• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Adventure Time with FinShaggy


Well-Known Member

This thread is going to be about my experiences or "trip reports" with hallucinogenic substances. I am 21 now, I started smoking weed when I was 14. Did mushrooms, MDMA and salvia when I was 15. Then started doing various research chemicals as I got older as well as LSD and more mushrooms and salvia.
So I am going to be sharing those experiences HERE, AND NEW experiences with those same things. As well as NEW experiences with NEW things (so ya'll get to learn about past and present designer drugs or research chemicals).
So stay tuned :D I'll be posting my first report in a moment.


Well-Known Member
(This was one of the good legal chemies... Now it's illegal...)

I started reading about research chemicals when I was 14 years old. I was REALLY into Shamanism, MAOI's, Mushrooms, Salvia and learning about ANY plant that was considered an "entheogen". Then when I tried ecstasy for my third time, I did a search to see what chemise were in a snoopie head, and it turned out it was a BZP cocktail mixed with other things. And that was around the same time when I found Erowid, so I looked up the chemies. As a child, it was the most amazing source of information on plants and chemicals that I had ever found. So I started reading experience reports about anything and everything. And that's when I discovered MORE RCs. I started searching for them online, and the one I REALLY wanted to (and still do) do try was "Bromo-Dragonfly". I searched everywhere for it, but the only compounds I could find were the JWH series, the 2c series and some random pip's like BZP and TFPP.

The first one I ever got was 2c-I from Canada. It came in 2 half gs like 2 weeks apart. I put it in some water because I didn't have a mg scale, but I had a ml measuring cup. Everyone freaked out when they saw me pour it in water, because they thought I ruined it.

So we got a dropper with measured lines, and each took what should have measured out to 20mg.
About an hour into it, we all felt like "Shit, this stuff isn't going to work." (By the way, it is semi-important to know that this was like 4 days before Christmas, so everyone had lights up).
We were sitting in the backyard smoking weed. And I started to feel weird. I wasn't sure if it was just a marijuana high or if there was something else too (once you feel like this, it's about to hit). Slowly, things that weren't funny became funny, and it came in waves like a roller coaster. You would feel like you peaked, amazing, like everything is moving 50 miles an hour even though you are sitting completely still. Then it'll drop, and you'll almost feel like your coming down for a second, then it come back and the next peak is stronger, then it drops down, then it peaks up stronger again, etc etc. Until you hit an ACTUAL peak and are trippin NUTS.

I've actually been in a room with multiple people tripping and for 45 minutes 2 of them were like "I'm peaking" then 5 minutes late, "No, NOW I'm peaking" then 5 minutes late "No NOWWW I'm peaking" etc.

The first time I did it I was with like 5 people, we were all smoking in the backyard, and one person was sober to be DD. She decided we should go look at Christmas lights, and we knew of the PERFECT house. TONS of lights, and they light up and turn off with a stereo they have playing Christmas music.
So we got there, and it was actually a lot more disappointing than you'd think. We got there, and it was like... "Oh, a yard". Then slowly, we started looking at their decorations. Penguins and Polar bear blow p dolls, with Santa and a sleigh, and all kinds of shit. And we started laughing. After about 5 minutes, the whole car was laughing HISTERIACALLY at nothing. Then someone said "We probably look crazy sitting outside this house laughing like this", so the driver decided to leave.

We drove around for a little while after that, and someone got out and made two deer made out of Christmas lights hump each other. Then we went home and smoked in the backyard for a while, then everyone decided to go home, but I was already home so I just went inside and upstairs.

When I got to the living room I turned on the TV, and I was instantly amazed. Scooby Doo the movie (with real people) was on, and the shades on their face made from different angles of lighting was shifting. Like each shade of their face was constantly changing places with the others. Then I had an AMAZING realization that there were OTHER things on TV. So I changed the channel to Adult Swim and watched Venture Brothers which is AWESOME while tripping.

After a while I went to sleep.
Some VERY Good things about 2c-I: You can sleep while it's in your system (You could probably even take a little RIGHT before bed for better dreams) AND it doesn't make you feel "Cracked Out" in the morning like ecstasy does.

I have had like 5+ experiences with 2c-I, so I'll share them here randomly. Next story will be about the day AFTER the story I just told.

FinShaggy added 144 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

The next day I took more with a few friends, 2 of us had taken it before 2 of us had not.

I for some reason felt like there was NO way it was going to work again. I felt like "I got this on the internet, and there is NO reason it should make me trip THAT hard."
So I took some, and eventually took more because I felt like it wasn't working.

This was when the two people kept thinking they were peaking (as stated in the last story). At first we weren't sure anything was happening, so we went in the bathroom to smoke a few bowls (I lived with my parents still the first few times I tried this stuff). After about an hour and a half of smoking and talking (smoking in the bathroom, then went to another room to go chill and talk and wait for it to kick in), it started to kick in. I, and my friend who had also taken it the night before, knew (since it was my second time) that we hadn't peaked yet, but they two kids that had never taken it before thought the first signs of tripping were their peak. So they were like "Dude I'm tripping so hard" And I was like, "No... Just wait, it gets better." Then five minutes later they were like "I think I'm peaking!" And I was like, "No, no. Really, it gets better" Then like five minutes later they're like "I'm peaking!!" and I'm like, "Give it like thirty more minutes to an hour" and they kept being like "No, I'm peaking now!!" Then like "Oh shit, no, NOW I'm peaking!!!" It was hilarious.

We went to Game Stop, and driving was a HORRIBLE idea. I don't think anyone should EVER drive on this stuff. I let my friend drive my car, and I had no idea (until I tried to drive) how bad he must have been tripping while he was driving.

We walked around that night instead of driving, but we went to the same Christmas light house, and even though it was kind of chilly, the 2c-I kinda killed the cold because we were moving around so much. I forgot to tell you guys what the "effects" are like. I'll explain now:

It's like ecstasy and mushrooms mixed together (except it's not an ecstasy tablet pressed with meth crystals inside... Yeah, break open the next tab you take, 2c-I is CLEAN, X is random dirty scary shit). So you have energy and music is crazy and everything feels amazing, but at the same time it's like mushrooms because you laugh about nothing, feel extremely happy (unless something bad happens) and colors and shapes and shades shift and move. If you stare at anything, it has like waves going through it almost. And it feels like everything is moving 100 miles an hour, even if you are sitting still.

After it got late, everyone went home and I called my girlfriend who said she was grounded that whole week, so I hadn't seen her in days. She had previously disappeared to smoke meth with her cousin, which I begged her to stop doing, so it made sense to me that she was grounded. Until I talked to her with the insight of 2c-I.

