Aero/Hydro Gravity Grow: Tangerine Dream/G13 x Haze/Cinderella 99/Pineapple Chunk

LOVE THE VIDEOSSSSSSS god i'm happy I found this thread.
Haven't been too active but when I do come here your thread is one of the only ones I check up on, so don't worry if you don't see my face around.
You guys have your shit together, I can sense it in your voice when you talk about things, you guys are finally feeling comfortable ehhh? :]

I'm jealous of your mother room you have no idea lol.
my 4 moms right now are under a small 4 bulb 2 foot T5's.

happy to see others coming to this thread.
your setup looks very professional, something in a magazine.
people who haven't seen plants or anything are blown away by my plants.
but if they saw your shit, i'd have to hide mine. lol.

<3 :leaf:

Hehe thank you mate, it's always great to see your reaction :D

Our mother room is also the one we're most proud of atm, it's really shown to be working well for the plants and the setup is very easy to maintain and tweak ^^

I'm loving the magazine comment!

And we're also happy to see others taking interest in our grow, even though we still are fairly early on in the grow.
We are btw deciding how to increase the CO2 levels and will hopefully figure this out when we begin flowering for real (with all 4 strains).

Myles; I thought it was funny haha :D
We're suspecting to have algae growth/nutrient clumps in our flowering room!
We are getting some Hydrogen Peroxide tomorrow to combat the algae.
By the way the water in each bucket was 22-23 degrees celsius, which we are trying to bring down.
We'll post pictures soon and show the changes we've made.

We're still suspect about our nutrients and why they clump up.
It's really annoying and weird! We don't feel comfortable using them to be honest.
We're thinking about testing out other nutrient products.

We'll keep you posted! Cross your fingers :)
We have seen algae growth / nutrient clumps in our flowering room buckets and we're solving the problem.
However it's the weekend and impossible to get a hold of Hydrogen Peroxide and the new stuff we need.

We're going to place the water outside of the flowering room and feed it through the wall to the buckets in a slighty different manner.
We will use a misting system / sprinkler system around each plant inside the buckets.
Thereby hopefully controlling the water better and helping O2 uptake and abundance.

We have not gotten all the stuff we need yet however and the damn EC meter broke again (I want to burn it..) leaving us at the nutes mercy, not knowing exact numbers isn't helpful.

Seems like we got a bit of shite luck atm with our flowering room and the nutrients we have.
Hopefully we can solve this when we get the setup tweaked.

in the future id suggest putting ur water pump in a filter bag....all water it sucks up will have to go thru the bag before shooting into the driplines. helps keep clumpy nutrients from blocking th elines. HP is def the answer to the algae tho. why cant you get it over weekend? HP is sold at many different store such as pharmacies, grocery stores, walmart. you shoukd be able to buy that shit everyday of the week unless ur somewhere remote.
We have filters on our pump mate, but we only use a pump in the mother room (which is doing fine, much better than the flowering room).
I like the idea of the bag though, will see if I can get one.
The main problem with the clumps are that it seems to lock out and / or burn some plants in the flowering room, since it's DWC the roots hang in the water and they get pretty clumpy compared to algae / clumps I've seen before.
Hopefully the HP will get rid of it until we can get the new stuff set up to completely eliminate the algae and clumps.

Problem is I live in Denmark and we don't have Walmart or 24 hour open stores ^^
Saturdays and Sundays it's hard to find open shops which have these items.
Stores close @ 3-4 PM on saturdays and not that many are open.
Sundays, hardly supermarkets are open (no stores are, no grocery stores, no pharmacies etc.).
if it doesnt clear up id get the fuck off that nutrient line. Shouldnt have clumping like that :(

denmark sounds nice in that regard...unless u need something fast :p sometimes i hate how our world here never stops. Always shit poppin regardless of holidays or times.
Ye I'm really getting pissed off at this nutrient line, I have never seen clumping like this before, I will take a picture of it later to show you the look of some of the roots.
New nutrients are one of the items we're ordering to fix this issue.
Or at least eliminate one possible crook ^^

It is nice hehe but it can also be pretty irritating as you yourself mention, sometimes you need something fast and that can be hard to get here!
We have filters on our pump mate, but we only use a pump in the mother room (which is doing fine, much better than the flowering room).
I like the idea of the bag though, will see if I can get one.
The main problem with the clumps are that it seems to lock out and / or burn some plants in the flowering room, since it's DWC the roots hang in the water and they get pretty clumpy compared to algae / clumps I've seen before.
Hopefully the HP will get rid of it until we can get the new stuff set up to completely eliminate the algae and clumps.

