Advice needed! Tips on increasing BHO yield.

Well then you are willing to sacrifice quality for not much more quantity then...which im not willing to do. While butane is an excellent solvent for this purpose, it will still strip some non actives from the plant matter...Its not 100% actives your extracting. Your also making the process twice as dangerous and bad for the environment by evaporating more butane. With 20%-25% returns already with only one can, id rather be using that second can to make 6-7 more grams of wax than a few more little dabs and more time blasting and waiting:)

Thats why you winterize your wax before you completely done purging. mix with some ever clear and that will remove your butane and you will have absolutely no butane left. freeze overnight and this will freeze all of the plant matter you are extracting and separate it from the wax. since it was mixed with alcohol it will not dissolve as quickly and now can be strained through a coffee filter and all of the plant matter will stay on the coffee filter. purge off the alcohol and you will have the best wax you will ever make.
BHO means Butane Honey Oil............

Run your shit ground up, but not ground up so fine like your rolling a joint. To increase your yield, use better weed. :) Average 10-15% yield is not uncommon, less too.

Correct...don't forget about temperature also. Freeze your weed before extraction.