Adventures in Closed Loop

Another question :) so when the butane is recovered back as a liquid how do we re use that liquid and put it into a pressurized state where we can blast it again?
I think you can use a solvent recovery pump like the one they had in the picture to pump it back into your tank of r600.
Also I imagine you just keep purging at room temp until it honeycombs up inside the chamber, or you could heat it a little more and purge it till it's a translucent sap or shatter.
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Those units look pretty heavy duty Blunter and I think that price sounds pretty reasonable. Are you familiar with their set ups?
The website says they don't come with pumps or "site glass" So can I use my 2 stage pump that I use for extraction now or do I need one of those more specified A/C freon type pumps?
Any other things missing from this set up that is needed?

So I'm a bit unclear on how the butane is recovered from the oil? I get it that the weed is put in the chamber and I assume the butane is injected in the top of the chamber and that the oil/butane mix comes out at the bottom and into that collection tank at the bottom but then how does the butane physically get taken out of the oil and sent into the recovery tank?
Is it purged in the initial collection tank then sent as a gas form as it's purged over to the recovery tank where it is formed back into a liquid and is void of any oil?
If someone could explain this in layman's terms I would really appreciate it. I may be your guy's guinea pig for one of these units soon :)

I am concerned too that they may not let one of these units pass customs and come into Canada because I have heard in the past that even regular vac chambers sometimes get confiscated at the borders..

Not sure why they wouldn't allow them into Canada --- unless you guys regulate intent? LOL

The fact is that most of the systems out there are a spin off of the work developed by these guys:

So if you haven't, you might check out their site and hats off to Gray Wolf and crew.

I believe he shows on this site under another name, not sure what's up with that so I'll let him chime in if he wants.

Anyway that site should help answer most of your questions and if not, GW use to show up on ICM or maybe it was TC. Should be easy enough to verify.

Sorry if this info has already been posted, I haven't read the entire thread.

Good luck.
Another question :) so when the butane is recovered back as a liquid how do we re use that liquid and put it into a pressurized state where we can blast it again?

Hey guys, I was out in Chicago for a few days. Back now, and the vac pump and hose, some parts, etc are here. So, I think it is time to begin to think about my instructions to me.

First, here is an overview of the process.

-make LP5 Butane tank warm in water
- make the equipment cold, in a salt Ice bath.
- draw extractor to high vacuum (I got down to 3500 microns on the jug, testing last night)
- close valves
- get vacuum weight of cold jug
- calculate weight of 1.5 liters of liquid butane (for my 2 liter jug)
- connect hoses and open valves
- weigh in the butane (critical, do not over fill)
- close valves
- rescue butane tank from warm water and towel dry against rust.
- store LP5 tank with approved method
- jug of butane ready to go

- pack cold column with dry/cold material
- hold jug above, cold receiver
- open valves
- pour butane into receiver, slowly
- close valves
- invert receiver after all butane is through
- let butane soak material
- turn receiver upright and butane goes through 3rd time

- make receiver 115F in water bath
- re-cool jug in salt bath
- connect hose
- open valves
- butane returns as vapor to condense in cold jug
- when the jug is the right weight again, all the butane is back

I WILL NOT put that butane back in the LP5 tank. I am worried it will slowly pick up water vapor and other light gases, and I don't want to introduce used butane back into my 14 pound of pure butane.

Everything I know came from skunkpharm and
and from

I see terrp has a bag of parts kit for $910. Not bad. They sell some specialty parts as well.

For the standards question. The Foot I have seems to be 3A SS Sanitary Clamp. But, I think Tr-Camp and Clover are more or less the same as that.
DIN, ISO, QK, CK, etc are other types. Types and types. Be careful.

