A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?


Well-Known Member
good call with the folier i do the same thing @ transplant seems to help..

how long has it been since you had to water, day 1?


Well-Known Member
Hey Raggae....is that a blue brindle pit in your avatar? My homie has a good looking male that he studs. Just finished getting rid of a litter of 13!! :)


Well-Known Member
dang thats alot of pups.. yea he is a blue brindle.. i been wanting to find a bitch to breed with but no takers yet..


Well-Known Member
wow nice looking dog, he might be just a little bigger than mine.. shit, i didnt think that was posible.. nice looking litter too.. my boy was the pick of the litter he is 5 now


Well-Known Member
Yeah Duce is 4 and 6th generation bloodline. She didnt lose 1 pup, and all of them were healthy! Both have excellent dispositions. Good with small children.Homie has grandkids that ride him like a pony :) and he trains dogs too so protection & good family pets. Pits get a bad rap. Its not the dog....its the owner whos makin them menace to society


Well-Known Member
†LHAO† This is what happens when you have a forum full of potheads...you start off with a hypothesis, begin to test hypothesis, forget what your doing go off on a few hundred tangents, and then remember you had a hypothesis just in time to finish the experiment... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
good call with the folier i do the same thing @ transplant seems to help.

how long has it been since you had to water, day 1?

I was hoping it'd perk 'em up more than it did, but no such luck. Yeah, it's still the same water that I added on day 1, and by the look of it, it'll be 2-3 more. When I do water, I'm going to state how much I gave them, so you guys will all know the details. The fan is blowing on the front two,(FF) drying them out a little faster than the back two(MG), so I rotated them, and now the MG pots are in the front. I'm hoping this'll keep things even. because I'd like to have them on the same watering schedule, as well. I guess it's not that critical. It's about making the soils work, not the watering routine, so much. Right? Eh, I'm OCD though, and want perfection, damnit!!! :razz:


The only thing I wish I'd done different, is put them in party cups for a few days, letting them get a nice root system, first, before going to the big pots. I *might* throw one more in MG tomorrow, when I do a few others, so we'll see. Depends on how early I decide to hit the pipe, and if I feel like mixing any more dirt, or not.lol Hmm,.... Ya know, if I can't even mix a party cup full, there's a problem, isn't there?lol :bigjoint:

Yes, I'm rambling, so just bear with me. haha bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Prof, if you can't mix a party cup worth of dirt after you hit the pipe, that is some bad ass shit, and I want some... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yes! if they had more roots to begin with then they would start using up some of that water.. oh well, so we wait..


Well-Known Member
Yeah Duce is 4 and 6th generation bloodline. She didnt lose 1 pup, and all of them were healthy! Both have excellent dispositions. Good with small children.Homie has grandkids that ride him like a pony :) and he trains dogs too so protection & good family pets. Pits get a bad rap. Its not the dog....its the owner whos makin them menace to society
my dogs mom ate the head off one of her pups for bieng the weekling.. she was one mean bitch, but my boy is a gentle giant..


Well-Known Member
I use MG Organic Choice and my plants love it. I amend with worm castings and about 20% Perlite. I start my seeds in an organic seed starter mix in 9 oz Solo cups. After about 2 weeks, the seedlings lower leaves start to yellow and I transplant into MG. At that point, the yellowing disappears and the plants turn a luscious shade of green and the growth is phenomenal. MG does not burn plants, people do. For all of veg, all I add is FF Big Bloom and Cal-Mag. I would try FF soil but the price and the rarity of it here where I live make MG the best choice. Those that bash it either have never used it or they messed up somewhere. I top dress with a little lime, but only to stabilize PH. It's an awesome experience to pour 7.0 PH water into a pot and have it come out at 7.0 in the run off. :)


Well-Known Member
hey Serapis, been awhile, how you been? just worm castings and perlite, huh? I started my first grow with mg organic, and I liked it better than mg reg I'm using now, but I figured I'd add somethings...just those 2 sounds simple though...probably go with that for the grow I'm about to start...


Well-Known Member
hey Serapis, been awhile, how you been? just worm castings and perlite, huh? I started my first grow with mg organic, and I liked it better than mg reg I'm using now, but I figured I'd add somethings...just those 2 sounds simple though...probably go with that for the grow I'm about to start...
Hi Raven!!!! We have been missing each other in the threads I guess. Nice to see ya again...

Sounds like a good plan. The plants love the castings and I found a site online that sells 20 lbs for 20 bucks, shipped. The guy uses one of those prepaid post office priority mail boxes and fills it with castings. I wish they carried it at Lowe's or Home Depot!

If you guys haven't tried worm castings, consider it, especially if you are going to do a new grow. When transplanting I put MG in new pot, add layer of castings, place plant and more MG in and in a day you can see the difference. My plants do OK in straight MG too, but since I found castings online, I've been adding it for that extra edge/yield.


Well-Known Member
shoot me the link to the wormcasting guy, if its not a problem :blsmoke: I'm going to be making an order in a week of new beans and setup, figure now would be a good time to try...


I have started to blame MG for my troubles but dont know if thats it. I am using MG organic with 25% perlite.

First grow the seed popped and I stuck it in the soil. What I believe was probably too deep. When it didnt surface I was going to help it and in doing so I knocked off the shell of the seed. Then I waited another day and a half and killed the whole thing.

Second seed popped and I stuck it in the soil and promised not to touch it. I mist the soil everyday and it still hasnt come through after about 5 days.

Third seed just popped and am thinking about starting it in 1/3 perlite. 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 MG organic and see if that is any better. I am getting frustrated at buying all these seeds and cant get them past germination.