The phone call started off fine, it was just like I told her I got 2c-I in the mail and she was like "What's it like?" and "I want to try it with you." but then we started talking about what we were doing and I was like "I'm just about to go to bed soon" and she was like "I'm watching a movie with my mom, but I went to the bathroom to talk to you." And I was like "You're in a bathroom right now?" then I thought about it, and I was like "You're not at home are you?" and she was all lie "What are you talking about?" Then everything just hit me, and I realized she was probably with her cousin again. I told her I knew she was lying and that she wasn't with her mom. She told me I needed to calm down and stop saying things like that, and that she had to go. So she hung up and I went to bed. But then the next day I talked to her little sister and she told me she hadn't seen her in days.

Just to let everyone know. 2c-e is still legal (less ecstasy effect more like acid), but you have to be a lot more careful dosing that stuff.

Does anyone know of any chems that are similar??? I've always been searching for Bromo-Dragonfly, and that search will continue now that 2c-I is illegal. But I would like anyone that knows of similar chems to please list them and their effects here. Please and thank you


Well-Known Member
First mushroom hunting story.

I don't like to pay for mushrooms.

So I decided to call out to East Texas.
I asked if I could come out there with some friends, and go on a hunt and my Xgirlfriend "Lo" (from the last East Texas story) said "Yes", she would set it up

So we waited for the humidity to be PERFECT, and went out to the little town in East Texas.
When we got there, we met at a place I had never been (It seemed like a car garage, but was about 2 acres back on some land, but I saw no other structures anywhere, or on the way to it...) Lo, her dad, her grandad, and some of their friends were there.

Lo's Grandpa was a REALLY drunk, crazy old man, and told her, "Put your hand in my pocket."
She turned to her dad and said, "Should I?"
And he said, "You know DAMN well not to put your hand in that mans pocket."

So she came with us (Me, and my (both girls) friends M, and J) M was driving, and Lo sat in the passenger seat, and me and J sat in the back.

We went to the RV that her dad had bought for me and her, and it now had electricity, and plumbing.
We had to wait until like...3-4am to go mushroom hunting. And Lo got bored sitting in the trailer with nothing to do...

So she started calling people to get beer, because her dad wouldn't buy her any...(He told her that we should just come in and drink with him, which would have been BAD ASS) So we found some Mexican guy that would buy it, and went to where he lived.
We chilled at his place, and smoked with some other people that lived there, while we waited.
They came back, and we went back to the house, inviting them, and whoever they wanted to invite.

So TONS of people came over to that little RV, and beer ran out fast. But we were sitting around playing drinking games when all these kids (from the boons) started talkin about a "mansion" with a pool. And we were thinking, a "Mansion, out here?"
So we got there, and it was a big ass house, with a BAD ASS pool.

M, and J are both drunk.
Somehow Lo's grandad was with us, (He told us to call him "Dickweed" he had it tattooed on his chest) And he was a drunk old pervert.
He was sittin in the pool, drunk as shit. Shoutin shit at all the girls.
Then M got naked, and eventaully started fuckin the ONLY black guy there, IN the pool. While EVERYONE was in view, including a 14 year old boy, and Dickweed watched (Approvingly)

We finally left there, and got to the first mushroom field.
We had some trashbags, but we realized...We had brought NO flashlights... ...SO...We had to use our cell phones for hunting...

We walking through the field in a line/wall, and the boon kids showed us all how you tell if the mushrooms are good or not (besides tanish color) You squeeze the cap, like so one finger is on top, and one is on the gills. When you squeeze, if the juice is purple, it's good. ANY other color, bad. A piece of paper would be good for testing this

Everyone got a good trashbag full, but Dickweed didn't even make it over the fence.
So when we got back to the car, he payed someone to give him some of theirs.

Then we went to the second field, and got more.
Then went back to the RV.

When we got back, Lo said it would be a good idea to make "Mushroom tea"
We only had a microwave on hand, so we used that and made some nasty mushroom juice.

But somehow it didn't work. The microwave somehow zapped the psylo or something...I have no idea what happened, I just no NONE of us felt it EXCEPT Dickweed, and he just ate his...

Then at like 6-7am we left, M drove.
And we went home...

FinShaggy added 1 Minutes and 1 Seconds later...

2nd mushroom hunting story

Me and my friend (a guy) K, decided we would go to East Texas, and go find ourself a good mushroom field, we'd spot out some cows, and poop around 10pm, chill, maybe make some friends, and come back at 3-4am to do some mushroom hunting.

So we started driving around, and decided we were going to try to find Lo's dad (Lo is in the last 2 stories, who she i, is described in the first one) so we went to a random gas station, and I went in and asked, "Do you know (his name)" And the lady behind the register said, "No".
But some random kid in the store said, "Did you say (his name)" And I said "Yes" and me and this kid started talking and went outside, he told me to text Lo, so we did, and we ended up meeting up with her, and never getting to see her dad...

But we chilled with this dude who knew Lo, at a park, until Lo came, and then we got some bud, and went to roll a blunt.
Then we went and hung out with a bunch of dudes I had never met, and smoked out of a steamroller.

eventually it was late/early enough, and we went out to the SAME field that we had gone to first, last time.
We parked in the same spot as the first time (which turned out to be stupid) and jumped the fence, into the field.

The way the field is shaped, there is a hill. You walk down, and there is a small valley, then another hill on the other side, and a fence, and a treeline to some woods.
We were walking across the valley part, using flashlights, and being pretty loud (not yelling or anything, but loud).

All the sudden we heard dogs...Then a gun shot...Then a drum...It was scary as shit.

We ran up the hill at the back of the property and to the fence, when we got to it, someone said "What do we do now?"
I said "Jump the fence, get off THAT GUYS property!"
So we jumped the fence and started running, one dude stopped to go pee, and his friend stopped too. Then Lo went back for them, then K lost sight of me, and went another direction.

So I was alone in the woods.
My cell phone was in the car.
And I could hear the dogs.

I ran BACK towards the car, but not onto the guys property. And I got to a "lake" which was like waist deep, and had TONS of trees growing out of it. But I walked through it, scared AS SHIT that I was going to get bit by a snake...
I finally made it out of the water, but when I made it out the land around it was just sticky, gucky, shitty, mud. And it sucked my shoes into the mud, (but that was ok with me, I went barefoot everywhere at the time, and had only worn shoes for the hunt ) So I took the off, and carried them as I ran.
There was no trial, but I ran in a straight line, moving big branches, and just braking small ones on my arms, getting caught on all kinds of briar thorn vines and shit.

I finally got out of those woods. And into a field, as I ran I noticed (because I didn't have my shoes on) that the field was full of little pear cactus's, and sticker plants :S
So I put my shoes back on, but the stickers the got stuck in the shoes were hard to get out, and hurt MORE than the ones that were just in my foot, not getting pressure pushed on them.
So I took off my shoes, and ran barefoot again. Trying to dodge prickly pear cactus, in the dark.

Finally I saw some headlights, and it looked the were doing donuts. So I thought, "That must be my friends, trying to show me where to go."
So I got closer (about 1-200 yrds), and noticed that the car was a cop car. So I ducked in the tall grass, and moved behind a pineish tree.
I watched the cops and the farmers talk for a while, then eventually. The cops left, so I decided to walk down the street. But realized that it was a dead end, but didn't realize that the cops hadn't left, they just went to this dead end, and to the house that was at the dead end.
Once I realized it was a dead end, I turned around, and went to the car to get my phone.

