Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

almost every company lies or misslabels their stuff. nutes in general are the biggest over rated crap going for us.
and yes oregon is harsher than some states and so is florida,
.florida demands their own state label with the state orange on it. not to many will waste that cost to make a label specific for 1 state. main reason is advanced opened his big flap again and made comments on the net that he was the first to get a cannabis related nutrient approved by wasnt long after they pulled his products and started to look deeper. weed related is illegal federaly so they dont want it.
ive had whole orders sent back by customs all because of promo magazines that had a picture of a pot plant in it.
Looks like they don't like any of that shit. I use dyna-grow and all theirs is listed as mislabeled?

That's probably a regulatory technicality, AN actually lie about the contents of their products to the point stuff is in it which is not supposed to be (eg. N in big bud) and stuff is lacking that's supposed to be in it (eg. Potash in big bud). Also the concentrations of lead, cadmium, etc is sky-high.

It shows that AN use unrefined crap to make their nutes.
and just because something gets hit with a bad label dosent mean its not good. it can be a million and one reasons why. ive had stuff denied just for not properly filling in paper work alot has to do with the sourcing and how it was processed. some states dont like certain products done in certain ways. like blood products
That's probably a regulatory technicality, AN actually lie about the contents of their products to the point stuff is in it which is not supposed to be (eg. N in big bud) and stuff is lacking that's supposed to be in it (eg. Potash in big bud). Also the concentrations of lead, cadmium, etc is sky-high.

It shows that AN use unrefined crap to make their nutes.

please provide actual proof
Awesome thread, gave me an in depth look at this company, Always knew they were shady readying about claims all over forums everywhere, stayed away from the products... and for good reason.
This is why I have always been suspicous of any fertilizer manufacturer that claims all "organic" nutrient sources and does not have a guaranteed analysis on the label. Many of these companies have far more invested in a colorful label with cool graphics and spacey images than they do in the product itself. Reading the article, it states that many of the products are not even registered with the State of Oregon Dept. of Ag., this alone is a very serious violation and will likely result in hefty fines and/or padlocking the company until they get their collective shit together.
dont be foolled by the words organic either. 99% of them arent. they are organic based. and that means all they need is 17% of the volume to be organic. an omri stamp means nothing and there are different levels within omri also.... listed and certified. omri is the wll mart of testing quality. most cases it isnt even tested. they go by what the co sends them for info and they get a stamp of listed. nothing more than another money grab
dont be foolled by the words organic either. 99% of them arent. they are organic based. and that means all they need is 17% of the volume to be organic. an omri stamp means nothing and there are different levels within omri also.... listed and certified. omri is the wll mart of testing quality. most cases it isnt even tested. they go by what the co sends them for info and they get a stamp of listed. nothing more than another money grab
Source or it's bullshit...?
ya its bullshit. am the source. i did the paper work to get the approvals from agri and hs codes and so on for customs and the paper work for omri and others. i relay dont care if you believe or not. i could see it being a lie if i was trying to sell you guys something but this is quite the oposite and trying to save some money. you call bullshit on everything i post on every single thread im in
if i said the sky was blue youd ask for proof or say i dont know what im talking about. you do in every thread im in.

i fi was able to show some of the proof with paper work then id expose who i wokred for and id have some personal issues follow im sure with some of them. they take that shit serious and ive had to sign papers to not expose stuff. i will to a point becausse i hate the lying nute co and is main reason i quit the bizz. asked to lie to people to much and i wont do that.

google also has the backing to show what is needed for organic paper work. for the non believers

What's the difference?

