Active Member
ya thought so. shouldnt have said you could give any recipe then...whos the lier now hey and fraud. you need more data? ill list it
industrial agri isnt growing medicine. it grows bulk shit. what we do is a little fussier...if you care about the product anyways...and crop food taste like shit compared to what i grow or others do at home with better quality soils and foods. i think most know that and taste the diff between store shit and our own grown foods.
3 months?...ive been on here for years dood. lost old log in shit. i see your one of those that think a new member never grew before or dont know his shit. and i assume you watch them points and shit like this is a game or popularity contest to?
no i dont expect people to just take my word..if im asked to back something i will. when asked to.
lol..i dont contradict ,myself on my jobs..ive had more than 1 in my fukin life dum ass. sorry youve only ever done 1 or can only do 1 at a time. not all are paying jobs, just what i do as a passion and can concider it a job...just as growing is like a job. may not pay and have bennefits as a reg job would, but its a job.
so your going to feed your plant waxes to allow it to get the triacantonol out?...there is diff processes to get diff should know that, all foods are like that or we would be putting rocks in out soils thinking its food as most nutes come from rocks / minerals. you going to put plain bee wax in the soil?
i do understand whey protien..and im not with advanced so go ask them. i know what it can do but for plants i have no idea if its same. just an eg to you making claims to be able to make any nutes out there with just N/P/K/. you cant. youll make generic based foods/. we can buy 20/20/20 and get the same shit without all the math and software and mixing
ya i see the squigly line dood..under almost every word even if its right. poor guy dont cry over bad typing. you can obviously still read it.
so thats nice again. that software can make what anyone can make without it. still wont be the same as the bottled stuff.
you dont have a clue on labels dood. nobody has to label everything . only if its harmfull to human or environment. yes all and each bottle must be passed in each state before sales are allowed. what we would send to the gov would have to match. then there is the same clause nute co and food industry can hide behind and non disclosue to secret ingredients as long as its not harmfull. and there are many ways to manipulate the info to be true enough for a pass.
if you realy had been in nute bizz for as long or made nutes as long as you say you would know that.
just the like the N/P/K
just like N/P/K on labels isnt always even truthfull.a couple ways to label that should also know that
i will correct the comment that the software is shit. its just wont make food exact as some thing. it will make a basic generic recipe
still waiting to see the recipe for the food i listed...cant do it?
ya thought so. shouldnt have said you could give any recipe then...whos the lier now hey and fraud. you need more data? ill list it
pretty confusing to see decimals and its a bloom booster? why so week if thats what the food is available and is suposed to be a booster
how many emails or what i use for log ins isnt any of your concern nor does it have anything to do with this or growing. who cares if i forgot an old email cause i dont use this site much, thats how you judge info?
not bothering to read the rest of the garbage. keep assuming you know what goes on behind the bizz. keep on trusting labels to have full disclosures...bye
I do not get all the hate an anger over this stuff. So Advanced Nutrients or whoever does or doesn't do it the way you think they should.
Some guy complains because they make 18 things instead of 6. But it never for a moment occurs to him that someone else might have exactly the opposite complaint about the brand the first guy likes.
Before we jump on the Internet and rabidly tap out our latest "why I'm right and you're dumb" post we need to stop and realize that just because what we believe is right is right for us doesn't mean that something completely different might be right for someone else, and therefore what they very rationally believe is right.
Every single issue can have more than one point of view. Paper or plastic. Stick shift or automatic. Conservative or liberal. We all have opinions and guess what, we're all equally right and equally wrong. It makes absolutely no sense to criticize and attack a company for making their product differently than the competition (and even less sense to attack their customers for buying it). Should we require every company to make every product exactly the same as every other company that makes a similar product and enforce pricing guidelines so they're all absolutely equal? What would be the point in even having different companies at that point?
One guy furrows up his brow, steps onto his soapbox, and laments the fact that Company A makes 18 products to do the job that Company B makes 8 products to do. "Why must they do that if not for greed!" he rails.
