Adventures in Closed Loop

I've been thinking about getting a CLS for awhile now but I'm far from science savvy. Are there any suppliers of these who make them ready to go without doing too much tweaking?
Sounds like there's a lot of mods going on or equipment not included with these set ups. Is that the case with all of them?
Depends on what size system you are looking for. WolfWurx, Inc offers larger commercial systems turnkey, engineered around one of their kits.
Actually, blunter, it is this one. I have been digging for it in the catalog.

Or I might just stick with short runs of teflon tubes. That is how I will start up.

1/4" npt 5802-15 $57.45 for #11 Ace-Thred.

View attachment 3197242

Im not sure this is going to help you or not

But the fitting you pictured for 57$ above can be bought in 3/8" or 1/2" as a standard boiler sight glass adapter but in SS for around 25$. I dont know about the pressure / vack rattings thow , but since your speck is 1/4" npt ,im guessing in this part a good rating is not needed their ?

Also in the picture on the top the 3 main/large components look like tri-clamp fittings / Clover fittings ? ? ?
I've been thinking about getting a CLS for awhile now but I'm far from science savvy. Are there any suppliers of these who make them ready to go without doing too much tweaking?
Sounds like there's a lot of mods going on or equipment not included with these set ups. Is that the case with all of them?

I think some of the companies will actually come show you how to assemble and use their system
could've sworn someone on here said that...
Depends on what size system you are looking for. WolfWurx, Inc offers larger commercial systems turnkey, engineered around one of their kits.
Hey Fade I can't find anything on the internet about Wolf Wurx. Do you have a link or any contact info for them?
I think some of the companies will actually come show you how to assemble and use their system
could've sworn someone on here said that...
I'm in Canada Texas. I think we are pretty far behind in the BHO industry development for things like the CLS unfortunately. I finally found a supplier who is bringing in the Vac ovens out here lol so I think i will have to source the CLS from the USA for sure.
I'm in Canada Texas. I think we are pretty far behind in the BHO industry development for things like the CLS unfortunately. I finally found a supplier who is bringing in the Vac ovens out here lol so I think i will have to source the CLS from the USA for sure.
They really aren't that complicated pieces of machinery, you could just follow the instructions skynkpharm has for any simple cls and buy all the parts. I'm assuming there's a local metal worker/machinist in the area you can take the pieces to and have them weld it up nicely. It would take a little more doing but you could potentially save some $$ depending on the cost of welding the parts together.
Although you could just order any one of the other smaller closed loop systems that are on the market for like $1000 - $1800.
I could be wrong but I don't think being in Texas should hinder your ability to do most of those things.
I was saying I'm in Canada to the site member "Texas". Not that I am in Texas..

I don't have spare time to source out machinist's, parts etc..I barely have time to in a day to get 6 hrs of sleep lol.

Price isn't the concern. A complete working unit that doesn't need anything is what I would be after.

I've seen prices mentioned from $1000-$30,000 for CLS. That's quite a range.

I make from 8 to 16 oz's of wax every 2 weeks so I need a machine that can do that. Each batch I do yields from 6 to 9 oz's each time running 4 large tubes. Right now I am doing everything old school. Haven't even bought the vac oven yet because up till very recently there was no Canadian supplier supporting them.

Can anyone suggest a complete machine that can do that amount of wax comfortably? I think it's still relatively early in these company's supplying these machines so I imagine there will be some time working the bugs out of most of these systems.
I was saying I'm in Canada to the site member "Texas". Not that I am in Texas..

I don't have spare time to source out machinist's, parts etc..I barely have time to in a day to get 6 hrs of sleep lol.

Price isn't the concern. A complete working unit that doesn't need anything is what I would be after.

I've seen prices mentioned from $1000-$30,000 for CLS. That's quite a range.

I make from 8 to 16 oz's of wax every 2 weeks so I need a machine that can do that. Each batch I do yields from 6 to 9 oz's each time running 4 large tubes. Right now I am doing everything old school. Haven't even bought the vac oven yet because up till very recently there was no Canadian supplier supporting them.

Can anyone suggest a complete machine that can do that amount of wax comfortably? I think it's still relatively early in these company's supplying these machines so I imagine there will be some time working the bugs out of most of these systems.
Lol I should have payed a little more attention although your being in canada doesn't mean a thing, but it seems like your mind is made up on buying one all ready to go.
It kinda depends what your budget is but this one looks nice considering it's meant for 1lb at a time and it's only $1,500.
Still its not all in the one kit, like you said in your first post, your gonna have to get a few extra things.
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I run a minimum of 2 lbs of ground bud every run. Some times if the bud is heavy with resin I can run up to 1280 grams in 4 tubes (320 grams each tube)

And ya being in Canada does mean something to me. I'm in it for a business. I don't buy serious products that don't have warranty service available for the product especially if it's a multi thousand dollar item. If there is problems with it sending things back and forth over the border that has to do with MJ isn't an option.

