Actual Value of Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
No. Better the arms full that you can grow legally, than the bucket of shit we are stuck in now.
Get a recommendation and you can grow all you can justify, and I've justified my grow to the authorities under current law.

Prop 19 changes that.

I live in a nice suburb.

My neighbors are retired LEOs.

We don't bother them, and they tolerate us.

A few asked my thoughts about P19.

I explained my NO vote.

How they vote is up to them.

At least they have my honest opinion.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Get a recommendation and you can grow all you can justify, and I've justified my grow to the authorities under current law.

Prop 19 changes that.

I live in a nice suburb.

My neighbors are retired LEOs.

We don't bother them, and they tolerate us.

A few asked my thoughts about P19.

I explained my NO vote.

How they vote is up to them.

At least they have my honest opinion.
No, prop 19 does not change your immunities under existing MMJ laws. P19 specifics exempts existing MMJ laws. You have a right to your own opinion on this matter, but you don't have a right to your own facts.


Well-Known Member
No, prop 19 does not change your immunities under existing MMJ laws. P19 specifics exempts existing MMJ laws. You have a right to your own opinion on this matter, but you don't have a right to your own facts.
veggie likes making up stuff about prop 19.


Well-Known Member
No, prop 19 does not change your immunities under existing MMJ laws. P19 specifics exempts existing MMJ laws. You have a right to your own opinion on this matter, but you don't have a right to your own facts.
your not a lawyer, nor not a politician, you cant even assume that bro... you guys get over this shit seriously... they pulled the wool over your eyes, dont try to pull over ours... we got 3 eyes homeboy....


Well-Known Member
veggie likes making up stuff about prop 19.
as do the both of you... your do not have precognative abilities... you dont know what "really" will happen... all you can do is speculate... no matter what the words say in the bill.... it leaves open way to much.... bad men will always find loop holes in this Law...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
as do the both of you... your do not have precognative abilities... you dont know what "really" will happen... all you can do is speculate... no matter what the words say in the bill.... it leaves open way to much.... bad men will always find loop holes in this Law...
I have no doubt that if P19 passes a whole lot of bad men will try to thwart it. Hell, they have already said they will, see Steve Cooley's comments, see Lee Baca's comments. Douche bags like the RC city council have already said they are going to thumb their noses at CA constitution. Do you think any legalization measure won't be met with those types of responses?

Seeing all of the usual bad actors come out against P19 makes me believe they are running scared. Doesn't it give you just a moments pause to know that you are voting just like they want you to?


Well-Known Member
A pack of cigarettes has an oz of tobacco, so a pack of joints will have an oz of bud and probably sell for the exact same price with about 5% THC. This bud will be grown outside as a bi product of hemp. A pound would be probably just as much as a pound of tobacco..

The indoor flame weed will still be in demand and you will get it from the dispenseraries it will drop considerably tho to 25 an oz or $5/8th wit 20%+ THC

Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Uh, umm, er, Huh?
if prop 19 passes school teachers, bus drivers, day care workers, nurses and DR's will all be going to work STONED. there is no way to prove otherwise. pot stays in your system for up to a month. how will they know joe pilot didn't blaze one on the way to the airport?

can't see past the ounce in YOUR pocket, can you? ;)

desert dude

Well-Known Member
if prop 19 passes school teachers, bus drivers, day care workers, nurses and DR's will all be going to work STONED. there is no way to prove otherwise. pot stays in your system for up to a month. how will they know joe pilot didn't blaze one on the way to the airport?

can't see past the ounce in YOUR pocket, can you? ;)
Geesh, this is a new low FDD. You really have joined the dark side. This is a straight up talking point from the prohibitionists. Nice to know who I am dealing with.


Active Member
The Beatles eplained it:

Let me tell you how it will be;
There's one for you, nineteen for me.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

Should five per cent appear too small,
Be thankful I don't take it all.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

(if you drive a car, car;) - I’ll tax the street;
(if you try to sit, sit;) - I’ll tax your seat;
(if you get too cold, cold;) - I’ll tax the heat;
(if you take a walk, walk;) - I'll tax your feet.


'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.


Well-Known Member
if prop 19 passes school teachers, bus drivers, day care workers, nurses and DR's will all be going to work STONED. there is no way to prove otherwise. pot stays in your system for up to a month. how will they know joe pilot didn't blaze one on the way to the airport?

can't see past the ounce in YOUR pocket, can you? ;)
Do you think testing positive for MJ metabolites in your system means you are currently stoned?

do you pay attention to what you are even replying to? :dunce:

desert dude

Well-Known Member
pretty sure i never said that.

You can't have it both ways. "elementary school teachers will go to work stoned."... " there is no way to prove otherwise..."

If an elementary school teacher smoked a joint on Saturday night, should he be allowed to teach class on Monday?