Problem is I live in Denmark and we don't have Walmart or 24 hour open stores ^^
Saturdays and Sundays it's hard to find open shops which have these items.
Stores close @ 3-4 PM on saturdays and not that many are open.
Sundays, hardly supermarkets are open (no stores are, no grocery stores, no pharmacies etc.).

damn that would suck....
out here you could go to a walgreens any time of the day and literally get whatever you wanted.
And I don't know of a grocery store around here closing before 10PM.
But I bet stores near you aren't all big companies screwing over the little guy ehh?
damn that would suck....
out here you could go to a walgreens any time of the day and literally get whatever you wanted.
And I don't know of a grocery store around here closing before 10PM.
But I bet stores near you aren't all big companies screwing over the little guy ehh?

Ye :(

I wish we at least had one store open 24/7 like a Walmart / Walgreens.
It's tough to get a hold of stuff here, mostly we have to order from different companies and wait for the delivery, which is a pain when you have problems that need to be fixed asap!

I'd still say the companies we have try to screw the little guy but at least they're not multinational billion dollar giants ^^

We only need some misters (micro-drip) atm, we basicly just got:

2 new reservoirs (100 liter).
New hoses and connectors.
New pump (7000 l/h).
New nutrients.
New EC meter.

We still need the misters and some Hydrogen Peroxide which is proving very difficult to get in 35% concentration (which is what we want).
Hopefully we'll have most of it by friday but we probably won't have it all until monday/tuesday.
And let me tell you, our flowering room plants are getting a lot worse as a result of the clumping shite nutes.
We're probably lucky if a few of our flowering room plants survive.

Luckily we have our mother room, our 3 mothers and the C99s we pulled out of the flowering room are doing good, and we have 4 females in that bunch (5, counting the one hurt in the flowering room).
We'll have no problems getting a new set of plants into the flowering room once it's setup as we want it.
It's a just a time waster to have these problems.
Means we have to redo the entire flowering room setup and try other nutes to eliminate problems and find a solution.
if you havin trouble finding 35% id just grab whatever you can for now and worry bout getting the 35% later. you can adjust to compensate for the difference

kill that dam algae :D
if you havin trouble finding 35% id just grab whatever you can for now and worry bout getting the 35% later. you can adjust to compensate for the difference

kill that dam algae :D

Ye if I cannot get the 35% by friday I will just buy the sucky 3% and compensate.
The algae has to die, and with the new setup we're doing we need the HP anyway, I just really don't want to pay $10 for 3% HP when I can pay $17 for 35% (in same volume).
See how the big guys screw over the little guys in Denmark ^^
It's incredible ye.
It's a marketing scheme and they're getting away with it.
Denmark has also limited the amount of HP one can buy.

We might have to buy it outside of the country ^^
whattttt!! limiting the amo8nt you can buy? what do they think ppl are using it for, filling their swimming pools?
Hehe yeah it's because it can be used for 'other stuff' ^^
But it is annoying as hell.

I found some 10% HP today and we got a lot of the gear we were expecting.
We still need some hoses, pump and various other bits.
Those are on their way from Germany but probably won't get them until monday or tuesday.
We finally got the shizzle we ordered from Germany !
We've been working hard, and our new setup for the flowering room is almost done.

We should have it up and running some time tomorrow!
And ofc we'll make another movie to show you guys what we've done ;)


We have made major changes :weed:

It's looking good, with new nutes, new reservoirs (+ some new very cool gear) and an ec meter that actually works we should be able to save 3 (or maybe all of the plants in the flowering room).
However, two of them might be beyond savable.
Can't wait to get it done!
im spending a while transplanting some of my girls today :) work in the growroom is never too bad, fun for the most part id say.