

Well-Known Member
Hi guys and girls.
So she has been in paper towel for 6 days now, and last 3 is pretty much staying like this.
Should i just leave it or put it in soil ?

Thank you!



Well-Known Member
The pic didn't upload, if it hasn't sprouted in 6 days it's probably a dud. Normally sprouts in 24 hours and ready to plant around 48hrs. You can put it in a medium and keep it moist. Sometimes you'll get a late sprout. That can take up to 2 weeks. I'd just start over. Don't use straight tap if you do let it sit for 24 hrs allowing chlorine to evaporate. I'll start my seeds with r/o water. Fill a cup of water and throw your seed in it. Put that cup in a dark cool place. I use a spare bedroom shelf in a closet. Let that sit for about 12 hrs go check see if the seed has sunk if it has good if not poke it a few times sometimes it'll sink sometimes not. After a full 24 hrs get your paper towel, zip lock and mister ( spray bottle ) you'll want to pour almost all the water out then pour the rest with seed into the folded paper towel. Fold the paper towel mist both sides and mist the inside of your zip lock 3 or 4 sprays. Place paper towel into zip lock then seal the baggie. Place it back into the cool dark place you initially soaked the seed at. Let that sit for 24 hrs don't look at it before then. Most of the time it's a little sprout after 24 so I'll leave it for another 24.


Well-Known Member
It Looks like it might be gone. Sometimes they crack but die right after due to environmental issues, pathogens in the medium or hands, and several other reasons. I personally like to put my seeds in a cup of water. At first, they float. Next day usually you can tap them and they sink. As soon as I see cracking I place into the medium.


Well-Known Member
What happened is when the shell separated and opened, the embryo was unable to take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide to keep the germination process going. It damped off because the environment (paper towel) was and is way too wet. Damp is the operative word. If you can easily squeeze out water you're way to wet.