Advice for those wanting to quick dry their bud


Well-Known Member
I"ve tried all the different methods I could find with google. With the exception of dry ice.

Quick drying sucks. Although my 360 dried out a couple wet buds pretty good(I let em sit there all day)

I had some bud that I've been slow drying, going on a week now, and the results are getting yummy :-)


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I use a food dehydrator on the lowest setting to quick dry my buds for inspection. The result is a very loose bud, with a sorta harsh flavor, but the high is about 90% of the properly cured product and that's usually what I'm going for.

I have used other methods as well. Oven and microwave greatly degrade the final high.

I purchased my dehydrator for about $40, it uses 95 degrees and has several stacks of trays. I fill the second tray from the bottom to keep the buds as far from the heat source as possible.

A way to get a little more flavor from the buds is to run them for a few hours in the dehydrator, then a few hours in a closed jar. It might take 2 days, but you can get something that will be like an apple that fell a little too far from the tree.


Active Member
if your that desperate i have heard these methods before

1.microwave(be careful lol)
3.put bud in paper bag or any bag with paper shred and blow dry it

i recommend 3, remember that its not going to be as good than if you dried it properly.

Good Luck!


Active Member
To not cure and dry properly just means you are impaitent unless for the reason snow crash has given , you put in all the effort and used all those kilowatts , you deserve your end product to be quality =D


Well-Known Member
To not cure and dry properly just means you are impaitent unless for the reason snow crash has given , you put in all the effort and used all those kilowatts , you deserve your end product to be quality =D
Agreed. But under certain circumstances its ok. Also, I read an article online today that said you can slow dry in open air with pretty good results compared to curing. I think I may skip the cure on this 1st batch and go for a slow dry.

I would NEVER put my weed, or anyone elses for that matter, in the microwave.


Well-Known Member
When I find myself in need of trying a fresh nug, I select a thin sliver of bud, place it on a bed of rice.....but I for one never really count on "tasting" any new weeds for 10 days to 2 weeks after harvest.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The quickest I've dried bud without heat is by using a standard paper bag filled up with A LOT of shredded up corrugated cardboard. The weed did have that wonderful cardboard undertone... but it was good to go after about 3 days.

Another way to speed up drying is to make a small cut at the stem of a bud to allow more air in. I find splitting the stem does assist in the release of moisture.

I also find that the best tasting buds are dried a little more slowly (7 days minimum hanging) and then cured while some moisture is still present. The stems should "pop" but not snap in half. The finished product should be sticky, somewhat soft, and not crumbly. If you get to the crumble stage you've gone too far, or dried at too high a temperature. 75 degrees and 40% humidity... Comfortable for you and your buds.

I might add that my dehydrated weed winds up crumbly with sometimes "wettish" stems. That makes a quick cure important to redistribute the remaining moisture throughout the bud prior to smoking it. Otherwise it will just burn right up.


Active Member
Agreed. But under certain circumstances its ok. Also, I read an article online today that said you can slow dry in open air with pretty good results compared to curing. I think I may skip the cure on this 1st batch and go for a slow dry.

I would NEVER put my weed, or anyone elses for that matter, in the microwave.
yes i agree curing in open air is ok , small amounts , i have done this on my decking in the summer , fresh air when drying anywhere is required , although i would add direct sunlight can reduce scientists say lol


Well-Known Member
yes i agree curing in open air is ok , small amounts , i have done this on my decking in the summer , fresh air when drying anywhere is required , although i would add direct sunlight can reduce scientists say lol
Ah, I didn't mean outside by open air.Although if I lived in an area where I could, I would.