Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

A quart of Dyna-Gro is $15, it is complete (16 essential elements), "potent", and one quart will last years at a rate of only 1/2 tsp./gallon.

Yes, AN and the other "cannabis specific nutes" are for newbs. You'll find out the hard way. "They" always do.


pretty much I tried AN my first time indoors then I ran the full line of technaflora then lucas formula and finally jacks classic I love JC its cheap and easy to use just one little scoop per gallon and your good I have thought about trying dyna gro but I just have so much JC and it works just as good as anything else I've tried probably not the best for hydro though.
Il change my verbage to make it easier to understand, if you buy AN products you are paying for water and you are a cock sucker 4 times a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cock sucker. If you buy Dynagro, you are paying for water and are a cock sucker once a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cocksucker. Churchhaze is the only one who posted that showed what he uses and wasnt paying for water. All store bought nutes are for noobs and designed to take the thought out of growing. Every store bought nute line will work flawlessly if used as designed as long as environmental factors are adequate. Just because you only suck a quarter of the dick does not make you any less of a cock sucker. If you call AN, GH,Canna, & H&G scumbags for breaking their lines up to make you buy more bottles and put a 300% mark up on it and then you turn around and do the same thing with your product then you also are a scumbag. If 3 people are running 3 different lines and one makes a $2,700 profit and you have a $2,750 and the third has a $2,760 profit no one would give a shit when you put the numbers in perspective. The first(AN) has a 270% profit, the second(you) has a 275%, the third(churchhaze) has a 276% profit, show any investor a business plan with any of those returns and you will make him smile.
Il change my verbage to make it easier to understand, if you buy AN products you are paying for water and you are a cock sucker 4 times a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cock sucker. If you buy Dynagro, you are paying for water and are a cock sucker once a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cocksucker. Churchhaze is the only one who posted that showed what he uses and wasnt paying for water. All store bought nutes are for noobs and designed to take the thought out of growing. Every store bought nute line will work flawlessly if used as designed as long as environmental factors are adequate. Just because you only suck a quarter of the dick does not make you any less of a cock sucker. If you call AN, GH,Canna, & H&G scumbags for breaking their lines up to make you buy more bottles and put a 300% mark up on it and then you turn around and do the same thing with your product then you also are a scumbag. If 3 people are running 3 different lines and one makes a $2,700 profit and you have a $2,750 and the third has a $2,760 profit no one would give a shit when you put the numbers in perspective. The first(AN) has a 270% profit, the second(you) has a 275%, the third(churchhaze) has a 276% profit, show any investor a business plan with any of those returns and you will make him smile.
whatever you need to tell yourself to justify using An, right? I can't resist this thread, as the comedy keeps getting better.
Other than this thread I havent posted much on this site, if you read any post iv made on this thread or any other you will not find one post where I have said anything good about AN, the only reference I made endorsing any nute company was made to a guy in the newbie thread asking for advice on a good simple hydro set up for a first time grower where I recommended the lucas formula with GH micro/bloom and calimagic in a 100% perlite hempy, same way I got started and still use occasionally, and I have also made it clear in this thread that this is my first time trying AN and that I am not using them next time and am going to try OC+ hempys. Find me one post where I have said any AN products are better than anyone elses products and then I will say you are correct and bow my head in shame.
@homebrewer. Its not my plant, found that pic on Google. I'm guessing the leaves were trimmed and its about to be cut and hung to dry.

By the way, your profile pic is awesome. Uncle Rico is hilarious.
So you come on here bash AN and then show someone else's pictures? Look people...its not the brand name you need to concern yourself with, it what the product does. They all work and all work well. If you have a good knowledge base and understand what your girls need anything will produce fine but if your a newb to gardening I recommend starting with a basic three part system. I don't promote any company and tell my growers that when they understand what's going on in the medium they can change things up. Some do, some don't...human nature...if it ain't broke don't fix it. Here now, over half of my growers use AN, does it mean its better...YES for the growers that choose it, would they get the same results from other products...YES, back to the human nature thing. With 15 growers we are able to compare pricing also and penny for penny there isn't much difference on any of the three part systems. When used correctly, this is the key, Dyna and AN are the most expensive but by only a couple of bucks per site. I guess I will never understand this nutrient bashing, I could care less what your using why does it bother you so much?...Argue for argue sake! JAS
So you come on here bash AN and then show someone else's pictures? Look people...its not the brand name you need to concern yourself with, it what the product does. They all work and all work well. If you have a good knowledge base and understand what your girls need anything will produce fine but if your a newb to gardening I recommend starting with a basic three part system. I don't promote any company and tell my growers that when they understand what's going on in the medium they can change things up. Some do, some don't...human nature...if it ain't broke don't fix it. Here now, over half of my growers use AN, does it mean its better...YES for the growers that choose it, would they get the same results from other products...YES, back to the human nature thing. With 15 growers we are able to compare pricing also and penny for penny there isn't much difference on any of the three part systems. When used correctly, this is the key, Dyna and AN are the most expensive but by only a couple of bucks per site. I guess I will never understand this nutrient bashing, I could care less what your using why does it bother you so much?...Argue for argue sake! JAS

