Advice needed! Tips on increasing BHO yield.

I use lucienne gas. Tastes the same as vector for a lot less. Also..I don't recommend too tightly packed. If too much tane goes in and freezes/expands, you can blow your tube up. Usually it would just shoot the weed out but it can break your tube, injure you, or worst of all.....get glass and trim in your bho. I only run one can per tube to keep costs down and then make bubble or iso out of the trim to salvage any leftover glands

I tried lucienne once and it's fine I just think you get a better yield with more n-butane over iso-butane. See if you can acquire some fas-fil. Supposedly it's food grade but I can't find a msds yet.. It's 36 compared to vector's 70 something dollar price tag. Also I think they add more propane than other brands cause my extractor feels like its rumbling. But, yeah. Same price as lucienne and supposedly better. Input would be coo with me.
I tried lucienne once and it's fine I just think you get a better yield with more n-butane over iso-butane. See if you can acquire some fas-fil. Supposedly it's food grade but I can't find a msds yet.. It's 36 compared to vector's 70 something dollar price tag. Also I think they add more propane than other brands cause my extractor feels like its rumbling. But, yeah. Same price as lucienne and supposedly better. Input would be coo with me.

We found Fasfil left lots of paraffin behind on the mirror and has a high Propane content. We use it in a bind, but only if we are going to winterize afterwards. Here is the MSDS:


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We found Fasfil left lots of paraffin behind on the mirror and has a high Propane content. We use it in a bind, but only if we are going to winterize afterwards. Here is the MSDS:

What are your thoughts on neon and lucienne? They're the two other brands besides vector. Any info on them by chance?
dont cheap out, get the real butane or dont bother. it defeats the point of making BHO so youre not smoking plant junk... well now youre smoking butane/chemical junk because youre using a cheap no name butane. you only got 1 set of lungs and 1 brain.. is it really worth possibly hurting those 2 precious organs just to save 2$ a can????

lucienne is pretty good butane for BHO though. not sure about neon. sounds sketchy and cheap but I could be wrong.
What are your thoughts on neon and lucienne? They're the two other brands besides vector. Any info on them by chance?

Lucienne works well but I haven't tried Neon. After checking the MSDS, we check butane by spraying half a can on a mirror and checking for residue. We then sniff and lick the mirror to taste any residue for mercaptans.

All will leave some paraffin behind, but it shouldn't be a lot and should be mercaptan free.
Mercaptans are a sulphur compound that smells and tastes like rotten eggs, as low as 2.8 parts per billionth. That is more than 1000 times more sensitivity than the smell of gasoline, for instance.

They are the foul smell in farts. If they are present, they are hard to miss.
PUSH IT TROUGH SLOWLY, put the butane can lightly on your extractor and press down very slowly until there is a slight flow of liquid, then hold it there for a while its slowly drips down the extractor, it is very important that you do it in one fluid motion that slowly fills up the extractor with liquid. as the liquid travels down slowly it will leak out of the bottom a yellow/greenish fluid that is exactly what you want. the slower you do it, the more time the butane has to extract the THC the more potent it will be, so make sure you grind your herb very finely, i use a coffee grinder then i pack my class extractor as tight as i can and i usually get about 1.5 grams of oil for 10 grams of shake.

green huh... that means you got some extra stuff in there, chlorophyll. it should look like piss no green, and actually dont grind it into a fine powder that is probably why you are getting a green tint. most the guys on here will hand break up or leave whole nugs in the extractor

your technique will yield more but it wont yield quality, one of the reasons i got in to bho/shatter/wax is because i like quality over quantity
dont cheap out, get the real butane or dont bother. it defeats the point of making BHO so youre not smoking plant junk... well now youre smoking butane/chemical junk because youre using a cheap no name butane. you only got 1 set of lungs and 1 brain.. is it really worth possibly hurting those 2 precious organs just to save 2$ a can????

lucienne is pretty good butane for BHO though. not sure about neon. sounds sketchy and cheap but I could be wrong.

