Aerogarden, 1st timer, bagseed


Well-Known Member
Eh! My big one is definately a male. That sux ballz! I haven't killed him yet. It took me forever to finally come to the conclusion that it was male. I plan on killing him tomorrow. I'm gonna have to be real careful though...don't want pollen falling on my girl there. I also have to look into disposal methods as it's probably not that great an idea to just throw a 1 foot tall marijuana plant in the community dumpster. Figured I'd take'm out of the AG, then chop him up to several, unrecognizable pieces (Jesus...I sound like Jeffrey Dahmer!). So, I started with 3 healthy seeds... and ended up with only 1 viable female. Oh well, time to keep moving on I guess. On the brightside, it should only be about a week before I get my autoflowering seeds (and then I'll be hoping for a male so I can get more seeds of this strain).:-o


Well-Known Member
Eh! My big one is definately a male. That sux ballz! I haven't killed him yet. It took me forever to finally come to the conclusion that it was male. I plan on killing him tomorrow. I'm gonna have to be real careful though...don't want pollen falling on my girl there. I also have to look into disposal methods as it's probably not that great an idea to just throw a 1 foot tall marijuana plant in the community dumpster. Figured I'd take'm out of the AG, then chop him up to several, unrecognizable pieces (Jesus...I sound like Jeffrey Dahmer!). So, I started with 3 healthy seeds... and ended up with only 1 viable female. Oh well, time to keep moving on I guess. On the brightside, it should only be about a week before I get my autoflowering seeds (and then I'll be hoping for a male so I can get more seeds of this strain).:-o

sorry for the loss man, take good care of your female, and she will bless you with wondeful buds!

the pollen is only a factor when the pods are mature, you should be in the clear, get to choppin!


Well-Known Member
Sup wid it everyone.

Well, I did the inevitable. I chopped him down this afternoon. Quite a process I must say. I practically needed chainsaw to get through his stem. And untangling his roots took some time too.

And then, there was one. She's alone in there. Looks pretty healthy (minus the occasional dead leaf). The ph was off today. I haven't been keeping a close enough eye on that so I'll start measuring that every day now. On a high note, my 150w hps came in today! :hump:
Hopefully this will help the flowering process significantly. As for now, time to :blsmoke: and watch Lost. Later all. Pics in a couple of days I promise.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. she is. Not looking too good. Almost all of the leaves have yellowing on the edges (just started). I'm pretty sure that's nute burn, correct? I'm gonna be doing a lotta work with her tomorrow. Flush the rez, hang the 150 hps that finally arrived, rearrange the lighting. I can't really see any bud production yet...just at the top. Hopefully this will improve with the hps. I'll post pics of the new set up after I'm finished tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Well. The seeds that I ordered last Sunday got here on Saturday. I'm impressed with the speed and the stealth from Attitude seeds. I got 10-lowryder 2 seeds, which I'm intending on breeding so that I don't have to go through this hassle again. I also got 10-Auto AK47 x Auto Blueberry (again, planning on breeding seeds again). And of course, Attitude threw in G13 Labs seeds; 1-feminized Pure Gold, 1-feminized Super Skunk, and 5-non femmd Thai Super Skunk. So, with the new seeds and the current one I have growing being at 21 days of flowering, it's looking like it's time for a new set up.

I have a mostly completed DWC just waiting to be used. I just need to add another airstone, buy some hydroton rocks, and get some net cups and I'm good to go. I can pretty much use the cfls and aerogarden hood that I used to veg the current plants. Time to hit up the hydroshop!:eyesmoke:

As for this grow, the plant is still looking yellowy. It's chillin with water right now. I must have accidently overfed it when I pulled the giant male plant out. Plus, I noticed that the fox farm nutes I'm using arent' the "hydro" ones. The only thing "hydro" that I could find by them was the Grow Big solution. It tooks like it's not really a problem as the ones I bought said it would work in soil or hydro. I'm just not sure if I need to do any diluting of the nutes to adjust for this (or the fact that I only have 1 plant at the moment.

I'm waiting on digital ph tester and TDS meter along with a couple of fans to improve circulation to arrive in the mail soon. That should help give clarification to some of the issues that I've been having in this grow. I also ordered this Clearex stuff which is supposed to be very good for cleaning/flushing the rez. So with any luck, this grow should be fast improving.