You would set a plant on fire if you fed with DG like AN requires you to feed. They're not even remotely comparable in terms of price and if you're coming to the conclusion that they are, 'your growers' blow.
DG is salty shit..hey i got a idea..why dont you guys just dehydrate the dyno grow and light that shit straight up.It would taste about the same.
its not salty brotha max, your just used to watered down nutes.

thats one fined tuned palate if you can notice a difference in synthetic nute lines. Who ever gave u a bad tasting nug using dyna gro didnt realize its concentrated.
There are a few dry hydro formulas on the market that look pretty good (one being popular on RIU).

1) Jacks professional hydroponics + calcium nitrate (part A and part B)

2) Cropking hydro-gro + calcium nitrate (part A and part B)

I'll admit, I haven't tried jacks professional hydro or CK hydro-gro, nor have I tried DG personally, but I think these 2 part dry mixes where straight calcium nitrate is one of the parts and everything else is in the other part are a great deal compared to liquid nutes like AN, GH, DG, or really any of them.

I don't agree with your profit calculations though. It's not like you just put nutrients and some electricity in a box and have a few pounds of weed come out. You can't really calculate a markup on something you make with blood sweat and tears. It's work. If I were to pay myself minimum wage and rent myself out a small room's worth of space, the "markup" would turn out being what I have left after I pay myself. Because I do the work myself, I don't like calling it a markup. (not a middleman)

What you're saying about liquid nutes is basically my point in general. Even the shipping and handling is harder with bottles of liquid.

Il change my verbage to make it easier to understand, if you buy AN products you are paying for water and you are a cock sucker 4 times a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cock sucker. If you buy Dynagro, you are paying for water and are a cock sucker once a year, but once a cock sucker, always a cocksucker. Churchhaze is the only one who posted that showed what he uses and wasnt paying for water. All store bought nutes are for noobs and designed to take the thought out of growing. Every store bought nute line will work flawlessly if used as designed as long as environmental factors are adequate. Just because you only suck a quarter of the dick does not make you any less of a cock sucker. If you call AN, GH,Canna, & H&G scumbags for breaking their lines up to make you buy more bottles and put a 300% mark up on it and then you turn around and do the same thing with your product then you also are a scumbag. If 3 people are running 3 different lines and one makes a $2,700 profit and you have a $2,750 and the third has a $2,760 profit no one would give a shit when you put the numbers in perspective. The first(AN) has a 270% profit, the second(you) has a 275%, the third(churchhaze) has a 276% profit, show any investor a business plan with any of those returns and you will make him smile.
I think you don't know what a salt is. (any chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or other cation.)

Are you thinking of table salt? (sodium chloride)

The white stuff that ends up all over your hydro setup is calcium deposits.

Hey man, be careful. Your drink may have dihydrogen monoxide in it.

DG is salty shit..hey i got a idea..why dont you guys just dehydrate the dyno grow and light that shit straight up.It would taste about the same.
Damn that dyna gro shit really aint too cheap you can really buy AN's 3 part all gallons for less then the 2 gallons of dyna gro for bloom and grow at least the two places I checked while its under $20 for each Jacks Classic all purpose and bloom booster 4 pound tubs and they last forever. I don't get what all the arguing about they both look over priced too me whether one gets you an extra 10 grams then the other who cares I've seen good plants from AN, Dyna, JC, GH, even the best yield I ever seen was done by Heath Robinson with a nute line I never heard of before. IMO it all comes down to the environment nute lines are the last thing to lose sleep over as long as your plant gets all the nutrients it needs and you don't over or under feed your plants the brand don't matter too much as long as you use it right. If you need hydro nutes I can't see you doing much better then general hydro's 3 part you may find one slightly better, but how much better really? and its not couldn't you just tweak the recipe and do slightly better. They all have what the plant needs its just a matter of feeding right some take more guess work some are overpriced but they all work I just spend less then all yall and still hear nothing but compliments.:bigjoint:
You would set a plant on fire if you fed with DG like AN requires you to feed. They're not even remotely comparable in terms of price and if you're coming to the conclusion that they are, 'your growers' blow.
You must not have read my comment fully..."When used correctly" Did I say to use them equally? No. Do you follow the instructions on your Dyna bottle? If you think you have to follow the bottle application ratio's then your no better then a outdoor seed chucker, with about the same knowledge base. I get it...Your a Dyna guy...I understand this. What you seem to be lacking is a knowledge base that encompasses a broader view of growing in general. "They are not even remotely comparable in terms of price"...Really? This statement tells me you don't know how to use AN properly because if you do...its pennies...that's it! This comment also give a little insight of your knowledge base and my friend...its lacking. I don't really use either, I use what's available because "I Can" but to tell everyone the truth AN's has proven to the majority here to be the easiest and best bang for the buck. "My growers blow" Do they? I don't think you would be allowed into the group, not because of lack of knowledge but because of your arrogant way of thinking. You argue over pennies and try to make an issue over it. Grow up. JAS
You must not have read my comment fully..."When used correctly" Did I say to use them equally? No. Do you follow the instructions on your Dyna bottle? If you think you have to follow the bottle application ratio's then your no better then a outdoor seed chucker, with about the same knowledge base. I get it...Your a Dyna guy...I understand this. What you seem to be lacking is a knowledge base that encompasses a broader view of growing in general. "They are not even remotely comparable in terms of price"...Really? This statement tells me you don't know how to use AN properly because if you do...its pennies...that's it! This comment also give a little insight of your knowledge base and my friend...its lacking. I don't really use either, I use what's available because "I Can" but to tell everyone the truth AN's has proven to the majority here to be the easiest and best bang for the buck. "My growers blow" Do they? I don't think you would be allowed into the group, not because of lack of knowledge but because of your arrogant way of thinking. You argue over pennies and try to make an issue over it. Grow up. JAS

