Advanced ph soil issue

Here it is. PH of my grow soil was around 6.5 when I first started grow. I added some Vermiculite and nutes in my fourth week, and the PH went down to 5.8. I live in a country where it is hard to buy stuff (we dont have grow shops and such) so I was thinking about increasing the PH of my soil by increasing the PH of the water I use to water the soil. 1st question:

Is that even possible?

2nd question:

I got my a buffer 7.2 for aquarium that contains phosphate. Its used to balance the aquarium water. If I mix that with my mountain spring water (ph 6.6) and water the soil, will that increase the ph level of the soil?

i appreciate any help! please, Ive been trying to find an answer to this for weeks.


Well-Known Member
Stay away from the aquarium buffer, because phosphates aren't good for your plants. If I were you, I'd flush with that 6.6 water, until the runoff comes out close to, or at, 6.6. It'll hold there for a few weeks, then you might have to flush again, to bring it back up within range.

Do you have access to dolomite lime? Many stores have it, not just grow shops. :)
...imo, if I were you, I would stick to all organic in soil, I've never had salt build up issues.
I know dude... I definetly will my next grow. This time I got no choice but finish it.. some of the leaves arte startin to turn brown from the inside/middle and outwards. A little bit on the tips. I don't know what it is, soil ph or nute burn. :cry: