First of all, great thread, interesting and very legit as a discussion.
I agree to a certain level, why is it that many grow for themselfes, and show 10+ plants? But then again, it´s not up to me what, how, and why people do as they do.
What is good enough for me is that responsable people don´t sell to youngsters, just as they shouldn´t sell alcohol to minors..... If they don´t I would be happy to buy from them, but this in the end is probably one of the main reasons why marijuana/cannabis should be legalized.
Studies in Europe show that in countries that have decriminilized cannabis show less growth in consumers, further more The Netherlands is the only country that haven´t had a increase in heroin users for the last 20 years! This sustains my hypothesis that we as humans have moral boundries in our mind.... Lets say a 16 year old at a party tries MJ for the first time, this teenager have grown up in a society, with parents, with a system that have "brainwashed" him/her to believe that drugs are drugs. In that instant, that moment he or she takes their first blow they cross a moral boundry that you can´t go back on, and you obviously get in touch with a "ambient" that is shady at best.....
In the future you can bet your money that these youngsters will try other drugs if they have the opportunity, their moral have been broken, they´ve used drugs and will therefore think less on using coke as an example since they already have tried MJ which is the same in the communities eyes. Get my point?
Look at Spain, here you cant sell, you can´t use it in public places, you can´t grow it publically..... You can however grow it private, you can enjoy it in private places (your home/clubs amnd more), so why is that?
I believe firmly that the only reason is taxes, if you sell you evade, and the goverment looses, but if you buy legit equipment, seeds and more you substain the system. They know it is less dangerous than alcohol, but they don´t control the market, and therefore ban it.....
Its like torrents and piracy, do you know who are the worst offenders in the last 50 years? Public offices copying copyrighted material on their xeroxes, but you never saw a policeman standing beside the xerox did you? So is it to protect copyright, or is it a way to control the net?
For the rest, let people do as they wish, as long as they respect certain values/morals. And to those that goes deeply into a defensive modus, he didn´t attack, he didn´t offend, he just started a thread with a question! And for the thread starter, its obvious that growers won´t go out telling they sell 1/2kg every week, you can rest assure that goverments are represented here.....!
(sry for errors, but complicated issue, big words, and my native language isn´t english....)
I do know that it is way beyond the question and point, but I think my responce is linked and valid in the discussion
Have a good one....