Nah, I'm just a guy who likes to give shit to those who talk out their ass.
I hear ya church, and I agree, your time in maintenance of your garden should have a monitary value, however that is a constant variable reguardless of what nutes you use so its a wash. If you sit down and really tally up the time u need to spend in your garden its not much. I choose to spend most of my free time in there but I really dont need to be there. Keep in mind im just talking about the production of 1 pound, not an entire op. The profit margins in this field are very good. AN starts these threads because they know what is going to happen, tons of free advertisement. They rely on the haters to bitch and the loyalists to praise, no such thing as bad publicity. Reguardless of what store bought bottled nutes you use you are buying water. I buy water and I dont mind. I buy salts and I dont mind, I grow tomatoes and peppers in Dr Earth and I dont mind.
Well there is a difference. With AN I sell my meds in 10 minutes with preorders days in advance. The other crowds just watch in awe. Does it work? Hell yes it does. People just don't like to spend the extra $$. But in the end you do get what you pay for.
You may have a good reputation as a grower as you claim, but I can assure you that your customers don't give a shit what nutes you use. There is no "magic" fertilizer.
Did you! Good for you. Does it make you feel less of a man because you can not understand why they are now separating their ingredients.. Your not and don't let anyone tell you that, Having a low I.Q. isn't your fault unless its what you choose. From reading your comments I think you were born this way. Why what kind of money do you think they spend? Most of my growers have said dollar for dollar there is no more cost effective way unless you mix your own. JAS
So you're claiming the (arguably) most expensive nutes are not quite as effective as what total amateurs mix up in a plastic tote in their garage?
Better yet, check out chucks first post in this thread, almost on cue his faithful Dynagrow flag wavin sidekick imaulle chimes in agreeing with chuck blah blah blah, page 2 imaulle is now on the attack again and talking about his 1800 plants and 2 pounds a light he gets, now the fun part, go to imaulles page and read the posts he was making 3 months previous about lighting requirements for a 4x8 tent and if 88 degrees is too hot. Dynagro is fucking golden if it can take someone from knowing nothing to having a full blown 1800 plant 2lb a light op in 3 months. Just sayin
Better yet, check out chucks first post in this thread, almost on cue his faithful Dynagrow flag wavin sidekick imaulle chimes in agreeing with chuck blah blah blah, page 2 imaulle is now on the attack again and talking about his 1800 plants and 2 pounds a light he gets, now the fun part, go to imaulles page and read the posts he was making 3 months previous about lighting requirements for a 4x8 tent and if 88 degrees is too hot. Dynagro is fucking golden if it can take someone from knowing nothing to having a full blown 1800 plant 2lb a light op in 3 months. Just sayin
Nah, I'm just a guy who likes to give shit to those who talk out their ass.
Well then maybe you should take your trolls with you and exit this thread because the only ones talking out your asses are you guys. If you can't get past the fact that choice is good you don't belong in this discussion
So you're claiming the (arguably) most expensive nutes are not quite as effective as what total amateurs mix up in a plastic tote in their garage?
Man you people must need glasses! Yes you can mix nutrients in your own basement and get stellar results, if your mixing nutrients in the right ratio and understand why...well your not an amateur then...are you. There is no magic to it, as all these guys want to believe. Knowledge is the magic and anyone that argues this is better than that is actually showing the world the lack of knowledge on this subject. JAS