But he doesn't for a second put himself in anyone but his own shoes. He doesn't consider for a moment that someone else might have a different opinion than him because he is so self-assured in his own correctness that there could be no want or need different than his own. He completely ignores and discounts the man who laments having all the components mashed up into one bottle where he can't separate them and tweak them to his liking. The first man doesn't see the need for that kind of specialized control. He views it unnecessarily complicated and looks for excuses like profiteering to explain it. And because he does not share the viewpoint of the second man he decides for himself that the different opinion is wrong, naive, or otherwise worthy of ridicule.
While the simple fact is that no opinion is automatically more right or more wrong than any other.
Some people like to go full-on mad-scientist and mix their own nutrients from the component fertilizer salts. To them I say more power to ya.
Some people like to feel like a mad-scientist but don't want to do all the work so they want the heavy lifting done for them and a wide array of ready-made products they can combine in many different ways to the desired effect. To them I say more power to ya.
And some people don't want to feel like they're a mad-scientist and they want the entire process simplified as much as possible. To them I say more power to ya.
The fact that different companies make different products differently is a GOOD THING. It means it's just that more likely that if you don't like it done a certain way you'll probably be able to find someone who does it the way you like it.
From my perspective a lot of people in the world look really, really stupid. I'm not always successful but I do try to stop myself from saying that out loud because I realize that I probably look just as stupid to them because we each have conflicting views on the same topic. And the awesome thing is that we're allowed to.
In fact, the only people I don't have a problem calling stupid are the ones that categorically refuse to allow any dissenting opinion to go un-ridiculed.
wonder why the whole industry is removing the crap from shelves and agri is ordering stop sales?...cause were wrong?...makes no sence....why are you being ordered to stop sales thren and why do i know of so many shops refusing to even have that crap on its shelves now?. seems theres quite a few that are sick or the shit
heres the straight up lie on the ballast to, its not just nutes....they are not the first, these arent made by advanced either. lie after lie. even if not made by quantums, they arent the first to use 60 hertz ballast. one of the last in fact. and if its the 60 hertz then why con the new guys they need that digi bulb. its 60 hertz ballast so no need for the diff bulb....another con
lier.all ballast are made in china..including quantum
Ok I got pics soon , I used AN organic lineup and had ha by far the best results EVER. My buddy tried the ph perfect program and got the best crop he ever had ( size and quality, never seen purple kush burn tha clean, pure white ash) So he talked me into the organic line for one crop. I was an AN hater, I opted for pureblend pro and a few other additives. I had to try organic because our patients have become accustomed to cleaner organic medicine. So now I am 5 weeks in and holy shit!! I will post pics and I am starting a new thread when the crop is done. I do not want to offend anyone ,just want to show my results.I believe we have wasted 10 years with pureblend pro. I can't wait till crop is done I want to compare to other grows with other nutes.I spent 4000$ on AN's lineup: Iguana juice , f1, h2 ,Bud candy , piranha, tarantula, Voodoojuice, organic b aNd my fave sensizym.
What does? A quantum? I should hope they have their own name on it. What are you even trying to prove?bullshit. says quantum right on them.
Yes, you were not the only person to own a Quantum ballast before the Baddass existed. But they're two completely different ballasts so there's absolutely nothing remarkable about that amazing feat.i owned mine years before baddass came out, maybe they took so long cause they had to copy the original
Racial slurs? Really?and yes dood i know how the sales stuff is done....been there. is how i know this is more bullshit/ would you like the chinamans number to call n ask? have badass, the sequel
That would be called "product testing". It's this radical new idea that was invented oh, about a hundred years ago shortly after the concept of assembly line mass production, where you select a few units at random as they're coming off the line and you test them to see if they're how they're supposed to who ya got over there in china to watch the frauds keep to the specs. thought so. trust
Really? And what would that solution be?lol...still talking about RF interference...dood that was solved years ago...keep up
I would never pay for a quantum, every quantum knock off is a quantum, from the same factory in china, I cant give specifics because it would implicate me, but trust me, you just dont have a clue how shady the supply side of the business is, Ive been sued over this shit bro..... Dont feel bad, Im privy to certain information on most of the products we use, its all one big joke to us man... Sucks but what are you gonna do ya know... Its a business.. Its shady, just like advanced.. I can show you all the same lumatek knockoffs too bro..