Aero garden


Well-Known Member
haha well hopefuly thee crack so you can get ya shit goin, i lost my OG Kush seedling today, :(

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
yea i hear that. i got everything set up perfectly, now my seeds want to fuck with me haha. but damn thats beet didnt your light nock it out or something, i was reading you wrote about it.


Well-Known Member
Yea it think it took the most shock or whatever, the root wasnt even growig , it was just green, should of pulled it yesterday and got another seed ready to germ, but my im not sure if i should wait another two days for it to germ since my other seedling are takin off pretty good now

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
tru tru.

In my AG i have 6 pods. should i be using any specific pods and i thought i would plant 3 maybe 4 tops. cuz i heard its not good to plant too many.

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
tru tru.

In my AG i have 6 pods. should i be using any specific pods? i thought i would plant 3 maybe 4 tops. cuz i heard its not good to plant too many. plus i have such little space?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yea i germed 5 to get a better female ratio, i put my best seeds on the far ends, sine you got the 6 pod one i would use the holes on the end


Well-Known Member
It took like a week too, im sure it will show up tommorrow, thats when i got mine, cause of the weekend

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
hah i know the holidays just fly by once thanks giving pasts by. say if i just germed my seeds in my AG cuz im tired of waiting and i had a hazze seed in their and it germed in their and sprouted. im just worried about future problems. i heard it might make the plant weak and easier to die? you know anything about this?


Well-Known Member
Naw there is a couple current AG threads where they germed in the AG, it just not a guarantee like th paper towel method, haha but sometimes it dont work, could be the seed tho too but it shouldnt have any problems


Active Member
ive always germed my seeds in a jar of warm water with a drop of superthrive. then i put the jar in a dark warm place....ive had 100% crackage with good seeds using that method..


Active Member
i use a couple paper towels and fold them up so you have layers. you want to keep them moist while trying to germ. more paper towel= more moisture


Active Member
i cut the very top of the plant off right above the last node. if you check my thread you can see. now on the top of the plant i have 4 bud sites. it will help keep the plants small and still produce good yeild. HOPEFULLY lol my first time so we will see what really happens:hump: