AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

[quote="SICC";2428217]haha mine are the sponges, but there from the master garden kit, there smaller then the ones that come with the AG, mine are brown, and i think the others are ike a grew color[/quote]
damn i didnt know that.i thought u were using those peat ptellets or sum shit,,,,so the sponges that color now?
I dont agree with the 18/6 lighting for veg growth, after germination (when there are 3 pairs of leaves) until sex is determined, it is very important to monitor the environment in order to make your chances of getting a female plant higher. those factors include less light, low temperatures, and high humidity. for lighting I recommend 14 hours of light for max chances. after sex is determined and you have a female plant, you can switch to 18/6 for optimal growth.
I dont agree with the 18/6 lighting for veg growth, after germination (when there are 3 pairs of leaves) until sex is determined, it is very important to monitor the environment in order to make your chances of getting a female plant higher. those factors include less light, low temperatures, and high humidity. for lighting I recommend 14 hours of light for max chances. after sex is determined and you have a female plant, you can switch to 18/6 for optimal growth.

what the hell are u talking about,you half ass right,but this is how a female comes about...
Genetically, a cannabis plant is more or less predisposed to become male or female.
This is regulated by 2 chromosomes everyone knows as the X and Y chromosomes.
A plant with 2 XX chromosomes becomes female. A plant with an X and Y turns
into a male. Plants have hormones that regulate it's functioning, of which gender is
one of those functions.

The hormone balance is genetically determined, and partly influenced by
environmental factors. An example is when plant roots get damaged.
The roots will produce a substance that in turn slows down leaf growth.
The result is male flowers. When discussing hormone balance you get
FEMALE SEED: a female is a plant with XX or only female chromosomes.
When you have a seed with just X chromosomes, you are certain this seed
will grow into a plant that is genetically female. To achieve the XX only plant:
a female plant is forced by a hormone called Gibberellic Acid to produce male
flowers, the pollen created contains only X chromosomes, when you offer this
pollen to another female plant you can be absolutely certain to get seeds which
are 100% XX. Once again this seed is called FEMALE SEED. Gibberellic Acid
can be found in online. It takes years for an individual to achieve the proper
plant hormone manipulation to get 100% female XX seed. Supplies therefore
fluctuate and there are many different strains available worldwide. PuRp
wow u should move to Amsterdam all that shit you know about growing.. Or you should have someone higher you for your service. Wished you lived around my area. I would pay someone to grow for me.:joint:
You don't need Gibberellic Acid to produce female pollen.

The easiest way to do it is just to let the plant keep flowering after its done budding, and just collect those pollen sacs from the female that goes hermi, which has xx by genetics, instead of xy

Then pollinate a female with the female pollen you just collected.

In theory pollinating the same plant that went hermi would make hermi seeds. hermi x hemi = hermi offspring, just like female x female = female offspring.
this shit is way beyond me, im happy smmmok'in leaves from my 1st attempt that went fag on me...

long time smmmok'in, 1st time grow'in...

I dont agree with the 18/6 lighting for veg growth, after germination (when there are 3 pairs of leaves) until sex is determined, it is very important to monitor the environment in order to make your chances of getting a female plant higher. those factors include less light, low temperatures, and high humidity. for lighting I recommend 14 hours of light for max chances. after sex is determined and you have a female plant, you can switch to 18/6 for optimal growth.

what the hell are u talking about,you half ass right,but this is how a female comes about...

Daggafan got this, I'm sure, from The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes, page 20....

"Environmental factors start influencing sex the moment the seedling has three pairs of true leaves (not counting cotyledons). Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis include but are not limited to:

Increasing the level of nitrogen makes more female plants. Lower the nitrogen level to create more male plants. Increase the level of potassium to increase male tendencies; lowering the potassium level for the first two weeks increases females.

Low temperatures increase the number of female plants. Warm temperatures make more male plants.

High humidity increases the number of female plants. Low humidity increases male plants.

Low growing-medium moisture increases males.

More blue light increases the number of female plants. More red light increases male tendencies.

Fewer hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) increases the number of females. Longer days (e.g. 18 hours) make more male plants.

Stress: any environmental stress tends to yield more male plants when growing from seed."
I dont agree with the 18/6 lighting for veg growth, after germination (when there are 3 pairs of leaves) until sex is determined, it is very important to monitor the environment in order to make your chances of getting a female plant higher. those factors include less light, low temperatures, and high humidity. for lighting I recommend 14 hours of light for max chances. after sex is determined and you have a female plant, you can switch to 18/6 for optimal growth.

Growing a feminized seed under 14/10 would be the dumbest thing you could do.

IF the seeds are not feminized, you can do whatever you want to try to increase your female/male ratio, but generally speaking 18/6 is the accepted standard throughout veg. Lowryder plants are SUPPOSED to grow on 20/4 wether they are feminized or not.

The hours of light is not the ONLY thing that influences sex, Wimpier light cycles in general and 14/10 are probably the least practiced of those listed in the book.

I really wouldn't worry about some 'grow book' someone has written, there are no actual numbers just 'relative' amounts, you have no idea how much influence those factors even have, for all you know it could be .0001% of the plants decision to go male or female. Yea it might increase your chances, but you don't know how much. So I really don't think any resource like that is credible. It might be true, it might be complete bullshit. There are way too many unknowns.
I gotta agree with Lurk on this one...

I've looked around online and have asked around and the standard is to veg @ 18/6.
The bottom line is that the light cyclles most of us currently use get the job done... no matter what fuckin seed your growin.
I don't know, but I think ol' Jorge may have had a bit too much to smoke when he did his write up there. I believe the seeds would be genetically pre-disposed (a brief summation of what Purp said) It's like saying certain sex positions are going to give you a certain baby ain't gonna happen....hahaha! Yeah, 18/6 seems to be the overall tried and true light cycle!!
they both wotk..actually this is my first grow under 24/0 light,,not near my first grow,but they are really shooting alot faster than any other time...but both will work,everyone has thier way of growing with what works for them so,,in all actuallity they both are efficient.
what does veg mean?? like when i start adding nutes or fox farm, anyone can answer that in a simpple answers? lol thankss check out my grow and threads, any advice would hhelp
Vegg is the time cycle when you are on 18 hours on, and 6 hours off, Vegging, and Flowering, Flowering is 12/12

Different colors (wavelengths) of light (red and blue) produce different amounts of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
Easier said haha,

Blue spec if for vegetative growth

Red spec is for the Growth and formation of the wonderful buds we all smoke