I think they have a different brand of neon in cali and in canada i am not sure i dont travel to strange countries:wink:, but in texas it is the worst of the worst, there is a guy out here ran a big batch with 2 boxes of this shit and hes was ripping on me because i paid twice for vector... he couldnt give it away because it honestly smelled like some one farted in your face when you opened the jar it was in.
So I feel like I should be yielding a lot more BHO than I am although I could be wrong.

I need some advice on how to maximize my yield.

Ive read conflicting opinions on almost everything I can find about BHO.

Is it better to use ground up plant material or keep it together?

Should I pack the extraction tube lightly or more tight?

How many canisters of butane should i put through a 40 gram glass extraction tube?

Is vector really the best butane to buy for the price?

Any answers are much appreciated.

Ive been getting 3-5 grams after running 4 canisters of butane through two separate 40g extraction tubes. 2 canisters per extraction tube.

first off you want to used very finely ground up material that is DRY (important) or if moist then frozen.

you want to pack the tube medium tight, vector is good but i use mega 7x runs clear on the mirror test and cheep $35 a case where i live.. (spay butane on a mirror or glass jar for 5 sec and see how much residue is left..if barely any than its good.)

the amount of butane needed depends on diameter of your extractor and the cronicness of the material you are using. rule of thumb would be to run the butane till it turns clear.. also was reading that a tube of 1" inner diamerter works best as all the trim comes in contact with the liquid..

I would recommend the dry ice method for best yield.. put your material in a bucket with dry ice and shake with a bubble bag over the top doenst matter which screen the most course one works best as it does not matter how much plant matter come through when you are going to be blasting.. collect the keif on a glass mat or simular surface by vigorously shaking the bucket/ bag till all the keif come out. i got 29 grams off of one case of butane (12 8oz cans 800ml) and 137 grams if dry ice keif..


Also here is some great info for you here (very indepth)

Happy hash making and hope you never have to such a low yield again...
your a fuckin idiot lets see your oil. and if you use two coffee filters and a proper extractor there will be no plant material in the oil, maybe if you make some ghetto shit. and three cans of butane for 100 grams is what it takes before the liquid coming out isnt golden. and how do you figure putting a pyrex dish with a little glob of oil on it would make anything explode there is no butane anywhere in the house or the fridge. just a dish which is in no way flammable or able to cause an explosion lol

first of all man there is a lot of butane left in there after the first initial purge( liquid butane evaporated) the butane boils off at just about 32F for n-butane and a bit colder for iso.. so in the fridge it would evaporate out and you would have a fire hazard.. the oil turns dark amber when all the butane is evaporated.. budder bho still has loads of butane in it. i would never smoke that stuff.. spend the extra hour or two and do it right with a proper heat purge and vacuum purge if you have the equip..if you do it right you will go beyond shatter and come out with some tar like oil that is red in color has zero butane taste or tickle and barely sticks to your flesh..
the oil turns dark amber when all the butane is evaporated.. budder bho still has loads of butane in it. i would never smoke that stuff.. spend the extra hour or two and do it right with a proper heat purge and vacuum purge if you have the equip..if you do it right you will go beyond shatter and come out with some tar like oil that is red in color has zero butane taste or tickle and barely sticks to your flesh..

first off this thread is a couple months old
second you couldnt be more wrong about fully purged stuff turning amber...
the only amber stuff i have is my reclaim, almost everyone on here puts out fully purged gold stuff...

so no sir you are wrong with this claim that when it is fully purged it turns amber in color
I'd have to agree with Twitch. Amber color usually associated with shatter is the first texture to come from purging. More heat or more purge will turn it yellowish gold and drier.

I've smashed up shatter and threw it in the vac; its usually good for a few more muffins.

Like this..

IMG_3167.PNG 2 IMG_3168.PNG 3IMG_3161.jpg
just turn it off to be safe, there will be no advantages to having the water at a rolling boil while blasting, just the fact that the butane may seem into your oven top and finding an ignition source