A tiny dog heard/say me, and started barking, and chasing me.
I ran to the car, grabbed my phone, ran about 2 properties down, and hid in some bushes, in front of the 2nd property.
The farmer came out with his truck, and got another farmer to come out with his truck, so they were shining their lights both ways down the road.

Then the cops came back, and brought dogs...
I thought, "Shit, I'm fucked"
The dogs sniffed the car, but we had nothing. The cops got a megaphone out, and yelled: "Attention to the people in the woods, if you do not come out, we WILL tow your car."
But they DIDN'T They just threatened.

The farmers dog started to slightly bark at me at one time, and if the cops had payed attention, they could have got me.
But a cop just yelled "GET!" at the dog, and made it go away. He didn't want to listen to the farmers dog, since he had his own.

Then eventually the cops left again, and I called my friends, with my phone in my shirt.
They said they would come soon.
I decided to run across the road, so I was on the opposite side as the farmers property, so he couldn't even TRY to say I was on his land.

But he came back out pretty soon after I did that, and brought his dogs.
I had taken a piss, and they smelled me out REAL quick. But even when they barked at me, I just stayed where I was. they weren't trying to hurt me.
The farmer couldn't see me but he knew I was there, and I was just like "Shit, what do I do?"

So I stood up, put my hands up, and said "I wasn't tryin to fuck with none of your shit."
He asked what I was doing out there I told him we were from out of town, and thought it would be ok to just walk around.
He patted me on the back, and asked who's car was parked there. I told him "My friends"
He thought it was mine, and told me I could take my car and go.
I told him I didn't have the keys, because it was my friends car, and around then my friends pulled up.
The farmer said, "They've been drivin up and down, lookin for you for about an hour."
At this point it was around 8am

Me and K got in K's car, and we followed Lo and her friends in their car.
We stopped at a house, and smoked a blunt. And they told me what had happened (Within 20-30 min they had all met up, and gotten in cars)
And they wanted to know what had happened to me...

I was covered in mud...
I was wearing a shirt that said "Dunder Mifflin" but you couldn't read ONE letter, NOT ONE.
My pants had mud ALL over, and had a light layer of mud color tone from being wet.
I had scratches, and bruises all over my arms from thorns, and branches.
I was a mess.

I told them what had happened, and we headed out of town. Trying to avoid the police, because the farmer told us they probably tagged our plates, and will just get us later...But said that he wouldn't call, or pursue us further in any way, with the police.
And nothing ever happened to my knowledge

FinShaggy added 9 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

(This thread will eventually have trip reports both written and video)

I have taken mushrooms more times in my life than I can remember. I don't want this thread to seem like a mushroom deterrent. A crazy mushroom experience, even when no mushrooms are gathered, can be an intense life changing experience depending on how the circumstances unfold. I want this thread to be a WARNING to those wishing to go mushroom hunting to: BE SMART about where you go and exactly what you do. There are tons of laws defending personal property, and if you get near someone's livestock, house or even just ON their property you can end up dead.

Having said that: After mushroom hunting, since I successful hunt guarantees a HUGE yield. When you go mushroom hunting you don't find an 8th in one night. In east Texas (I like to call it the mushroom kingdom) people will sell you a grocery bag or a pizza box FULL of mushrooms for like the same as a pack of cigs. The BEST thing to do with a large yield of mushrooms is make cool aid. Lightly boil the mushrooms or let them sit in enough alcohol to just get it all wet. Then pour the extraction into some kool aid, or make Kool-Aid using it. THAT is the best way to take it. Everyone gets a cup and inn 45 minutes you're trippin nuts.

If you can't get ahold of cheap or free field picked shrooms, I still also have advice that may benefit you. When buying mushrooms buy at least 2g. That is the base amount you want to take. If you want to have crazier trips later, try 3-4-5-6g gradually to test yourself. But start with 1-2g, 2 is average.

Furthermore, if you want to make your trip stronger and last longer there is something for you. It is called "Syrian Rue", it is cheap and easy to order online. What it does is basically shut down your immune system temporarily via MAOI's. The only problem this poses is that when you eat chocolate or cheese you can get a terrible headache, and if you binge on cheese or chocolate while eating lots of MAOI's, there is a chance of death. But you have to be being stupid, so watch what you do and you should be fine.

FinShaggy added 89 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

First time I ever did mushrooms:

The first time I did mushrooms (I was like 15) we bought them, and overpaid like most people do . Me and like 10 other people planned on tripping together in the woods, and we bought our mushrooms about 4 hrs before we were actually scheduling the trip. We were all excited, so we even tried smoking a little mushroom "shake" from the bottom of the bag. We felt that it had the effect of making us "happy", but that was probably just placebo from being excited about the mushrooms.

About 1hr before we were supposed to trip my mom called and told me I had work the next day, so I needed to go home. I went home and to the living room upstairs to turn on the TV. My sisters best friend was in there, but my sister was somewhere else, so I talked to her friend. I told her about and maybe showed her the mushrooms and she told me I should take them. I had a bag of Syrian Rue seeds and a bag of mushrooms, so I decided to go with her advice and take the mushrooms.

I wasn't sure what to expect and my sisters friend left about 30 minutes after I ate them. I started watching TV and waited for them to kick in. And at some point I felt like maybe they were working, but I wasn't completely sure. So I stood up, and suddenly it felt like the entire floor dropped beneath me. I walked around and even just that sensation alone was VERY strange.

I was laughing about nothing and decided to turn the lights of to watch whatever I was watching. In the dark it seemed as if faces were flying at me out of my peripherals. So I turned the light back on. when I sat down I threw the blanket over myself by throwing it over my head, and when I tried to find the edge of the blanket to pull it away from my face, I got lost inside the blanket and couldn't find an exit.

I watched TV a little longer and laughed about nothing, then went to my room and starred at the ceiling until I decided to close my eyes, which started the closed eye visuals. There was nothing but darkness and a glowing green and pink triangle dancing with each other. Like a windows triangle shape dancing screen saver thing. Then I fell asleep.

I called in sick to work the next day.

FinShaggy added 691 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

At one point I got to take free mushrooms all the time because there was an ample supply in my area. So I was taking at least half a gram every day, then like 3-4 grams a day on weekends.

One day I took like 4g, then one of my sisters friends who was at the house asked me if a few of them could get a ride to get cigs. I wasn't tripping yet, so I was like "Yeah, why not". I drove them up there and everything was fine. The only problem was on the way back, there was an intersection with like 6 stop signs and all kinds of fucked up turns, and I had to ask someone in the car what I was supposed to do.

