abstinence only christians in your face again


Well-Known Member
soft science is an invented term.

psychology is chock full of testable predictions, controlled experiments, quantifiable data, mathematical models, and high degrees of objectivity and accuracy. those are the components of science.
some of it is maybe the majority of it, but not all of it lol

why did those guys think homosexuality was a mental illness back in the 70s ?


Well-Known Member
some of it is maybe the majority of it, but not all of it lol

why did those guys think homosexuality was a mental illness back in the 70s ?
good point.

just like how "hard sciences" like astronomy used to think ridiculous notions, psychologists have come to some poor conclusions.

it's a good thing that science is self correcting.


Well-Known Member
some of it is maybe the majority of it, but not all of it lol

why did those guys think homosexuality was a mental illness back in the 70s ?
Depending on where you study, you can either get a BSc. or a B.A. in psych.... and the two are quite different. Clinical psychology relies on empirical evidence for the most part. Obviously talking with the patient can be important too, but it's much more subjective and IMO, less useful data.


Well-Known Member
good point.

just like how "hard sciences" like astronomy used to think ridiculous notions, psychologists have come to some poor conclusions.

it's a good thing that science is self correcting.
Astronomers looked in the sky and made subjective postulations about what they saw. Once they applied hard science, the soft science side was corrected.


Well-Known Member
you're confusing therapy with psychology. once again you display that you are shit for brains hopeless.
Once more for the slow kids. Therapy is also a relative term that can used by both sides of the soft and hard science isles. Psychology is a form of therapy, as can be a hot bath.

Why are you refusing to answer why the term soft science has your panties in a wad? It's really odd that you choose this word to be offended by. I'd like to try to apply some soft sciences in an effort to understand and help you.


Well-Known Member
good point.

just like how "hard sciences" like astronomy used to think ridiculous notions, psychologists have come to some poor conclusions.

it's a good thing that science is self correcting.
so i guess they were wrong
i recall they were using LSD in clinical tests during the 70s to try to "cure" homosexuality lol

i wonder what things they have wrong now, that they will find out about in 30 years maybe ?


Well-Known Member
i wonder what things they have wrong now, that they will find out about in 30 years maybe ?
where do you think psychology is massively failing, possibly due to "subjective orientation"?

ginwilly is too much of a cowardly pussy to name even a single example.


Well-Known Member
where do you think psychology is massively failing, possibly due to "subjective orientation"?

ginwilly is too much of a cowardly pussy to name even a single example.
I'm trying to understand why you feel that I haven't given an example of subjective studies, but it appears as though you are not real bright.

edit: too subtle for your pea brain?


Well-Known Member
still waiting on the first example, but if you want to demonstrate your absolutely backward misunderstandings of the relation between therapy and psychology, go ahead.
I'm a physical therapist that has nothing to do with mental therapy but I'm still a therapist.
My mother is a psychologist who treats kids with mental issues, nothing to do with the physical side yet she's still a therapist.

I'm not feeling your need to be right about this when you so clearly are uneducated about the subject.


Well-Known Member
some of it is maybe the majority of it, but not all of it lol

why did those guys think homosexuality was a mental illness back in the 70s ?
Because they lacked data and decided to push through like idiots. They needed more data and a better social attitude. This one example does not discredit an entire field. You don't get to part out your argument like that, seems that you also need a larger sample size.



I know it's shit to cite Wikipedia, but bro, I think he may have you.
Buck you are choosing your argument piecemeal, you either get it all or none brother.

Psychology is considered a 'soft science' because the threshold of methodological rigor tends to be much less then sciences where an experiment may be repeated hundred of thousands of times. Psychology is much more complex, it takes times for the sample sizes to be adequate.
good point.

just like how "hard sciences" like astronomy used to think ridiculous notions, psychologists have come to some poor conclusions.

it's a good thing that science is self correcting.
Same to you buck, you know why they had those silly notions and poor data, no tech and low sample size.

You two need better arguments against each other.


Well-Known Member
i recall reading about how some students many years ago presented themselves as a test
to the local hospital they pretended to have symptoms of mental illness

one of them said he heard noises "thud" "thump"
other than this they both gave the exact same symptoms
one was diagnosed with bi-polar the other schizophrenia
misdiagnosis is very common
don't think much has changed today
doctors that fix broken body parts can do a good job at mending things
doctors that try to fix broken minds do have a much harder task i admit
but they don't seem to be very good at it, i think all the crazy folk in the world hooked on prescription medicine is evidence of their failure
sad really


Well-Known Member
EVERY science does this, it is just a hell of a lot easier when you deal with the human mind.

I have no position, I was just pointing out that you both have shaky arguments.
what are you talking about ?

i have no position either , you are making assumptions