Advice about harvesting (62 days autos, trichomes pics)


Here's some info:
Strain: Random freebie autos (sorry I don't remember).
Space: 1m x 2m
Lights: 900W real watts Chinese led mars clones, about 1.2 meters from the tops.
Medium: soil
Nutrients: 6-2-6 for veg, 4-2-5 flower (1ml/liter)
Age: Day 62 from seeds

This is my first grow. I grew 2 of them along with some photoperiods plants.
The lights were on 24/0 for about 35 days, then the autos started flowering, I moved them to the flower tent which was 12/12 (Yes I know that I could have left them, but I needed the space in the veg room).
around day 53, one of them started to look really bad.
To my untrained eye, it seemed like phosphorus deficiency.
The other plant was and still is 100% fine, which is strange because I treated them exactly the same!

I flushed the sick plant twice and continued to feed normally to see if it got better, seems to get worse.
Anyway, I realized I should probably check the trichomes to see if there's a point to cut it down.
I cut 4 sugar leaves from the top 4 buds, and I think they are all cloudy (see pictures).

So to conclude:
1. Should I harvest the sick plant?
2. What do you think happened to the plant? why did it affect only one plant when I did everything the same for both plants?
3. How does the other plant look?

Many thanks for your help!

Day062 - 00 - Trichs.jpg Day062 - 01 - Trichs.jpg Day062 - 02 - Trichs.jpg Day062 - 03 - Trichs.jpg Day062 - 04 - Trichs.jpg Day053 - 00.jpg Day053 - 02.jpg Day053 - 03 - Phosphate deficiency.jpg Day053 - 01.jpg
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Well-Known Member
you are giving them way to much nitrogen and slowly killing them the one on the right is so dark green its almost black and has all its tips burnt its going to end up like the one on the left which had lock out issues due to salt build up in soild resulting in cal mag and countless other deficiences, those nutrients your giving look rich in them, not sure brand but if you are giving that more than once every 4 waterings and more than quarter strength that is your problem :) hope this helps


Well-Known Member
and to answer your question on harvesting the sick plant yes you can harvest it but the smoke will probably taste so bad you toss it, way too much chemicals in it.


@tpc_mikey ,
So your advice is to flush the right plant and feed less?
How long until the right one is ready in your opinion?

And what about the sick one? Should I harvest it now, or wait? or do something else?
I can also use it for extracts or hash if the smoke will be too bad.

Thank you!


Also, why do you suppose one plant reacted so badly while the other one seems ok if I gave them exactly the same nutrients and conditions?
I'm very curious how is it possible.


Well-Known Member
Don't harvest her until you have no choice. She may finish up just fine. I've had auto's do this to a much worse extent and still produced some sticky sweet bud. This one could just be a little hungrier pheno than the other.

Let her continue but water to more runoff each time to help flush out extra nutes. That's a LOT of N for flower.

One of mine: She got worse from this pic but still gave me over 3oz.


Don't harvest her until you have no choice. She may finish up just fine. I've had auto's do this to a much worse extent and still produced some sticky sweet bud. This one could just be a little hungrier pheno than the other.

Let her continue but water to more runoff each time to help flush out extra nutes. That's a LOT of N for flower.

One of mine: She got worse from this pic but still gave me over 3oz.
View attachment 3933095
Thanks for the encouragement :)
Do you think I have enough time to wait?
It's day 63 from seed now and all trichomes are cloudy.


Well-Known Member
one on the right looks like it still has a couple weeks left not any hairs turning yet, but yes i would flusha gallon of water throught that plant until you get a good run off, then i would in 2 to 3 days water with a gallon of water and tsp of epsome salt mixed in, if you can get your hands on some recharge id recomend that as well and for god sakes quit feeding them they have enough in the fan leaves to grow 2 more plants lol here is what a healthy non N toxic plant looks like


Well-Known Member
notice how i have no tip burn thats a tall tell sign and also how dark green and shiny your leaves are, all signs of N toxicity


Well-Known Member
and id wait another week or so on the sickly plant as well wait til you get about 10 to 15% amber trichs


Well-Known Member
one on the right looks like it still has a couple weeks left not any hairs turning yet, but yes i would flusha gallon of water throught that plant until you get a good run off, then i would in 2 to 3 days water with a gallon of water and tsp of epsome salt mixed in, if you can get your hands on some recharge id recomend that as well and for god sakes quit feeding them they have enough in the fan leaves to grow 2 more plants lol here is what a healthy non N toxic plant looks like
View attachment 3933253
Nice scrog!