So we made it home fine, but then when I got out of the car I realized I was trippin hard. I knew how to drive a car, but I didn't know how to do anything else. Someone asked me a simple question (I don't even remember what it was) and I had NO idea how to answer, what to say or anything. So we sat in the back yard and smoked. It was kind of chilly out, so we had a fire going in our fireplace we had out there, and I was watching the fire burn. It was amazing. Watching fire burn. I felt like I could see the wood, the fire and the point at which they became one. I felt like I was WATCHING fire. But I was really just probably LOOKING at fire and tripping. But anyways, after that my sister got a phone call and like 8 people came over rolling their nuts off. One kid told me his whole life story, like: "I was at church camp and BLAH BLAH BLAH".

Our backyard was set up kind of strange, there was 2 couches, and a TV on our patio but it was safe from the weather because it was like in a little niche. So we turned on the TV and watched it (Super Jail, Time and Eric's Awesome Show: Great job, Venture Bros, etc) and talked and smoked bud all night with blankets and a fire.
It was amazing, because that night it went from cold-ish weather evening and sunset, to rain that we were protected from, to night time, to morning. And I saw the WHOLE thing with the mushrooms in my system, so it was just beautiful.

FinShaggy added 176 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

One time me, my sister and two of her friends got some mushrooms. Two of them also took Xanax and I'm pretty sure the one that didn't take Xanax (besides me) had never taken mushrooms before, by the way he reacted to them.

My whole trip on this occasion was really just watching other people, and watching some wet weed dry.

So we had like an Oz of dank and we were trying to make it fluffier, so we stuck it in orange peels. We took the mushrooms, I'm pretty sure we took the mushies WAYY after they took the Xanax. But my sister like passed out at the bottom of the bed, because she was all Benzo'd. The guy that took Xanax took his and went to sleep in another room.

The guy that had NEVER taken mush before (I'm pretty sure he hadn't anyways) chilled with me. He was like starring at a ceiling fan light, and moving his arms all weird. I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was able to change the colors of the lights, and that he was making a light show. He was disappointed that I couldn't see it too.
Then he asked me if I liked spiders. So he moved his arms around all weird, then said "Do you see the webs?" And when I said no he was disappointed again. He asked me what my trip was like, and I told him it just made the scenery move and shit in like waves, and shades and colors moved. And he went on to "fuck with the lights" and started calling me "captain Jack". Eventually he fell asleep and the rest of my night was consumed by watching the weed we had put in the orange peels. I took it out and watched it dry ALL night

Word to the wise. Never try to sell mushrooms, while you are on mushrooms.

It is not easy to use scales and stuff, and you really just don't want to. Plus if you are younger and people still live with their parents, the trip leads you into thinking about that shit, and that gets scary as fuck.


I just found some old trip reports of mine from when I FIRST started trying RC's. I had tried mushrooms plenty of times before this, but I wrote 2 reports for it

This is all about 4 years ago, I found it on an OLD OLD blog I wrote. If it reads weird at all, it's because I had to translate it, I used "SWIM" since it was like 4 years ago, so I had to change it.

"ok so recently I have had a steady connection for mushrooms so he did it a couple of times this week.

I have done mushrooms multiple times before, along with MAOI's on some occasions, and swim has tried 2c-i 3 times.

ok so the first trip.
I hadn't tripped in about 2 or 3 weeks so when the mushrooms came his way, he was ready to try them. I smoke weed everyday, and am usually high, but functioning. usually corn but recently I have had alot of dro so I've been smoking that.

so the day of the first trip swim was with r, e, and a. they had gone to a party where a, e, and r drank and smoked. but I only smoked because he doesn't really enjoy drinking much anymore. a and e had both also taken some xanax.

the party they were at was at this kids house and around 10pm he kicked everyone out thinking the cops were coming because his neighbor had driven by like 4 times.
so we all left and didn't know what to do, we went to chill with r's girlfriend and her friends but she was drunk so her and r just fought the whole time. so we went to my house to stay the night.
thats when swim, r and e decided to take the mushrooms. a and r had never taken any before and a decided he didn't want to but r was excited.
so r, e, and swim all ate around 2 grams of the mushrooms. this was around1130pm.
after eating them everyone went outside to smoke and began to feel it. a was saying that he wanted to trip, but still didn't really want to take any. r was feeling the come up and since he had never tripped before thought that t was really cool, and thought it was the effects that the mushrooms had. and I told him that it wasn't even close to hitting yet.
everyone went upstairs and a went to bed.
r, e, and swim all went in swims room and e layed down and basically went to sleep, but not really, while r and swim talked. r began to feel it really strong and swim began to notice the world changing a little.
then r went into a complete mental religious breakdown.
his eyes rolled back into his head alot, and most of what he said didn't make sense. he kept saying e was a dead bitch (because she was sleeping at the foot of the bed), and yelling about how he was the master of the light show. he called swim jack sparrow and at some points he seemed to be afraid of me and at some points he seemed to want to learn from me.
my trip was mostly just laughing and being part of r's trip. I sat in one spot untill r fell asleep then I had my own trip.
once r feel asleep everyone was asleep except me. so I went in the bathroom to check on the weed. Me and r had put the weed and orange peels in some tuperware to fluff it up, and when swim took it out of the tuperwareit had purple on it that swim hadn't noticed before and the buds were alot fluffier, and seeing this was amazing to me, the alteration of something by filling it with fluid.
then I layed the weed out to dry on cardboard. I sat for about 2 hours watching it and blowing on it and he could see it drying and altering, and becoming smaller. after I thought it was dry enough he put it in a bag, and went to sleep.

this trip had no profound revelation, but it meant something to me, because in hindsight he sees how r reacted to things and how he had been afraid, and I saw what he is responsible for, and I saw that things change and swim thinks that watching that growing change is important to him, and I believe that I can change things, but am not sure how. which is the theme of trip 2.

ok so, I had taken mushrooms the day before with r, and e. and my last two 2c-i trips and his last mushroom trip hadn't been any form of great revelation or even a great fun experience, they had been very sober, and alot like being sober, but in a different mind.

so anyways, I went to another town to pick up a friend, t, who had been in juvenile detention with him for 6 months. and my friend was getting mushrooms through him.
so I picked him up and smoked with him on the way back from t's town. t got his mushrooms and wanted me to do it with him so I decided I would and took 3 grams.

after about 30 minutes a wanted me to drive him to the gas station to get cigarettes so he did, with t in the passenger seat and a in the back.
on the way to the gas station I began to feel the mushrooms (we went to a gas station on the other side of town) and things started to be funny.
they got to the gas station and on the way back I started tripping alot harder, and this was my first time to drive tripping. but it wasn't much different than driving sober except that sometimes the rules of driving didn't make sense to me, or I would forget how a four way stop sign intersection worked.

after what seemed like forever we got home and I wanted to smoke so he went upstairs to get weed and asked everyone if they wanted to smoke, but no one seemed to want to.
then t realized his phone was gone and at first acted nice about asking me to call his phone but then started to get an attitude which pissed me off. after looking 2 times in the same two places I found it.

so t and me went to the backyard(a,e and e's boyfriend s were back there) and swim stared at the fire place, which had a small fire burning. I could tell that t was uncomfortable now that other people were around that he didn't know and he had just been a dick to me.

the rest of the night I felt like there was conflict between me and t, t felt uncomfortable and lied a lot to people he talked to on the phone and I could tell that t was also lying to me about stupid things. this part of my trip was basically just analyzing and understanding t and people caught up in a world like his.

the rest of the trip was conversation basically.
I'm not sure what the meaning of life is. with no god there is no greater purpose, and I believe there can truly be no god based on what he knows of his mind other peoples minds and the world. so me and t had a debate about god, and religion for a long time. t got mad at me for not wanting to follow his studies and practices, but I think that that is just like any other "religious" person, and I think that that all might just be in peoples heads.
this part of my trip was me analyzing myself against someone who is like what he used to be like.

