Aeroflo2 with Badboy Lights

hmm so like 20 wilted badly so i put clear cups over all of them to try and keep mousture in...
i also took 12 master kush cuttings in case shit happens.
be back in a few days w an update.


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bad news only about 25 are alive.
coco liners very very bad idea.
the cubes got dry and killed them due to lack of moisture.
i took 42 new ones a few days ago some of the tops got brown and rotted im guessing to much misting... replaced them as well.
should have them in about a week or so others are recovering and ill 12 12 in a few days.
well everything was perfect i just didnt like how the water somehow mists its way thru the hydroton onto low leaves so i tried the liners.... bad plan lol... the ones that are alive are doin good tho and my clones are about aweek from going in. im gona put them all in the netcups in a few days and hand watrr them for a few dats cuz the others will be 12:12 by then.. tired of waiting u have no idea... but i want the clones to perk up and root into the hydroton alil before they go into flower ill keep you updated tho.
way too badass! sucks about the loss on those 25, hopefully things get dialed in for you and that shit explodes!
well everything was perfect i just didnt like how the water somehow mists its way thru the hydroton onto low leaves so i tried the liners.... bad plan lol... the ones that are alive are doin good tho and my clones are about a week from going in. im gona put them all in the netcups in a few days and hand watrr them for a few dats cuz the others will be 12:12 by then.. tired of waiting u have no idea... but i want the clones to perk up and root into the hydroton alil before they go into flower ill keep you updated tho.

Why don't you use those neoprene inserts??...make your life a lot easier.....
badboy T5s the whole way . only six blue bulbs the rest are red.
everything pretty smooth now. really im just glad i found out before they got further along atleast the clones will only be a week and a half a part. it kinda makes my job easier i duno if youve cut down 60 plants and trimmed before but last time it took me and a buddy 11 hours to trim 30 lol so spacings a good thing.
as far as the inserts , thw bouncing water is really only a issue when they first go in it doesnt get more than an inch out and i usually trim tht anyway i just gotta aim the sprayers more into the water the first week they go in.
sweet..i was thinking about doing the same. my thought was the aero system whould help make up for the use of the T5 lighting...but i read that you'll get more THC/trics from T5's just less yeild..
well the theory behind the t5 badboys is theyre supposed to be way better then any t5s produce more less heat denser buds etc they say watt for watt its supposed to be better then hid they say doubles yeild i got mine from my hydro store w a money back double yeild gaurentee even lol. but they say they have a better spectrum red bulb then hps and they put off considerably less heat thus allowing you to get them much closer reshlting in more lumens and tighter internode spacing. I own a sunblaze 44 for mums and it gets pretty warm if its on awhile and u get within 6 -8 inches, where my badboys i can put my hand directly on the light after 24 hours if being on and its just warm. dont get me wrong the put off heat but its more above the lamp. Most of the claims sounded pretty crazy to me but everyweek when im in there i seen old growers exchanging hids for badboys so figured id give it a try. one main reason less electricity two w hid i have to constantly vent which means co2 will never be an option, i figure if fhis goes good ill add co2 next time. but i had alot of heat related issues last time not to mention you gotta keep aero res's cool i had to put ice bottles in every hour before now maybe once hakfway thru light cycle. plus no need for big exaust for cooltubes and all that ducting which pisses me off so much... but in light of all tht figured id give them a run and post it here to see and show what they can do havent seen many badboy journals except one on 420 mag which was absolutely sick fhey guy called them the truth he had tennisball colas. check it out. And i figure wat better system to try it with than the mighty aeroflo lol. but i did think tht to as far as what t5s lack the aero should compensate. im excited to try and find out tho =D
oh not to mention my other hydro store which dogged t5s in everyway when i mentioned trying the badboys decided to start stocking them last week lol
so the first 22 survivors were placed on 12-12 today the 40+ clones are doi.g goid like 5 already rooted thru the cube im gona wait for the majority to do it to then im gona netpot them w hydroton in a tuppaware bin w a bit of water at the bottom so they can roog the cup before 12-12. should have ghem cupped sunday or monday and in the af by wed thurs and go 12-12. ill put up some pics by sunday.
im going to have to check these badboy setups out. i didnt know they make all these much did you pay for them if you dont mind me aksing?. also how much are the bulbs? and do u have to use there T5s only?
well i traded in my 2 1000 watt ballasts 2 cooltubes my 150 watt hps and old ghetto rigged t5 8 bulber 2 mh bulbs and 2 hps bulbs but i paid like 90 for the 150watt hps 100 for the old t5 250 for cooltubes and like 600 for the old ballasts and bulbs. so i paid like 1050 for the old stuff traded it in used and gave him 400$. but i belive he sells the 12 bulbs for 600 each rather pricey tho. so he gave me like 800$ for my used stuff which aint bad. i think the bulbs are like 12$ kr so but the lamps usually include bulbs mine did. i also paid 350 for two 4 bulb badboys w bulbs for sidelights. But the reason i traded it in was cuz it was gona save me money either way. If i kept the old stuff id be paying atleast 75$ a month more in electric plus heat issues plus buying another fan and running all new ducting and other shit which i estimated at 250$ to setup in the new room so why not pay the extra 150$ to save myself on electric and not gave the heat and have a light they say is better. even if it only matches hid production im happy less electricy no heat signature easy maintain no ice ib res no constant venting plus i can add co2 which will make it better and id never be able to w old hids... but feel free to watch this first see what happens you kno. oh and as far as other bulbs im not sure i use quantum bulbs i mean might as well.
i belive he had 6 plants in soil under two 12 bulbers and vegged a grip but got 25 ozs. so i figure go sog cuz of penetration w two 12 bulbers plus a four bulber on each side not to mention aer instead of soil. sounds promising.
damn...sorry to hear about your my experience with the aero machines, you have to make sure you have a gnarly root system before you put them in the baskets.. im curious to see what you produce with the badboys..

im doing a 36 site aero with a 1000W hps, and when my clones are ready i'll be doing a 60 site with 2 stealth grow LEDs
thats awesome. ive noticed the same thing thats why im gona let them root real good before they go in this time but theyll only be aweek apart ill prolly leave the first ones up the extra week. i jus messed up with the coco liners... the rockwool was dry as ever thats what killed them. ironicly the ones tht lived i handwatered when i put them in just forgot the others big mistake.... glad to have you on board ive actually read one of your af journals when i first got my af. good luck w the leds id love to see that when you get it going let me kno. im actually gona try some organics when this is done. if this goes well im gona add co2 and do a 4x8 tent in my basement either 2 16bulb badboys or 2 1000w hps (depending on results of this..) and 50 half gallon pots/coco fiber.
thats awesome. ive noticed the same thing thats why im gona let them root real good before they go in this time but theyll only be aweek apart ill prolly leave the first ones up the extra week. i jus messed up with the coco liners... the rockwool was dry as ever thats what killed them. ironicly the ones tht lived i handwatered when i put them in just forgot the others big mistake.... glad to have you on board ive actually read one of your af journals when i first got my af. good luck w the leds id love to see that when you get it going let me kno. im actually gona try some organics when this is done. if this goes well im gona add co2 and do a 4x8 tent in my basement either 2 16bulb badboys or 2 1000w hps (depending on results of this..) and 50 half gallon pots/coco fiber.
you dont need to use those coco liners...if you do tho cut the bottom out.