abstinence only christians in your face again


Active Member
Statistically, religious people have lower IQs than atheists or agnostics and blindly believing stories is childish. Hiding behind religion is just a way to remain dug in and stubborn toward new ways of thought. If this continues, no progress is made....the box just gets bigger. Humans learn and evolve, they wonder and study the universe...religion is lazy. The mystery is answered for you and fear keeps you bound. Faith is not special and intelligent people need more. Nothing personal, just tired of the whole thing
I completely agree with religion being extremely lazy.. I don't claim to be any type of religion but I do believe in God. I have a problem with a lot of religions saying there God is right etc. I take parts of the ancient alien theory. NASA even says the chances of there being much higher intelligent forms of life are extremely high. Which leads me to believe the God I believe in is the same as most all others God because for the most part through civilization the stories match up like the flood etc. I believe we were created by a much higher being this being is my God. I believe all the ancient manuscripts have too much in common for there not to be something much higher than us. This something is my God. I have a decently high IQ so I don't believe that has anything to do with it because you will always have your exceptions. All it takes is one exception to change the worlds thoughts on something.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with religion being extremely lazy.. I don't claim to be any type of religion but I do believe in God. I have a problem with a lot of religions saying there God is right etc. I take parts of the ancient alien theory. NASA even says the chances of there being much higher intelligent forms of life are extremely high. Which leads me to believe the God I believe in is the same as most all others God because for the most part through civilization the stories match up like the flood etc. I believe we were created by a much higher being this being is my God. I believe all the ancient manuscripts have too much in common for there not to be something much higher than us. This something is my God. I have a decently high IQ so I don't believe that has anything to do with it because you will always have your exceptions. All it takes is one exception to change the worlds thoughts on something.
this god?

Deuteronomy 22:20-1 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house.


Active Member
I don't give a fuck about people's "beliefs", I care about fact.

If you genuinely believe your invisible talking friend tells you to do stuff, then you need to be admitted to a facility to treat your delusions.

Less that 7% of elite scientists are theists...the other 7% believe in observable science but that "God started it all".
I you throw out numbers you should have something to back it up. So id like to see this. That only equals 14% btw. Where's the rest of them. You not caring what people believe is ignorant. That causes barriers between people. Fact is you should care says every psychologist ever because that's there job to use what we know about people and the brain. It is science.


Active Member
this god?

Deuteronomy 22:20-1 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house.
The Bible was written by men as a guide. Not by God.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with religion being extremely lazy.. I don't claim to be any type of religion but I do believe in God. I have a problem with a lot of religions saying there God is right etc. I take parts of the ancient alien theory. NASA even says the chances of there being much higher intelligent forms of life are extremely high. Which leads me to believe the God I believe in is the same as most all others God because for the most part through civilization the stories match up like the flood etc. I believe we were created by a much higher being this being is my God. I believe all the ancient manuscripts have too much in common for there not to be something much higher than us. This something is my God. I have a decently high IQ so I don't believe that has anything to do with it because you will always have your exceptions. All it takes is one exception to change the worlds thoughts on something.
There is a mathematical certainty that other life forms exist. I think you believing in aliens is abstract and does not tell you how to behave or what happens when you die. I am talking about the certainty that many religions in something they cannot know.
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
This made me chuckle lol. I disagree with buck respectfully because you categorized all Christians. I don't agree with what he's doing. But you stabbed your self for saying I'm like him.

Hello GoHam32..

I don't feel like I stabbed my self? My children went to a christian school . The only thing I know about public schools is what I hear on the news and the news is unimaginable.


Well-Known Member
FYI certainly not a threat, the Inuit tribes of Alaska had a tradition of sending their old and senile elders who had nothing to contribute, away on pieces of ice.

I am saying you rarely have anything to contribute to these threads other then hatred and close minded bigotry. But hey, it's America you are allowed buddy.


Well-Known Member
FYI certainly not a threat, the Inuit tribes of Alaska had a tradition of sending their old and senile elders who had nothing to contribute, away on pieces of ice.

I am saying you rarely have anything to contribute to these threads other then hatred and close minded bigotry. But hey, it's America you are allowed buddy.
I mostly help newbs by answering their questions in other forums. I just come here to make fun of Uncle Buttplug after I proved him to be a LIAR. There's something very satisfying about proving a douchebag like him wrong.