I came down during smoking and conversing.

so none of my recent trips have been profound, but they have been teaching me things about people life and alot more. i think ill post my other two 2c-i trips or my experiments with kava next."


Well-Known Member

I first discovered the JWH compounds in highschool while on probation. Before K2 became popular (when Salvia was the big new "thing" )I was on probation and I had heard about blend in Europe known as "Spice" blends, and I had also heard that you could smoke them without failing a drug test. When I was younger I was really into discovering something that was "like weed" (which only led me to discovering that though some things may be "euphoric, sedatives" and though they may BOOST the effects of weed when used together... Nothing was actually "like weed"... Nothing NATURAL anyways. I had tried many many different plants, including: Kava, Kanna, Kratom, etc. (which are all valuable in their own ways, but are not a replacement for cannabis) but nothing seemed to be similar to marijuana. So I did some research on these spice blends and discovered that the ACTUAL thing getting you high wasn't herbal at all, it was a lab made PURE chemical, sprayed in small doses onto leaf material. So I decided to order a sample of this chemical (It was legal at the time, but I believe it is federally illegal to sell openly to the public now) and try it for myself. I received 1 gram in the mail, and tested it out.

The first one I got was JWH-018. The first time I tried it, it was like my first time smoking weed again. It was amazing, and while you smoke it, you really feel like it feels like weed (until you have plenty of weed, then weed just seems so much better).
I was on probation so I decided to buy more. Soon I was going through about a gram a week. Once I got off probation I stopped smoking it and went back to good old mary j.

Then I moved to Denton and started smoking what most people would call: "a lot" of it. Like a gram in 4-5 days, because I wasn't in my home town and all I could find were $20/g of dank, which isn't always affordable. This is when I tried JWH-250 which I felt like was the same as JWH-018, but realized it was a lot lighter and easier for new smokers to handle, but it still feels like your first time smoking weed the first time you smoke it, even if you have had JWH-018 before.
During this time I saw a lot of people reach their "Breaking Point". I reached mine in my first 1 or 2 grams. What happened to me is: My body locked up and I had to lay on my bed for about 45 minutes. I had been using my laptop previous to laying down, but it made me nauseas to do anything but lay still. Even moving my arm the slightest bit made me feel sick. But once it's over it never happens again.
I've seen other people lock up and have to lay down. One girl thought it had only been like 15 minutes, when in reality like 2 hrs had passed while she starred at the floor.
Another kid vomited all night while I switched out trash bags for him.
My theory on what is happening is, there have been tests that showed heavy JWH usage EXPANDS and THICKENS your CB1 and CB2 receptors. So I think what the pain and locking up is, is your brain dealing with the fact that a section of it is having tremendous instant growth. And it hurts.

Then I moved to California, and believe it or not it was kinda hard to find weed. We were working all day at an avocado factory, and it was an hour away so 2 extra hrs were spent driving, and that was when traffic was good (we lived like 45 minutes outside LA to the East and worked right outside San Diego). And the weed was not very well priced, so I started buying cannabinoids again.

This time I got REAL bad with it though. It was cheaper than marijuana. And with JWH you only have to take like 0.005g on a scale (5mg) for STRONG effects (unless you start using a lot, then 0.005g lasts you like 5 minutes before you want more). So I was buying it about once a week and getting 2, 1/8ths at a time. And I was smoking a gram a day between me and 1 other room mate (The 3rd room mate didn't smoke it), which is heavier usage than I have ever even read about. But even at these doses we were able to not only function, but go to work and visit family regularly (my roommates mom lived pretty close, and she was the one renting us the house). The main down side is, marijuana never really gets you as high ever again. It's still awesome, but you have to have previously truly loved marijuana or you may lose interest.

I believe these chemicals are illegal for public trade now. Tell me if I'm wrong, but just a word of caution. Don't seek these things out if they are illegal.​


Well-Known Member
So I was living with some dudes, and had been talking to a couple girls on CouchSurfing, and they had stayed over once, and they wanted to chill again...

The whole night prior we did line after line of an RC related to MDMA, and very similar to Coc. And I was to the point of like mental overload. Delayed responses, my body and mind would lock/freeze up for 2-3 minutes at a time, and I was slower in general at moving, talking and everything.

But these girls wanted to chill, and I was starting to feel better, as I had done WAYY less MD during that day, than we had the night before. So I got in a car with him, and went to chill. We checked the mail on the way out, and had received a G of what the vendor said was "A Cannabinoid 4x stronger than JWH"...
(They gave us a specific name, but I don't want to share the name OR change my whole story to say "SWIM did ...")
On the way we stopped at the gas station and I threw up out the door...Bad sign...But my friend got me a gatorade, asked if I wanted to go home, and we continued on...
So we got to where the girls were, and they wanted us to hike up a hill (mountain in Tx terms) to go drink some liquor/smoke some weed with them. We did, and brought the "Cannabinoid" with us...

We all started drinking, and they pulled out some bud...I said "I have this stuff."
Showed it to them and told them what it was...
We loaded some on top of some bud, and started smoking and talking...
After a while we decided to go back to the car, and chilled in there for a while, smoked and drank some more...

After a couple hours of chillen in the car, not driving anywhere, fuckin around in a car... We decided to go home until another night.
By this time my mind had been completely cleared and I was no longer locking up or anything.

It was about 6am, and on the way home we hit RUSH HOUR, bumper to bumper morning traffic(near LA)...

My friends kept getting WAAAAAYYY to close to the cars in front of us, almost hitting them. We smoked some more of the Cannabinoid and continued through the traffic though.

Finally I said "Don't get so close to him, you're going to hit him."
But he just gave me a look that said "Whatever, I know how to drive."
Not 10 seconds later he hits the guy.
I start sayin, "Man you're fucked, this is the third time in 2 months ya'll did this, and you still don't have anything registered, OR a license or anything."
Then the guy in front of us got out of his car, and my friend looked at me, eyes huge, and FROZE.

The man came to the window, and tried talking to him, but he just looked at him like a deer in the headlights, and said not a single word. Just went blank, and froze.

