

Well-Known Member
I recently just got some tabs and was curious as to how much a first time user should use? I can't get anything off of shrooms no matter how many i try...

I was told I should do 7 out of the 10 I got. Only because the person I got them off of said they usually do 5 and trip for a solid 12 hours. I wanna blow my mind. Ill be in a safe environment.
I recently just got some tabs and was curious as to how much a first time user should use? I can't get anything off of shrooms no matter how many i try...

I was told I should do 7 out of the 10 I got. Only because the person I got them off of said they usually do 5 and trip for a solid 12 hours. I wanna blow my mind. Ill be in a safe environment.
I'd take 1 the first time. But I won't do that shit anymore, lol
Did you have a negative experience? That’s what I said when I mixed coke with acid one time, don’t ever do that.
I've had good and bad experiences with both acid and shrooms. I had a bad trip on one of my really good friends once and couldn't hang out with him anymore. He just creeped my out after. I felt really bad and I never really told him why I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Pretty sad.

A lot of the time when we did shrooms was when we couldn't find any weed, so that might not have helped anything. I don't know. I just won't fuck with that stuff anymore. I don't always have super positive thoughts.
Thanks for the help. Ive never done it... and I still haven't had a full blown shroom trip. I dont want to waste my time and feel nothing... ive had 15 grams of fresh dried shrooms and nothing...
That makes sense, i feel like there’s only so much tripping that one needs to do in their life and you kinda max out all possible benefit and evolve away from psychedelics, I’m at a similar point myself and haven’t tripped in like 5 years. you and me both brother, I’m permanently working my way through a self hate complex that comes with a lot of not so positive thoughts about life and this (mostly) shithole world, acid has helped a lot with that n served it’s purpose
Thanks for the help. Ive never done it... and I still haven't had a full blown shroom trip. I dont want to waste my time and feel nothing... ive had 15 grams of fresh dried shrooms and nothing...
Those were just shitty shrooms, a fluke, but do not underestimate acid tho what ever you do. If it’s normally potent acid, one hit will blow your mind trust me, two hours into one hit you might feel like you’ve peeked and time for the second hit and I would advise against taking two until you ride one all the way through first. another thing is, have a trip killer handy(Xanax, or Benzo) to be safe. Happy trails brother
Jesus, something must be up not feeling a thing off of 15 grams dried. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. Ive had more uncomfortable come ups on mushrooms then acid.
@rkron0413 I agree with everyone else, start with one. Unless it's trash, you shouldn't need to drop 7 at once.
Tru that brother! 7 could seriously fuck your life up lmfao
Back a very long time ago in elementary school we read S.E Hinton's That Was Then This Is Now. A major part of the book was when M&M (the younger brother character) completely loses his shit on acid. He kept seeing spiders on him. I remember as a kid how fucked up and scary sounding that was. But at the same time I was fascinated that you could take something to alter your brain so much that you'd see shit that wasnt there. I had no hope staying away fron drugs lol.
I dont think it was the message she was trying to send, but thank you S.E Hinton!
Back a very long time ago in elementary school we read S.E Hinton's That Was Then This Is Now. A major part of the book was when M&M (the younger brother character) completely loses his shit on acid. He kept seeing spiders on him. I remember as a kid how fucked up and scary sounding that was. But at the same time I was fascinated that you could take something to alter your brain so much that you'd see shit that wasnt there. I had no hope staying away fron drugs lol.
I dont think it was the message she was trying to send, but thank you S.E Hinton!
Idk if you guys went through the D.A.R.E program, but when they showed us kids all the drugs in a wooden utility box with compartments, I started planning my drug collection that day, needless to say I definitely got one and depleted it numerous times. The drug war is such a crock of dogshit
Idk if you guys went through the D.A.R.E program, but when they showed us kids all the drugs in a wooden utility box with compartments, I started planning my drug collection that day, needless to say I definitely got one and depleted it numerous times. The drug war is such a crock of dogshit
Oh yeah, I was definitely part of that generation. Remember it well. I was a D.A.R.E graduate :lol: you arent kidding about a crock. That program didnt do shit but help us identify drugs:weed:
Oh yeah, I was definitely part of that generation. Remember it well. I was a D.A.R.E graduate :lol: you arent kidding about a crock. That program didnt do shit but help us identify drugs:weed:
Definitely helped me plan for the future that’s for sure, really enjoy wearing the dare t shirt its hilarious and seriously never gets old
Acid storage is really important, keep it dry and somewhat cool because it can go bad in a matter of a couple hours in a hot car or some shit FYI
Haha yea I still havent had a trip. Im on 2 different ssri's. Those shrooms were home grown by me. Everybody else ate 2gs and were golden.

I've got my tabs in the freezer