Aero/Hydro Gravity Grow: Tangerine Dream/G13 x Haze/Cinderella 99/Pineapple Chunk

Commentated video will be cool cause you could point out things you seen progressing or happening aswell.
yikes, another 500! must be some nice toys.
I just got some friskars for 15$, biggest investment i've made lately besides the electric bill lol.
Here's a commentated video of our motherroom's drip system setup. I hope it's understandable and that I've used the correct words to describe it :) My vocabulary in english is not as big as k0ijns, so bare with me. But I hope you get the meaning of it.

Click here to watch the video!

Here's a picture to show what we've used to lift the tray from the table a bit, so the water gets a nice and easy flow down towards the drain. The right side of the tray (in the picture) is lifted a bit higher than the left, because the drain is in the left side. We've also placed rubber mats (in both ends of the tray) beneath it as you can see, to make sure it won't move too much.

We have also taken a pic to show the changes we made yesterday.
We took out the damaged C99s and placed them in the motherroom again.
The healthy C99 (top left bucket in the picture) shows sign of nutrient deficiency, and since it was sharing a bucket with a not so strong C99 we thought it would be best for them to be separated.
We then gave the strong C99 more nutrients.
And we covered up the holes in the buckets, so our water won't get dirty.

Here's a couple of pics to show our airpumps in the flowering room. We've hidden the big one in the box it came in, so it won't get overheated from the lamp.

And here's a pic of the lampshade viewed from above

If you are curious and have questions about our setup or anything, don't hesitate to write us :)

Happy growing :leaf: and smoking! :joint:
excellent mate had to subb up it be rude not to..special work bein done i like that..rep u when i can cause its deserved love the colours of them plants they look great and the rooting is gunna be hectic love it mate
excellent mate had to subb up it be rude not to..special work bein done i like that..rep u when i can cause its deserved love the colours of them plants they look great and the rooting is gunna be hectic love it mate

Thanks a lot mate, we appreciate it :)
Aye, the colours of the plants are looking good.
Can't wait to get more buds on each plant, and get the scrog up.
And the sight of the roots is beautiful I think :) We're just very much on guard, cause the nutes lumps up after a while and sticks to the roots :?
lol well it's not that weird you would say that mate, cause k0ijn has basicly written every update since we started. But today I had time :)
But we've agreed to write as if we both have 'a story to tell', so the other one won't feel left out lol
excellent mate had to subb up it be rude not to..special work bein done i like that..rep u when i can cause its deserved love the colours of them plants they look great and the rooting is gunna be hectic love it mate

Cheers =)
The rooting might take completely over at one point, expecting the reservoirs to be filled with roots by then end ^^

Weeman^ and I are working together on the grow, and since he hasn't written that much yet I kinda pushed him into writing more hehe.
The update with the video was entirely his idea and I got quite pleasently surprised!

Easier to keep control of the grow and update when you have two people ^^

I'm glad you like the grow mate, a lot of time and money has been put into it and with the rapid growth we have atm a lot of updates will follow, good to have more people following it!
fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I never knew how great your setup was, im so freaking jealous of you guyssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and your english is better than most americans dont feel bad lol, plus I spent more of my life playing computer games with people from europe so I'm use to accents :P

You got a jungle in that place now man, from babies to ladies.
And I love your system, let me say that again.
I'm so jealous, watering must be a lot easier with all the pumps and hoses and drip systems and whatnot.
very very nice my man, very nice.
I need a better camera so I can make videos :X
fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I never knew how great your setup was, im so freaking jealous of you guyssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and your english is better than most americans dont feel bad lol, plus I spent more of my life playing computer games with people from europe so I'm use to accents :P

You got a jungle in that place now man, from babies to ladies.
And I love your system, let me say that again.
I'm so jealous, watering must be a lot easier with all the pumps and hoses and drip systems and whatnot.
very very nice my man, very nice.
I need a better camera so I can make videos :X

Hehe glad you like it mate, and yes it is indeed a lot easier to water the plants, since we don't have to do that much :)
We only have to make sure the hoses are placed correctly, and that's it. And of course that the timer for the pump is installed correctly as well, so we can give the plants the right amount of water they need.

Hehe I'm glad that you understand what I'm saying in the video, and thanks for the cheering up ;)
I'm gonna try and be more active on the forum, so I can get k0ijn off my back ... joking ofc! (I'm gonna hear for this.. lol)
In the beginning of our journal I just had a hard time realising and believing that anyone would be interested in the smaller details.
So it's nice to see that you're correcting me wrong :)

Hehe from babies to ladies indeed.. It's awsome!
Aye a good camera is nice to have if you wanna 'spice up' your journal :leaf:
Luckily most cameras today can video record as well
The little details are what I thrive on myself just because this way I will know how to do it if it comes around.
Im really interested in getting soil out of my life, so explain away.
It'll make time pass quicker too, and probably answer a lot of peoples questions on google lol.
We're expecting the equipment tomorrow, and if we have time there will be an update as well to show what we have changed ^^
Another commentary vid is on the way as well!
Ah cool mate, that's a good idea :) You can never be too prepared
Hehe alright, we'll be as thorough as we can ;)

We've added more nutrients this evening. We also gave them yesterday, but they still showed nutrient deficiency this evening.
And even though we're only using about 1/8 of what the nutrients instructions tells us we should use, I'm still so freaking scared that they will suddently get nutrient burns like the C99s. I'm overreacting I know, but I can't help it ! Those are our ladies down there !!!
hows the sick grow goin

Hehe it's doing good mate.
However we haven't gotten our equipment that we ordered, I thought GLS (shipping company) would deliver on weekends (saturday in particular) but it seems like they don't.
So we have to wait until monday to get our new stuff.
It's a bit irritating since we've ordered a new EC meter, a new lamp for the mother room and a lot of small essentials we were short off.
We'll have to make do with what we have now.

The most annoying thing is that we can see our package is in Kolding, a city in Denmark, and it has therefore been shipped all the way from Germany to just sit in shit ass Kolding town.
Those Jutland types are always ruining it for us!
great lookin op you got growin in here.

lookin forward to what the future will hold for ya. That shipment of supplies cant sit inKolding town forever right? hahaha shipping is such a headache sometimes
Cheers Myles =)

Hopefully the future is bright, we don't have the flowering filled atm though, which might prove good or bad later depending on how much we can manipulate the plants with LST and scrog ^^

It sure can, I don't know why they use a town like Kolding and the fact that they don't ship in weekends is irritating, however quite normal.
Shipping can be really aggravating sometimes, we had to wait 2 weeks for the first seeds we ordered which is why we ordered two more strains in the first place.

They better be here monday..
2 weeks and you are in Europe? I usually get my seed orders in around that time in the U.S. :p

its a conspiracy i say! They trying to slow you guys down ;)