I reached across him, and rolled his window down with the crank. And said "Hey I'm sorry..."
The guy cut me off and said, "There's no damage."
And I said "So just trade info?"
And he said "If you want?"
And I said "I'm good" and he went back to his car

So my friend was frozen and I tried to ask him "Can you drive"
No answer...
Just a blank stare...
Then he started to convulse.

His body just went stiff like a board, and his eyes rolled back in his head.
He shook violently, and I knew there was NO fuckin way he could drive...

So I started trying to move him to the passenger seat, but he fought me, must have thought someone was forcing the seizure on him, and thought fighting me would stop it all...

But finally I got him where his back half of his body was in the back seat, and his legs were only kinda in the driver seat, so I got in the driver seat, and took the car out of park, but it wouldn't work.

Over and over P, D, P, D, P, D. Nothing, it just wouldn't work...

Everyone around me is honking at this point (bumper to bumper traffic) And people are on there cell phones looking at me, and talking excitedly, I can only assume to police.

I finally turn the car off with the keys, then back on.
Then From P, to D and it FINALLY works.
And I finally get my friend into the passenger seat. Still convulsing and shaking, with his eyes rolled back...

I start to drive, and the guy in the car next to me is just REALLY close, on his phone, looking at me, talking like SUPER excited.
I get scared that he is calling the police and I mouth to the guy "He's having a seizure." and point at my friend. While doing this I ran into the car in front of me. Which at this time is a whole new car, and guy different from last time...

So the guy pulls up next to me, while we're still driving and rolls down his window, and is like violently yelling "Pull over"
I try to tell him, "He is having a seizure."
But he yells "Whatever" and tells me to pull over again.

So I pull over, and he sits in his car for a good minute. Finally I signal to him, "come on" and yelled "He is HAVING A SEIZURE".

He walks to the back of his car to check for damage, and finally comes over to the passenger window.
By this time my friends is the same as described before but is NOW throwing up all over his own chest.

So the guys is like "Oh"
And I'm like "Yeah...I'm from Tx I don't know ANYTHING about this place, WHERE is the hospital."
He says "The next exit is a pretty major road, just drive down it and there should be a hospital up there."

So I take the exit feeling as if he is calling the police as I drive away...
THEN I see a sheriff parked at the top of the exit, but he wasn't there for me...

I feel as if I'm being set up, and decide against following that road and TOO try to find a safe gas station and ask about a hospital. So I take a left and kinda follow the highway from the said.

I keep putting my hand on my friends chest, to make sure he is breathing.
After a while he becomes conscious enough to respond by taking deep breathes to signal "Yes, I can breath" whenever I put my hand to ask "Are you breathing?".

Finally he begins to mumble something, and I tell him to "Hold that thought. Do we need to go to the hospital, or do you want to go home."
He has some hard to understand responses, but finally says clearly "Go home".

So I stayed off the highway so that IF anyone WAS calling the cops earlier, we didn't get fucked with.

So finally he begins to come to. And at a stoplight opens his door, and starts to get out of the car. I grabbed him and pulled him back in saying "What the fuck!!" (Later he said, he had thought he had murdered someone, and was going to run for it.)

Finally he asked a question...
"Who's car is this, and who are you?" he asked
I told him, "It's your brothers, and I'm your room mate I live with you guys."

Then I asked him"Do you know where you are?"
He said "No"
I said "Do you know what state?"
He said "No"
I told him where we were, city and everything.
Then he asked "Where were we last night?"
I told him "Drinking with ..."
He said "What just happened?"

I described it to him, and at the end he said...
"Wait, so what happened?"

And I told him again.
At the end he said
"I'm sorry if I asked you this already. But how did that happen?" Meaning he had forgotten the whole beginning, and probably most of the end.

Then when we got home, I finally described it to him again and it stuck....

In the morning he went to his sisters house, shaved his head, and became Christian (again).

AND, we found out that next day, that at the SAME EXACT TIME. His grandma had a seizure also.


Well-Known Member
I should have some 25I VERY soon
And will be back with reports of 25I-NBOMe and it's VERY close cousin 25I-NBOH. The latter having MUCH less information available on it. Also, I will be able to compare the experience to various 2c-I and Mushroom trips that I have had, as well as an LSD trip. And most importantly, I will be able to compare them to each other. Which there is even LESS information online for than there is for NBOH itself. I also have a few experiences with MDMA which I will possibly be using to compare to low doses of both NBOMe and NBOH, unless low doses are more comparable to 2c-I. Which is illegal now, but was like rolls and mushrooms mixed
And just so EVERYONE knows. This stuff is POTENT. 200-500 MICROgrams is threshold. 800mcg-1mg (1000mcg) is average. And 2mg (2000mcg) is PUSHING it, but some people have reported going higher than that even.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to be posting ALL my trips in this thread. At least I'm not making individual threads for each trip. At least what I'm doing is practical.
fair enough...but come on man stop posting all kinds of crazy threads about random stuff all over. make your threads and posts worth something. im trying to learn and help with weed not adventure time.


Well-Known Member
fair enough...but come on man stop posting all kinds of crazy threads about random stuff all over. make your threads and posts worth something. im trying to learn and help with weed not adventure time.
This thread is obviously not about the real adventure time show if you read it. And Adventure time is actually interesting if you pay attention.


Well-Known Member
I just want to share my experiences with Salvia even though most people have already heard, read and experienced plenty of it.

When I was 14 I got arrested at school with weed and was sent away to a rehab type lock-down facility "boarding school". When I got back home after 8 months of hell, I was put onto probation for another 6 months. So I wasn't allowed to smoke weed.

I heard Salvia was legal and you could smoke it and get high. So I got a quarter pound of 1x leaves (basic Salvia Divinorum leaves with NO extract done on them) and smoked that for a while on random occasion.

What it did was make things funny. You HAVE to smoke it out of a bong or pipe. Joints won't work. But 2 ppl sharing a bong/pipe of 1x leaves and you'll start feeling funny. We had a water bottle pipes made with foil all the time (we were in 9th grade), and we would smoke like 5-6 bowls of it at a time with 2-5 ppl.

We would start laughing. It makes NOTHING funny, even just looking at each other is funny. Then it makes your spit sticky. And you try to say "My Spit's sticky" but what comes out is "My pits ticky... My spiks picky... My sticks spiky...." And you stumble over your own tongue. And sometimes you get a British accent and can't make it go away. We were just kids smoking walking around our neighborhood or chilling in the woods, and it was ALWAYS fun.
But salvia is... As I described it... Like being raped... But liking it... Like... "I think I might call that rapist back for a second date" kind of rape. That's Salvia. When it's done you feel like "NEVER again" But next time it comes up your like "I'd be down for some Salvia".

But that was my gentle experiences.
I tried Salvia 40x and nothing happened, except the music that was playing sounded a little funny.