by Roger H. Thayer

I'd like to have a dollar for each time I've been asked, "Is it organic?", since I started in the hydroponics business in 1972, I'd be rich! Is hydroponics organic? Is it chemical? What are the similarities and the differences? These questions have never really been answered to the satisfaction of most people as evidenced by the fact that I am asked the same questions today as often as I was nearly 20 years ago. Many people are confused by the word "organic" as it means different things to different people.
To the farmer, the word organic means no pesticides or herbicides. No potentially toxic or hazardous materials are to be used on crops to control bugs, weeds and diseases. To the gardener, the word usually means all of these things, plus that no unnatural or manmade chemicals are to be used. Only "organic" fertilizers and natural controls. They must: be made by nature, not by man.
To the chemist, on the other hand, the word "organic" means something totally different. In chemistry there are two distinct branches: inorganic and organic chemistry. Inorganic chemistry deals with non-living materials.
Organic chemistry focuses on the carbon and carbon containing compounds, typically associated with life. Biologists and botanists, and others who deal with the life sciences, are stuck in the middle. When they deal with chemists and other scientists, they have to adhere to the chemical definition of organic. When they talk to the farmer or gardener, they have to talk in different terms. To them, organic means "natural," not carbon based. They can say one thing, but really mean something else.
There is really no difference between an atom, mineral or the element itself. What matters is whether or not they are in a form that is non-harmful and that can used by plants. If so, they are beneficial whether natural or manmade. Plants do not take up carbon at the roots, they get all they need from the CO2 in the air, so the term "organic gardening" is confusing. The same minerals are needed in either hydroponic or organic growing. These minerals are provided to plants in the organic garden as they are released from organic matter by the action of microbes, worms and bacteria. In hydroponics, these same elements are provided by water soluble mineral salts.
In hydroponics, mineral elements are provided by the use of mineral salts. These may be either naturally derived of manmade, but most have been purified and processed so that they are water soluble and in a form that can be used by plants. Many start out as mined minerals or naturally concentrated deposits that are dissolved and processed into compounds with a definite molecular structure and composition. In the refining process, these mineral salts are usually purified to remove heavy metal contaminants and toxic substances that could harm plants or people. Since the chemical composition is precisely known, different mineral salts can be combined to form a balanced hydroponic nutrient. When dissolved in the proper proportions with a good quality water, a hydroponic nutrient solution can provide all of the mineral elements needed for plant growth without soil. By its nature, the hydroponic methods eliminates much of the uncertainty and guesswork found in organic growing. Some adjustments are normally made for proper pH, controlling nutrient concentrations (parts per million) and to maintain balance between the nutrients provided. These are usually easy adjustments and within the control of the grower. In a well-built hydroponic installation, all conditions are controllable so optimum plant growth can be achieved, even surpassing nature.
But is it organic? Can a hydroponic plant nutrient be classified as organic? Probably not, unless you go back to the chemical definition of the word, that is a substance that contains carbon. By this definition, many "chemical" nutrient formulas would be considered organic. These include the chelated trace elements as well as urea, which contains carbon in the form (NH2)CO2. It is also possible to define a hydroponic nutrient solution as organic by drawing on the definition many people use that organic is "natural".
Most of the mineral elements used in hydroponics start out as mined rock or mineral deposits which are as natural as the earth itself. The important point is that it is not the elements that are different in organic and hydroponic growing, it is how these elements are obtained and delivered to the plant.
Pros and cons. There are definite advantages and disadvantages to both organic and hydroponic growing. land is still available for conventional agriculture. With proper techniques and care, organic growing can yield good, nutritious crops on a large scale with minimal expense, although it can be labor intensive. Organic growing has an element of uncertainty, as already mentioned, but with care and knowledge, that can be kept to a minimum. Still, optimal mineral and element composition is going to involve guesswork unless expensive chemical soil analysis is routinely done and soil amendments are used to correct deficiencies. Most of the amendments used in modern agriculture happen to be the exact same mineral salts that are used in most hydroponic nutrient formulas. The advantages of hydroponic growing are increased yield through complete nutritional and environmental control, the absence of competing weeds and soil-borne diseases, increased crop density and reduced water consumption. With recycling systems, hydroponics uses one-tenth the amount of water used by irrigated agriculture. Growing media are easily sterilized and conditions can be altered quickly to suit specific crops or the growth stage of a particular crop, such as during flowering or fruit production.
The main disadvantage is the initial set-up cost. The cost of a good installation is fairly high, but if quality materials are used that cost can be spread out over many years. What about using hydroponic nutrients in an organic or soil garden! There are many advantages to this kind of hybrid application, combining organic compost with hydroponic nutrients similar to Mittleider Gardening. Care must be taken not to overdose the plants with such a system. If a full-strength chicken manure is used with a full-strength hydroponic solution the plants can be burned. Handled properly the system could eliminate mineral deficiencies. Plants grow faster and healthier as long as pH, drainage and water/nutrient retention are adequate. Because the plants are healthier they are able to ward off insects and diseases, further enhancing yield.
maybe im just paranoid or maybe i just dont understand teh answer

but why do we even trust the govt to tell us if the nutes r good?

srsly! the same ones that want to throw all us growers in jail gonna tell us teh truth bout a bottle of AN nutes?
dont fool urself and think if u live in a legal state they dont wanna throw u in jail
they do and they will if they get a chance

i just dont understand when i see the same peple who say f the police and stick it to the man and everything turn around and say oh the state of oregon sez these nutes r bad so that must mean the nute companies are liars!