Gaskets have a dot code:
Vitron = white dot, yellow dot
Burna-N = red dot

I have another set of parts to make a still head on the top of the Foot, coming soon, so I will see if I have that right. :)
Forgot to ask:
What is "site glass"?
And how does the large amount of oil/butane mix in the collection tank purge to remove the butane without creating a massive muffin?
Do you purge it at a very low Hg for a long period of time to avoid the large muffin then crank up the Hg a long time later?

It is sight glass. You look in through it. It is dark in there. So, you also need a Light Port.

There are top caps to look down, there are special lights to look past from the outside to see. I have a side glass port to look into.

But, I will use a vertical in-line glass to provide illumination.

Not sure why they wouldn't allow them into Canada --- unless you guys regulate intent? LOL

The fact is that most of the systems out there are a spin off of the work developed by these guys:

So if you haven't, you might check out their site and hats off to Gray Wolf and crew.

I believe he shows on this site under another name, not sure what's up with that so I'll let him chime in if he wants.

Anyway that site should help answer most of your questions and if not, GW use to show up on ICM or maybe it was TC. Should be easy enough to verify.

Sorry if this info has already been posted, I haven't read the entire thread.

Good luck.

They don't allow you to have burglary tools in the USA, do they?

Most laws these days are formed around, implied INTENT.
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I WILL NOT put that butane back in the LP5 tank. I am worried it will slowly pick up water vapor and other light gases, and I don't want to introduce used butane back into my 14 pound of pure butane.
You could run the butane into a column of activated carbon and then pump off the solvent to remove anything that may have been picked up.
True, but I imagine there will be some losses no matter what. We will see, how well the jug can hold butane for a month. :)

For bigger runs, I don't need it, but the idea is I could just pick up a 24" x 3" sanitary spool and clamp that on for a larger column, etc.

The parts scale up by just clamping more pieces.
No. :)

But there are sanitary still heads in 2 and 3 inch. Maybe $150 for copper
Includes the Libig condenser cuff

I already have a glass condenser

So I got
- 3 to 1.5 inch reducer
- 1.5 inch 90 degree
- 1.5 inch 45 degree
- 1.5 inch end cap adpt w/ 1/4" male npt thread
I think getting the butane back into the LP5 tank needs a refrigerant recovery pump, iac
Thanks for your replies to my questions guys. And thanks for the contact info Fade I got the pm and I will give a call tomorrow. Going fishing today :)

Well so much of that lingo you guys are talking about is French to me..I have come to realize I just definitely need to buy a complete set up. I don't have the time or knowledge to mess around with different parts etc to get an incomplete set up going..

I just don't get how the collection chamber is going to be big enough to purge an extraction made from 5 lbs of material.
If you were going to purge mellow to keep the muffin size down it would take so, so, so long to get that muffin small enough so you cut pull your purge to full 29.9 Hg IMHO..
Am I missing something here?

Have you guys heard much about:
Their facebook is:
A youtube vid showing one of their 1/2 lb units:

These units look pretty well made but are pretty pricey. I think the big one is $15,000
I think what you are missing has to do with your muffin assumption.

If you have your temperature at 115F the Extract will not muffin, I don't think.

I will soon see.
Theres vac ovens in canada now? I had to buy mine in the states but would consider a new one - link plz :)
There is a guy in Port Coquitlam BC at a head shop bringing in the Accross International vac ovens. These are vac "ovens" not to be confused with vac "chambers"
I can't remember the name of the shop but it's on Shaunessy Street. A gal I know told me he was importing them.
Yes, what he said, since I got it from him. :) I have to think what you mean by muffin is the gas is trapped and expands the mass. But, when the mass is more runny, the gas can escape without stretching the mass into said muffin.
There is a guy in Port Coquitlam BC at a head shop bringing in the Accross International vac ovens. These are vac "ovens" not to be confused with vac "chambers"
I can't remember the name of the shop but it's on Shaunessy Street. A gal I know told me he was importing them.

I would hate to buy something like that and then find it can't control the low temperature range we need. Gotta do the homework and don't trust the capitalists.