The one time, I tried Salvia 15x, my sister and a few of her friends were at our house and had it
I took 2 hits, held it in both times. Suddenly I was gone...
The whole world was gone. In front of me was a black and orange checkerboard, and that was ALL of the world. That was all I had ever known. It felt like I had been born in this "room" made of checkerboard and I would never leave this room made of checkerboard. I really wanted to leave though. But I knew that that was ALL of existence, there was nothing else. Then suddenly I say a lady with blonde hair. She was in the corner of my vision on the checkerboard and behind her was the sky. She was like a fuzzy hologram image on the "wall" that was the checkerboard and she said "You have to wait" I took this to mean "I have to stay here for another lifetime, or maybe even longer". But slowly the lady turned out to be my sister, and she was telling me I had to wait for the effects to go away. I felt as it I had been leaning with my head between my legs, with a coffee table in front of me. And when I sobered up, I felt like UNDER the table was the trip and OVER the table was sobriety as I rose up from the "head between legs position". But the people that watched me trip said I was sitting up the whole time...
I sobered up for the most part, they said "are you ok?" and I just said "I'm going inside." And I haven't done Salvia since


Well-Known Member
I just want to share my experiences with Salvia even though most people have already heard, read and experienced plenty of it.

When I was 14 I got arrested at school with weed and was sent away to a rehab type lock-down facility "boarding school". When I got back home after 8 months of hell, I was put onto probation for another 6 months. So I wasn't allowed to smoke weed.

I heard Salvia was legal and you could smoke it and get high. So I got a quarter pound of 1x leaves (basic Salvia Divinorum leaves with NO extract done on them) and smoked that for a while on random occasion.

What it did was make things funny. You HAVE to smoke it out of a bong or pipe. Joints won't work. But 2 ppl sharing a bong/pipe of 1x leaves and you'll start feeling funny. We had a water bottle pipes made with foil all the time (we were in 9th grade), and we would smoke like 5-6 bowls of it at a time with 2-5 ppl.

We would start laughing. It makes NOTHING funny, even just looking at each other is funny. Then it makes your spit sticky. And you try to say "My Spit's sticky" but what comes out is "My pits ticky... My spiks picky... My sticks spiky...." And you stumble over your own tongue. And sometimes you get a British accent and can't make it go away. We were just kids smoking walking around our neighborhood or chilling in the woods, and it was ALWAYS fun.
But salvia is... As I described it... Like being raped... But liking it... Like... "I think I might call that rapist back for a second date" kind of rape. That's Salvia. When it's done you feel like "NEVER again" But next time it comes up your like "I'd be down for some Salvia".

But that was my gentle experiences.
I tried Salvia 40x and nothing happened, except the music that was playing sounded a little funny.

The one time, I tried Salvia 15x, my sister and a few of her friends were at our house and had it
I took 2 hits, held it in both times. Suddenly I was gone...
The whole world was gone. In front of me was a black and orange checkerboard, and that was ALL of the world. That was all I had ever known. It felt like I had been born in this "room" made of checkerboard and I would never leave this room made of checkerboard. I really wanted to leave though. But I knew that that was ALL of existence, there was nothing else. Then suddenly I say a lady with blonde hair. She was in the corner of my vision on the checkerboard and behind her was the sky. She was like a fuzzy hologram image on the "wall" that was the checkerboard and she said "You have to wait" I took this to mean "I have to stay here for another lifetime, or maybe even longer". But slowly the lady turned out to be my sister, and she was telling me I had to wait for the effects to go away. I felt as it I had been leaning with my head between my legs, with a coffee table in front of me. And when I sobered up, I felt like UNDER the table was the trip and OVER the table was sobriety as I rose up from the "head between legs position". But the people that watched me trip said I was sitting up the whole time...
I sobered up for the most part, they said "are you ok?" and I just said "I'm going inside." And I haven't done Salvia since
Well i have to say salvia is crazy...first time i did it we did oreo hits (weed and 40x salvia) i took one big bong rip and cleaned out the bowl...10 seconds later my body became one with the couch, my whole body turned the same color as the couch and then i fell into it, after falling in i somehow was walking down the beer isle in walmart...except for the ground was water and i was walking on it. After looking at beer for what seemed like an hour...as soon as i made my choice i came to...i had been mumbling and out of it laying on the couch for 15 minutes

Never did it again...i don't like being out of control...shrooms still rock though


Well-Known Member
Well i have to say salvia is crazy...first time i did it we did oreo hits (weed and 40x salvia) i took one big bong rip and cleaned out the bowl...10 seconds later my body became one with the couch, my whole body turned the same color as the couch and then i fell into it, after falling in i somehow was walking down the beer isle in walmart...except for the ground was water and i was walking on it. After looking at beer for what seemed like an hour...as soon as i made my choice i came to...i had been mumbling and out of it laying on the couch for 15 minutes

Never did it again...i don't like being out of control...shrooms still rock though
Yeah. Salvia is probably something you have to get used to. I bet once you've smoked it like 50-100 times at CRAZY high doses you start having more pleasant trips. Never done that much though...

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Salvia is da bomb...DMT is heaven...Mesc is glorious...LSD is KING

And fignasty...go find and eat these

They are exactly what you need:twisted:

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Well i have to say salvia is crazy...first time i did it we did oreo hits (weed and 40x salvia) i took one big bong rip and cleaned out the bowl...10 seconds later my body became one with the couch, my whole body turned the same color as the couch and then i fell into it, after falling in i somehow was walking down the beer isle in walmart...except for the ground was water and i was walking on it. After looking at beer for what seemed like an hour...as soon as i made my choice i came to...i had been mumbling and out of it laying on the couch for 15 minutes

Never did it again...i don't like being out of control...shrooms still rock though
Salvia is not and was never meant to be a party experience...it is for at home with a sitter and gaze at and into the FACE of the ALL
I love the body bounces as I term it...going into other people and lifeforms rapidly ....so much to process afterwards...is a bi-annual event for me...love it


Well-Known Member
Lol not for me bro oreo hits are a little more intense than straight salvia...i never tripped off it til i added weed to the mix. And yes salvia is more like a go outside, find a nice spot to lay down, and sink into the earth drug


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I tried ecstasy, and after my first time using it, I thought I was going to be using it all the time. The first time I took it, it was amazing.

The way it happened was:
I chilled with these 2 girls all the time and one of them had a boyfriend who was hanging out with us one day, and he said "I have like 4 tabs of old ecstasy on my windowsill at home, and I'm not even sure if they'll work still." And I asked him if I could buy them, and he said he didn't really want any money so I got 4 tabs for free.

The next day when I got out of school he brought them when he picked her up, and he gave them to me. I took them home and was all excited. There were 3 blues and a green. 2 of the blues had gorilla faces on them, and the green on had a alligator on it, and the other blue one was broken in half (and one of the halves was powder) and I couldn't tell what it was. So I took the broken one first and thought I would sell the others (I didn't sell the others). I took the one, and walked around the neighborhood waiting for it to kick in. Then on the ground I saw a rabbit laying on its side. When I got close, it tried to run away, but it was like its spine was broken or something, because it would move it's legs like it was running, but it didn't get up, or go anywhere. I felt HORRIBLE. I was like 15, so I didn't have a car, but I wanted to like have someone run it over or something, to put it out of the almost certain misery it was experiencing (I never killed it, but we came to check later and it was just gone).

