Adding Water\Nutes To 3\4 Empty Resi = Bad?


Well-Known Member
I water by hand and sometimes add water when I run low, and then put more nutes in accordingly because it makes things alot more convenient. I was told at the Hydro store that you are supposed to fill resi to desired amount, add nutrients, and then not add more water (besides the 4-5 gallon top off from the d\h) otherwise it kills some of the beneficial things for plants.

Is this true? Do those of you who hand water use all the water completely, then re-fill it as needed? Is it really a problem to add 5-10 gallons in a 50 gallon resi if you realize you don't have enough to water all of them?

I've sort of been "custom watering" and giving water to each individual plant as needed, even if it means water 4-5 nights a week.

Also, can any of you tell me how many gallons per plant you give them per week when they are in late bloom? These suckers are drying up quick, I give them about a gallon everytime I water (they are in 3 gallon pots)

Lastly, I was also told that you are supposed to add micro nutes first, and then macro nutes second otherwise you aren't getting 100% outta your nutes.