I can't believe the heat that comes off of the 150 hps. I had the closet door closed for 3 hours today in the morning with that hps on...temps were at 99 degrees!:twisted: With the door open, the temp stays at 74 deg and right around 40% humidity. Odor is still not a problem and I've got some reinforcement in that area (2 Ionic Breezes for air filtration). Gonna need the odor control for the autoflowerers. Updated pics comin up soon.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, im doin a ghetto DWC, basically using the AG net cups and grow sponges, with a rubber maid bin, should be pretty legit. keep us posted man,im intrested in seeing how this turns out


Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is her in her natural environment (i.e. my closet). She's heavy up top and gets pretty thin at the bottom (in terms of leaf density that is).

Pic 2:
Took this one today when I was changing the rez. In this lighting, it's a little easier to see the extent of the yellowing on some of the leaves. My conclusion is that this is from underfeeding her. Hopefully this hasn't stressed her too much. Got the PPM meter today so that should help with this issue.

Pic 3:
Same as 2 but I threw in the $20 bill to demonstrate size (all US curreny is 6 inches).

Pic 4:
Here are the roots. Yes, there are 2 sets of roots. I never removed the freaky looking plant i had that had to compete with the tomato seed for dominance. She's real tiny but a female non the less so I kept her. I don't know much about roots here, but they look ok to me.

Today, I changed the rez as she had been just chillin with some ph'd water since Saturday (thinking I was overfeeding her:cuss:). So today, I put in some nutes, changed the rez, ph'd it all with my new digital ph meter that doesn't work worth a damn (so I had to stick with the color drops). I shorted her on the recommended dose of fox farm big bloom as I want to see how she reacts (much easier to add nutes than to take'm away). With any luck, I'll be able to salvage this grow and learn a boat load for the next one. Still working on setting up the next grow. Got multiple dwc tubs pretty much ready to go. Just trying to figure out space and how get it set up so that I can have a veg space and a flower space. Tough to do in a tight closet when you need to block out light from the flowering plants when it's lights out for them. Seen people use all kindsa cabinets to get this going but I'm afraid i aint that handy. May not need to do too much for the next grow as they are mostly autoflowering and will just be on 18/6 for their whole life.



Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2162849]Sounds good man, im doin a ghetto DWC, basically using the AG net cups and grow sponges, with a rubber maid bin, should be pretty legit. keep us posted man,im intrested in seeing how this turns out[/quote]

Like the thinking SICC. Setting up the same thing here but I think I'm gonna have to set up a couple of DWCs for it. The AG is absolutely perfect for cloning/vegging. Problem is, I don't want to have to wait until this grow is finished to start the next one (autoflowering ones). I was thinkin of making one DWC designed to hold the tiny AG net cups, and another to handle regular old 2 inch net cups so I can get started now. Searching for the right size rubbermaid gallon is tough. I'm figuring I only really need a 3 to 5 gallon rez but the only thing i can find in stores is 10 gallons. Gotta luv walmart...tubs, airstones, tubes, air compressors, and cfls all in one store.


Well-Known Member
Like the thinking SICC. Setting up the same thing here but I think I'm gonna have to set up a couple of DWCs for it. The AG is absolutely perfect for cloning/vegging. Problem is, I don't want to have to wait until this grow is finished to start the next one (autoflowering ones). I was thinkin of making one DWC designed to hold the tiny AG net cups, and another to handle regular old 2 inch net cups so I can get started now. Searching for the right size rubbermaid gallon is tough. I'm figuring I only really need a 3 to 5 gallon rez but the only thing i can find in stores is 10 gallons. Gotta luv walmart...tubs, airstones, tubes, air compressors, and cfls all in one store.