My friend called me and told me he was just getting home from private school, because he got out after all of us. So I told him to come check out the rabbit and help me figure out what to do. So when he got home he walked the like 2 blocks to where I was, and he was like "I don't know dude". Because he had no idea what to do. So I told him about the tabs and he told me about a new ROAR bong he got in the mail that day. He told me he knew a website where I could check what the tabs bases were, and that we could hit his new bong. So we went to his house. (I don't remember what base the tabs were, I think the green was pure MDMA and the blues were something else according to the site)

This was the first bong I ever hit where I didn't notice any smoke go in, but I coughed when I breathed out. My friend hit the bong once, then laid on the floor and told me I could finish the bowl. So I finished it, and smoking DEFINITELY made it hit faster.

After like a half hour there, the girl called whose boyfriend had given me the tabs, and she asked if I wanted to chill. So I was like "Yeah" and she came and picked me up. We were only chillin for like 20 minutes before I was like "Do you want to take one of these?" Because I just had them in my pocket. So I gave her one, then I took one. Then later we picked someone else up and I gave him one.

We went to a gas station and met up with some people, then went to a big park that's in the middle of town to smoke. It's like a huge park, camping, bike paths, woods and everything. But not quiet as big as like a state park. On the way there I rolled down the window, and when the wind was in my face, for some reason it was 100% impossible for me to breathe. So I kept having to like move in away from the wind.

Then we got to the park and smoked, and everyone started sounding to me as if they were talking into fans. It was the most amazing sensation, just hearing everyone's voices like robots. Then after the park we decided to go to the other girls house that we chilled with all the time, but we didn't tell her we were on tabs, and somehow she didn't figure it out. Even though when we were watching TV, I was amazed by the colors, the girl who had taken tabs went to the bathroom and told us "When I got in there, I couldn't find the light switch, so I just peed in the dark.", and the guy that had taken tabs was the sober girls x-boyfriend, so he was trying to get hugs from her and shit. That was the only part that freaked her out.

I don't really remember what else happened. I know we watched TV and smoked weed at her house, then I'm assuming I got a ride home and went to sleep at some point.

FinShaggy added 8 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...

The second time I ever used ecstasy:
We went to Dallas and a girl that I chilled with all the time (not the same girl as the either of the two from the other story, this was like 6 moths later) knew a guy in Dallas who knew where to get tabs. So we went through him, and he took us to a trap house where we sat outside and he went in and got them for us. There were like Louie Vattons, Diamonds, Tranformers and almost all of them were different colors and symbols. We didn't even try to look online to see what they were.

We each got 2 or 3 I can't remember, but it was me, my girlfriend, my friend that was a girl and my sister. So me and one other person decided to snort part of ours to help it kick in faster (bad idea), so we snorted one and ate one. Whatever was in those tabs was too much for me to snort. I felt like I had shot up some caffeine or something. I was SUPER jittery and could hardly move, almost like I was cold but just because I was too full of energy or something. It was weird.

The girl whose house we were at started the hot tub while we smoked, then we smoked in the hot tub. The whole time the tabs were just way too crazy, I should have never snorted it. We watched movies and stuff, but that's basically how I felt all night.

FinShaggy added 9 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

The THIRD time I took tabs, I don't even remember how I got them. It was Halloween though, and I wanted to trip, but couldn't find anything.

So we got some tabs that were shaped like and pressed with Snoopie's head. I don't remember how many we got, but I think it was 2 a piece, me and a girlfriend.

We went trick or treating and we acted funny, but really it was just "fun", there was no "amazing rush" about it. Then when I got home I looked online, and found out that Snoopies head is BZP with TFPP mixed, or something. So it's not even REAL MDMA at all. After that I decided NEVER to take tabs again, because I don't feel that they are worth what they cost, and I don't feel like it is safe to put something in your body when you have NO idea what the fuck could be in it.

Then I moved to Denton, and there was this kid there that was going to the Army the next year. So he was doing as many fun drugs as he could before he had to straighten up, and he had never done anything when he was younger. So we smoked weed all the time, and he bought tabs a few times. The first few times I was like "I don't take tabs", then eventually he like guilted me into taking a tab he bought for me, by telling me he wasn't going to ever do things like this except for THAT year. I broke it open and showed him the meth crystals inside, but he was like "You're going to make me roll alone?" because he had already taken his. So I took it, and I can't even remember if it was fun. I just remember going to his house and having to hide the fact that I was rolling from his brother, I think I smoked a lot of JWH at that time too though and that probably negated the effects.

But since then I have NEVER taken it again. And never plan on it. Unless I meet some guy in Amsterdam that wants to show me he has some pur shit via test kit. Or maybe in Mexico if someone knows just where a hook up is, since they got the superlabs out there (where I can get hits for 5 pesos and it won't matter how much I spend on test hits I can still get a trillion hits :p. But until then, I feel like there is no need for an unidenifyable drug in my life.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger (like 8 ) I had a crazy weird dream that I still remember today:

I was walking through a city of cement sky scrapers with graffiti everywhere. I was a little kid, I seemed to know where I was going though. I walked inside a building with no door, and inside it was still made of cement. On the walls there were like posters with little lights around them, the way movie theatres have the "coming soon" posters for new movies, it was like that. And in the middle of the hall (the building seemed to be a giant hallway) was cement cylindrical pillars, and between the pillars were benches and trash cans. The whole hallway was just "movie style" posters on the left, and cement pillars/benches/trash cans on the right.

So I started walking down the hallway and it seemed to go on forever.
Then I got to door (not a door just a door frame in the wall) and when I looked in, it was a staircase. So I walked up the stairs, and the next floor of the building was the EXACT same as the floor I had just been on. So I continued down the hallway, until I got to another staircase, then continued to another and another etc.

Eventually I entered a room. There were lots of kids my age (8 at the time), and the were all standing in a mob listening to a kid that looked to be in his 20's. He seemed to be instructing or leading them in some way, so I decided to listen to him too (this is what school teaches your children. It's called "respecting random authority" and it's wrong, what if this was real life and this guy was a pedophile getting kids together.) and suddenly he ran off into a circular tubular hole in the wall. We all followed him until we reached a room full of different colored tubular holes in the wall. It was like Orange, Blue, Red, etc. And we all broke off into groups of 2 so we could search in all tubes at once. Me and one other kid were left, and we couldn't find a tunnel that another team hadn't gone in. So we looked around and in a corner there was some elementary school style fold up cafeteria tables. You know the ones, they are like 30ft long but they fold up, then they have wheels on the bottom. There was a bunch of those, so we moved them and found a maroon tube in the wall. So we went in it.

As we walked in the tube turned into cement walls, then the walls came narrow to lead to a staircase. We were about to walk up the stair case when we heard a sound above us. We looked up and some kind of vampire thing lunged at us from the ceiling. And I woke up...