all you people growing indoors really should save the 35 or so dollars for some nirvana or highgrade indica strains. alot of bagseed is usually some sativa that originated in south america. you would be suprised in the difference a good indoor strain will make compaired to some outdoor sativas. not knocking sativas i actually have one in my garden as we speak but the diff is huge. im aslo not tryin to knock you if all you have is bagseed to work with. not everyone can or is willing to go for it and order. ive noticed though if you can find a bag with one or two seeds that has a pretty heavy stone its pretty often an indica. right now i have 4 indicas and 1 sativa the 1 has been growing for almost a month longer and been flowering bout half a month longer and the bud growth is hugely diff
sativas also seem to be very tempermental plants.
indicas need less care and can take some cooler weather
my sativa has very little bud and lotsa hairs and my indicas have at least an ounce on a couple and prob 3/4 on the other 2
the ind are flowerin nother month and maybe a week depending on maturation. the sat is prob gettin another 6 weeks. she smells sweet as hell and i think has some thai in er. the mom she was cloned from was grown outdoors by a friend and had to be picked early cuz it was in a cornfield. it was bout 8ft monster and had prob 3 Os on her
although deff not all the way mature it still had you gigglin for hours. im hopin grown long enough not for a big yeild but some nice head stash for me and my girl and good mates. maybe itll get that good trippy edge we all love some bomb sat for.
matter a fact a local dude came to my boys house for a lil party/smoke out. he rolled a blunt with maybe 5 or 6 grams in it. it was passed around bout 12 ppl. this guy i guess started to trip on it and had to leave. hes datin my Ex. and he stopped smokin cuz of it and made her stop to. shes pretty bummed but still comes over and smokes a splif with me once and a while with out him knowin
im kinda mad i wanta be trippin like him
sorry if you thought i was cuttin ya down bout your seeds. just tryin to provide some insight, i had a few successful grows and have seen your usual probs. got the game pretty dial now though. but you can always learn something new, i do everyday, then forget it an hour later