sounds good man, thats what i did, cut hold the size of the nets, probably make my journal tomorrow, gonna germinate tonight. My bin is about 7 gallons i think, but its a short wide box, you'll see in the pics but its perfect. Got about 2 more grows after this one, then i'll go full on DWC, already gave the base of the AG to a friend, supplied him as well haha. Gave him all my extra shit, he has his med card and he was also intrested in the AG, its a great learning tool. I leanred all i needed and didnt even complete one grow :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey All,
It's been a while. I've been all kinds of busy setting up the new grow and trying to finish off this one. This grow has improved quite nicely. The leaves still look like crap but the rate of the bud formation and growth is impressive. I stunted the hell out of this grow by not giveing the girls enough nutes throughout the grow. Now that I'm feeding these girls proper, they're lovin life. PH and PPM are being checked everyday to keep them happy (I got alot more educated about the importance of knowing the ppm changes). I figure I'm still probably about 2 weeks from harvest. Haven't really been checking the trichomes yet as I'm not too fond of taking any tiny cuttings just yet.

I must say that I'm impressed with the perseverance of the "mutant plant" that I almost chopped down earlier in this grow (seen in pic 2). She ended up coming in pretty nicely considering her uber-slow start and as you can see her white hairs are reaching for the sky (they're huge up close).

My PPM is still way off from what the Fox Farm feeding schedule says it should be. They're feeding schedule puts it at around 1500ppm. I follow their directions in mixing the nutes and water and at most hit 500ppm. Not sure what's going on here but the girls don't seem to mind much.

I'll be starting my new journal very soon as I can get another LR2 seed to f'n sprout up in the rockwool cubes (been throuh 3 outta the 10 seeds already with no sprouting:evil:). Got one already vegging. The goal of this new grow...get one female, one male, get-it-on, and hopefully have hundreds of LR2 seeds to experiment in crossing hybrids with and eventually set up a SOG grow with lowryder autoflowering hybrids. Got the DWC already moving and growing one of them. I'll just need to hit the hydro shop to buy some vegging nutes as the FoxFarm one that I used for this grow (Grow Big) is apparantely for soil and not hydro...:shock:

Hopefully this grow continues to recover nicely and I can pull a decent amount out of it. I'll keep you all updated. Thanks for all the help.



Active Member
I must say Butters, this has been a fascinating thread. I'm new here and this story is just awesome. I can't wait to read the final report on smokeablity! :-)

Congratulations on the grow, you have inspired me to try too.


Well-Known Member
I must say Butters, this has been a fascinating thread. I'm new here and this story is just awesome. I can't wait to read the final report on smokeablity! :-)

Congratulations on the grow, you have inspired me to try too.
Ty boss. This was my first grow. So if ur shooting for your first grow I'll lay out some of the places I went horribly wrong.

1) Get a digital ph meter (amazon has them pretty $30, and get the calibration fluid as well...any cal fluid will do for the most part.

2)Get the right nutes:wall: I'm doing hydro and made the mistake of getting FoxFarm Grow Big nute for soil.

3) Get a ppm meter. Again, amazon, cheap, nothing fancy, and get calibration fluid.

4)UNDERSTAND what ppm is. PPM is really just a way that your plant(s) is going to communicate with you. Just compare ur ppm readings to the water level dropping each day and think about it a little. When ur ppm drops (and water level drops), the plant is telling you it's using up nutes pretty quick and you should keep'em coming. When the ppm rises (and water level drops), ur plant is telling you that it's cool with the nutes for a bit and is more thirsty than anything (maybe even nute-locked). If the ppm is virtually the same (and the water level drops), then ur plant is saying that its taking in equal parts of water and nutes (good job). I probably lost grams off of my grow by not fully understanding this concept.

4) Find ways to get fresh air in there. Heat rises real quick once I went to 150 hps. Getting more fresh air became real important. I have a whole closet to grow with and still need fresh air in there to keep temps down.

5) Look up the concept of "lollipopping". I would have a much better end result if I used this method. By cutting stems on the buttom during veg, I could've gotten way more production outta my main cola. Those side stems barely produce any bud and I imagine the plant uses alot of nutes and energy to produce the stems, fan leaves, etc...

6) Sexing sucks! It took me forever and I went back and forth a million times.

7)Get a cleaner for the AG rez...Clearex should do. I'm not sure how much my grow was effected by not doing this but I imagine that there are all sorts of salts building up in my AG...especially the piece that the plants are in. This may have locked some nutes out and had quite the effect on ph.