F that!

why we gonna believe them this time?

explain that
ive seen the test results and we arent the gov. so we dont lie. what for. nothing in it for us. cept exposing truths. all food industry is like this. if it dont harm human or animal and environment we dont have to label it. to bad so many are conned by marketing so much. agri isnt a lying corp like you think they are.
and no everyone is small time state level. us canucks are all fed level so who is coming to bust us by exposing the truth, dont make any sence to me, bust them for what?..buying legal nutes?
you know theres always a fine line in advertising and or labeling a product so Advanced was picked out out of many different companys and got shit on has anyone looked at the date of the entry 2010 ??
advanced obviously works even tho your talking thoushands of people use it
Fertilizers are Dangerious goods all of it is dangerious
funny shit when they got time to fck around with 0.003 or what ever difference then on labe lfor phos or anything when they should be spending time on stopping oregons Chapter 9 hahaha
companys mix this ferts up and im sure its close but in the mixing you cant guarntee 100 percent whats on the bottle
hell i worked in a dairy on any given day the fat content in icecream or milk would and could be off
more you run lets say 2 percent milk your lines coat up with butter fat so even tho in the lab begining of run was dead on 30 mins later it could be 2.3 percent rather then 2 percent milk

i think this is complete Bs people obviously it still works many people having good yields with it
tell them oregon retards to test FFOF and see the difference thru every bag of it :))
heres a good lie

lawful dollar of the United States was 371.25 in silver, Over time, that excess of printing has destroyed the value of that dollar you think you have. If you want to know by just how much, go out and try to purchase 371.25 grains of silver right now and see if it adds up to a dollar
theres way more behind the public eye that has causes his fall. nobody i dont think said it wont work. but its not better than any other brand but way more money. you are paying for all his false advertising and magazines and hoit air balloons. im not into paying for someone else luxury life when i can get same stuff in most cases for half what his cost.
dummies there have just ripped off way to many people in this bizz and that sorta stuff carries alot of it would if someone stole your crop...would you still buy from the dood ripping you off?? its gone deeper than just the foods. your supporting murder and gang activity..i wont on that alone even if it was getting me 10x the yields
theres way more behind the public eye that has causes his fall. nobody i dont think said it wont work. but its not better than any other brand but way more money. you are paying for all his false advertising and magazines and hoit air balloons. im not into paying for someone else luxury life when i can get same stuff in most cases for half what his cost.
dummies there have just ripped off way to many people in this bizz and that sorta stuff carries alot of it would if someone stole your crop...would you still buy from the dood ripping you off?? its gone deeper than just the foods. your supporting murder and gang activity..i wont on that alone even if it was getting me 10x the yields

your last sentence dummies there have just ripped off way to many people would you be talking about the united states government ???

government engages in a practice politely called "deficit spending". Other terms which would aptly describe the practice include "counterfeiting" and "check kiting", but it all comes down to the same thing; spending money one does not actually have.
What would be a jailable offense for a normal citizen was rendered legal for the government by the Federal Reserve Act.we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the misadministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it". i dont care of anyone gov gets ripped off as they are thieves to all of us.
no hes ripped off personal people. friends others close to him. and us

and today he just announced the end of his rosebud magazine..the ball is now rolling to be the end of him. i was also told something yesterday im not allowed to say quite yet but dont expect to see them around much longer. some big changes coming soon. this industry is to tight to be going around screwing people in the same circle.
Advanced Nutrients actually responded to this type of thing ages ago.

And that Integral Hydro guy is a nutjob. He gets banned a lot from forums for pretending to be other people and promoting his website/book.

That's a link to a different forum, which I apologize for if it's not allowed. If not, you can find it yourself by doing a search for "What to use now that Phosphoload and Gravity are gone?" that's the name of the thread.

A lot of people believe this guy because he tells them what they want to hear.

Actually this is libelous crap that is now been circulated by the likes of probably AN and the PGR makers he exposes in his stories. I've been watching the story unfold closely and this guy is on forums telling people who he is. This thread is interesting because someone who looks like an AN Goon or PGR maker fesses to the fact that Organic Freak where you posted to is not G.Low (check out their writing styles - they are not the same person). And here's a thread on IC Mag where G.Low makes it clear who he is and that it is him who is talking and here's a buch of threads on THC Farmer where he makes it clear it is him talking
as MotherF and and

Funny how these guys are trying to assassinate his character with things like he is a "nut job" and stuff like this on Google books

"User Review - Flag as inappropriateThis guy is a known narko and loser in the hydroponics industry. He portrays himself as an outsider looking out for the little guy but actually he represents Atami Australia, unless they fired him. He uses various fake names and has narked out various hydroponics companies. His book is full of crap and if you follow his instructions your medical marijuana will die off.
I am surprised this fool has not been sued or dumped in the ocean yet. His book is utter garbage. "
I'd say read his articles that back up every thing he states with freedom of information pages and scientific/chemical data. You be the judge. (The med deception where AN are truly busted lying to consumers)

Sounds to me like you're just another part of the slander campaign against him Hugetom or is the Big Mike?