his company by trying to stick up for him, not me.

Throwing a tantrum because you got your ass handed to you, only makes it worse.

You certainly can't grow for shit, and then lie that you never seen my bud, even though you literally commented on it 2 days prior.

Why is it you guys keep bringing up growing in the politics forum, you and UncleBuck are always talking shit about other peoples gear.
When you get over a gram a watt indoors or do something interesting or outside the box, you can start talking smack about my grows.
Until then, if you can handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
The onus is on buck. He has been asked to prove his claim. He has failed thus far.

This isn't court, and if you want to go that route, you cannot ask for citations from anyone.
The onus is on buck. He has been asked to prove his claim. He has failed thus far.

This isn't court, and if you want to go that route, you cannot ask for citations from anyone.

When I ask for a citation I already know the answer. [most of the time]

Funny thing is, he has already proved it by post his pay stub. You people choose to ignore it.
When I ask for a citation I already know the answer. [most of the time]

Funny thing is, he has already proved it by post his pay stub. You people choose to ignore it.

Anyone can go to HR and claim exempt for their next check. If someone does that and then shows a picture of the stub on the internet, it doesn't mean that they pay no taxes. A picture of a stub means nothing. A person could claim zero and have extra tax money taken out. It all means nothing without seeing the tax return.
And the fact is that even if the rich paid equal %'s, people would still complain that they need to pay more because it's not fair. I do agree that the current tax system is beyond fucked though.

Beyond that, there are actually people out there who think that taxing a million+ salary warrants a 50%-60% tax. It's easy to follow that mentality if you lack dignity, and are the majority of people whom do not make 1 million dollar plus salaries. These same complainers would cry murder in the same situation, if they made million dollar salaries though, because it comes with the territory of the ignorance required by one, to believe in such a theory.

By the way, Santorum is a complete wack job.

Ask those same people if it is fair to tax their lottery winnings at that amount and they will cry bloody murder defending money they didnt even earn but won by luck...