The rest was really simple luckily. The AG is just a great tool for small grows and very hassle free. Best of luck man and let me know when you start up. Definately start with bagseed so you won't care if you f up too much.;-)


Well-Known Member
Lookin great man, good to see you bac, sounds like you got it all down now :mrgreen: stop by my new grow thread in my signature, keep us posted homie :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well. The girls seem to have reached their threshold for nute intake. My ppm finally went up after a good solid 2 weeks of heavy feeding. The bigger girl looks a little nute burned as well (the typical yellowing on the edges of some of the leaves). I'll have pics in a few days to show. The littler one, looks quite different. The leaves are a much darker green color so I'm assuming she's responding pretty well to the nutes and not getting overloaded.

I have an interesting nutrient dilemma however. The FF feeding instructions which I hav been following have listings about what the ppm should read (they give a range). I add their nutes as recommended (2 tsp Grow Big, 1 Tsp Tiger Bloom, and 1 Tbl of Big Bloom). FF feeding chart suggests that this should create a PPM between 1540-1680. The result I get is a ppm of about 450. Makes no sense to me but it's a descrepancy I'll need an answer to for future grows. Overall, feeding issues have killed me this grow. Since the ppm went up today, it's telling me that i shouldnt add more nutes. So i'm not really interested in adding nutes to raise the ppm at this point. Gotta do more research on this descrepancy about their feeding schedule ppm vs my ppm result. Pics coming soon ;-)


Well-Known Member
Here are the new pics. Just changed rez (for the most part) and lowered the ppm to 100. They're looking close now and I need to start to think about when I'll start flushing before harvest.

Pic1) The general set up in the closet. Lots of room in there as there's only 2 pics.

Pics 2,3,4) All of the big plants main cola. Filled in very nicely. The trichomes are slightly cloudy as best as I can tell so I'm figuring another week or 2 for this one. This is the nute burned plant, hence the yellow discoloration on the edges of the leaves. The other bud sites are small but I imagine good for a bud or two. Next time, gonna go lollipopping all the way so that no energy is wasted on these little branch buds and all of it is focused on the main cola(s).



Well-Known Member
Pic 5) Better pic of the smaller bud sites from this plant. They're fillin in quickly.

Pic 6) Better pic of the nute burned leaves.

Pic 7, 8: Pic of the "mutant" plant Quatto. What a weird plant this is. It has no discoloration like the other one. It's trichs are blatantly cloudy and the hairs are beginning to change to the amber color. The leaves are such a dark green and it's hairs are really really long. Not sure if this is just the result of the complications in growing it or if this is just a more distinguished strain. This one is probably only a week out from being finished. I prob won't get much of a chance to flush it with just h2o as I'm not really ready to do that to the bigger sister yet.



Well-Known Member
Last Pic: Just a different view and lighting on the main cola of the big one. The camera can't focus worth crap sadly. I was hoping to get a good shot at the trichs and overall color. It has a slightly blueish-green ting to it. You can clearly see the mutant plant on the lower left of the pic (sorry about the horizontal view).



Well-Known Member
Figured I'd throw in pics of the new grow and set up. He/She is 25 days old, p-towel germed and just started nutes this week. It doesn't seem to be taking in any nutes yet as my ppm hasn't budget since saturday. It's under the AG hood light and one low kelvin cfl (i forget the wattage). It'll go under the hps as soon as I'm done with the first grow. Long term goal here is to get 1 male and 1 female together so that I can get more seeds through pollination (and not have to pay an arm and a leg for them).

Pics 1, 2, 3) All pics of the temporary new set up. It's a pretty closed system in their so there's not a whole lotta room to add more lighting just yet. The ag light is no more than 2" above the top of the plant. Trying to avoid stretching and get better node spacing for this grow.

Pic 4) Here's my poor mans DIY himidity dome. It previously held some tasty-ass brownies that me and some friends tackled shortly after smoking. There's a heating pad underneath it that I use to get the temp up a bit. There's one germed-seed in rockwool there. Been there for about 5 days just trying to get it to sprout up. Only today did it look like the seed was starting to "hatch" per say. Hopefully it'll sprout up so I can put it in with the other one (and hopefully they're different genders). I'll be getting a new journal going soon but I wanted to get more done before starting any new posts. Wish me luck.;-)

