Advice On Lighting?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i just germinated a seed of mine and put it in rockwool and it has been 4 days so far and my plant has one set of leaves so far. I have been keeping my lighting on 24/0 for the 4 days with a cfl or clf, something like that because its supposed to be be on 24 hours for the begining correct? Also when should i switch the lighting to 18/6?i believe it is? Like how many sets of leaves should i wait for to switch to that. And should i gradually change the lighting an hour more every night till' i get to what i want? And lastly when do you know when to put you plant into flowering? I think it is till however tall you want it, and when to harvest? Any info will help me out. Thanks.:mrgreen:


Active Member
hey, it doesnt matter you should just keep your lights on 24 hours a day everyday until you decide your plants are about half the total size you want and then you switch to 12 hours a day. I have never used rockwool and recently bought some for cloning, can you tell me what you do with the germinated seed in the rockwool, i dont have hydro i was going to put it right into soil.


Well-Known Member
well not even sure how to put a germinated seed into rockwool correctly, but how i did it was, i germinated the seed in papertowel ina plastic bag then when it was germinated i put it in the middle hole that the rockwool has. i put it in so that the little root it grows is in the hole and push it down into the rockwool so that all that shows is the seed part of it andhave it so the light can hit the top of the seed(if it has not sprouted) so that it can grow upwards and sprout. I am not very good at elaborating things lmao. i try tho..


Well-Known Member
I have had 100% success two go arounds now (10 seeds each time) just letting 1" rockwool cubes soak overnight in pH 5.8 water, then I drop the seed in the little hol;e in top of the rockwool, and I set them inside my humididome and put it in a dark, warm I said, both times all 10 seeds sprouted within 3 days. After that you can just bury the cube in soil or put into your hydro set-up. This is an idea I got from a book I read, which said that this is the closest to 100% effective method they had found.


Active Member
I have had 100% success two go arounds now (10 seeds each time) just letting 1" rockwool cubes soak overnight in pH 5.8 water, then I drop the seed in the little hol;e in top of the rockwool, and I set them inside my humididome and put it in a dark, warm I said, both times all 10 seeds sprouted within 3 days. After that you can just bury the cube in soil or put into your hydro set-up. This is an idea I got from a book I read, which said that this is the closest to 100% effective method they had found.
yea this is one of the best ways i have found also. forget that papertowel shit. you are having to do twice the work and it allows a better chance for the roots to get contaminated from your hands or particles in the air by doing all that transfering. now as far as the lighting i read a plant can only register a total of 18 hours of light a day anymore than that is just waisting your power. so that is what i do. the only time i run lights 24hrs is on my clones for the first few weeks after they have been clipped and that is really more or less to keep the humidity up in my dome.


Well-Known Member
I have had very good luck going 24-0 until the plants break ground about 1" and then 18-6 all the way thorugh vegging.