So I don't know if they make multi chambered CLS or if I would have to do one chamber at a time or what.

Anyone know if they have multiple chambers in a CLS? Or do they make them with only one chamber but different sizes?
Oops I forgot to add the link :o
Most of the companies generally just make them with a single column as just offer them in larger sizes.
This same company sells a system designed for 2.5lbs as well as a 5lbs system.
Also I have seen a multi chambered cls, although never on a small cls. The one I saw was for some serious commercial extraction, it was also for co2.
yeah bc maybe you should just buy an extra column

holy shit blunter they have a 8-10 lb system too
there was a member who posted some pics with that cls system in the past
I was really impressed with his results
all this talk is making me want to buy a cls and oven instead of a new car
Those units look pretty heavy duty Blunter and I think that price sounds pretty reasonable. Are you familiar with their set ups?
The website says they don't come with pumps or "site glass" So can I use my 2 stage pump that I use for extraction now or do I need one of those more specified A/C freon type pumps?
Any other things missing from this set up that is needed?

So I'm a bit unclear on how the butane is recovered from the oil? I get it that the weed is put in the chamber and I assume the butane is injected in the top of the chamber and that the oil/butane mix comes out at the bottom and into that collection tank at the bottom but then how does the butane physically get taken out of the oil and sent into the recovery tank?
Is it purged in the initial collection tank then sent as a gas form as it's purged over to the recovery tank where it is formed back into a liquid and is void of any oil?
If someone could explain this in layman's terms I would really appreciate it. I may be your guy's guinea pig for one of these units soon :)

I am concerned too that they may not let one of these units pass customs and come into Canada because I have heard in the past that even regular vac chambers sometimes get confiscated at the borders..
Hey Texas ya man that's quite a dilemma the oven and cls and rent a car until the profits from the oil making pay for the new car :)
Forgot to ask:
What is "site glass"?
And how does the large amount of oil/butane mix in the collection tank purge to remove the butane without creating a massive muffin?
Do you purge it at a very low Hg for a long period of time to avoid the large muffin then crank up the Hg a long time later?
i gota get one of those?? i wounder can anyone weld some shit like this??? is it that hard???i have been fucking around with that buckner funell how is the dewax come out??????can i see your guys art work???
Another question :) so when the butane is recovered back as a liquid how do we re use that liquid and put it into a pressurized state where we can blast it again?
Those units look pretty heavy duty Blunter and I think that price sounds pretty reasonable. Are you familiar with their set ups?
The website says they don't come with pumps or "site glass" So can I use my 2 stage pump that I use for extraction now or do I need one of those more specified A/C freon type pumps?
Any other things missing from this set up that is needed?

So I'm a bit unclear on how the butane is recovered from the oil? I get it that the weed is put in the chamber and I assume the butane is injected in the top of the chamber and that the oil/butane mix comes out at the bottom and into that collection tank at the bottom but then how does the butane physically get taken out of the oil and sent into the recovery tank?
Is it purged in the initial collection tank then sent as a gas form as it's purged over to the recovery tank where it is formed back into a liquid and is void of any oil?
If someone could explain this in layman's terms I would really appreciate it. I may be your guy's guinea pig for one of these units soon :)

I am concerned too that they may not let one of these units pass customs and come into Canada because I have heard in the past that even regular vac chambers sometimes get confiscated at the borders..

I wish I could say I was familiar with they're setups, but I don't own a closed loop system myself, I just have a basic understanding of how they work.
The butane is siphoned from a tank of r600 into your solvent recovery chamber which is the smaller one.
You pack the large chamber and seal it up and use a vacuum pump, like one used for purging, to pull a vacuum and cause the butane to pass into the packed column.
I imagine you would need to drop the chamber at the bottom in something cold like dry ice/acetone slurry to cause the butane to pass through the column and spit out the extract in the chilled chamber.
The butane would be recovered with a special solvent recovery pump that does not come with the kit.
I apologize for any misinformation on my part because I don't know exactly how it works as I've never used one.
I do know that it's purged inside the collection chamber, but again a SR pump is used to pump the butane back into the solvent recovery chamber you filled up in the first place.