AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0


Those are some tasty looking treats! I am so very jealous!
I've been trying to follow along with everyone's grows, just not much time to post ATM, but after about 2 weeks of Veg and not nuting my "girls" to death, that are starting to come along, but seem very very short for almost a full month. Has anyone tried the different shaped lights for the AG? The Space Saver came with the flat row of lights, but I bought the more familiar cube cluster to replace them here this month. I don't know how it would make that big a difference, same lumens and temps, just a different focus?



Active Member
Oh yea ! i do not recommend anyone growing more than 2 plants at a time. My Rez is engulfed in roots. They have almost grown outside of the rez, i keep having to push them back down into the water and giving them water like 2 times a day. The roots have grown into my pump/filter causing me to shut off the aerogarden... And I can no longer find my airstones in the rez, because the roots ate the damn thing.. they are somewhere in there. It almost looks like a huge cooking pot of angel hair pasta


Hah yes, the roots are taking over the res, so I guess I am on the right track. Just trying to collect enough karma so that they do end up being girls! Anyone need a house painted for grandmother? Pref in the Caribbean!? I don't live there, but any reason to go back to Jamaica.......


Active Member
OK, here's what I've been up to the past few weeks...

Pic 1, started from seed all outdoors - 4wks old - bag seed
Pic 2, transplanted AG at 4wks - now 8wks - bag seed
Pic 3, 4 transplanted from AG at 4 wks, now 8 wks - The church/Attitude - but isn't this a strange looking plant??
Pic 5, 4th AG now 5wks old - 1st week 12/12 light
Pic 6, Nugget from 1st FULL indoor AG grow :joint::hump:



Well-Known Member
So what's going on everyone. Here are some pictures of my girls. the small plant is going to harvest 1st. She is a DANK ASS PLANT let me tell ya! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT STRAIN she is? While the other huge stativa is still weeks away from harvest! So confused So confused :wall:. Any whooo i have no idea what week into flowering i am. I just know i started this grow about 3 months ago. Im so busy at work and i smoke to much pot to remember where the hell i put the Notes i have been keeping. So im playin it by EYE.hahaha here ya go

They look amazing.... any idea what kinda yield your lookin at there? Just Curious....

Those are some tasty looking treats! I am so very jealous!
I've been trying to follow along with everyone's grows, just not much time to post ATM, but after about 2 weeks of Veg and not nuting my "girls" to death, that are starting to come along, but seem very very short for almost a full month. Has anyone tried the different shaped lights for the AG? The Space Saver came with the flat row of lights, but I bought the more familiar cube cluster to replace them here this month. I don't know how it would make that big a difference, same lumens and temps, just a different focus?
That light def wont make a difference if they are the same specs... plants grow at different rates so yours just might be a little slower and your rez is small so that might add to the slow grow... but the plants look healthy and strong so I would be too worried.... either way GOOD SHIT!

Oh yea ! i do not recommend anyone growing more than 2 plants at a time. My Rez is engulfed in roots. They have almost grown outside of the rez, i keep having to push them back down into the water and giving them water like 2 times a day. The roots have grown into my pump/filter causing me to shut off the aerogarden... And I can no longer find my airstones in the rez, because the roots ate the damn thing.. they are somewhere in there. It almost looks like a huge cooking pot of angel hair pasta
in response to that...



Active Member
hahahaha YES SIR!! looks like PASTA!! OH YEA I HAVE AN IDEA ALSO.. fOR THE LAST DAY BE4 I HARVEST IM GOING TO fill half my rez with Guava extract so the plants can drink some fruity shit before i harvest.. im thinking it might make the buds tasty! and if they dont OH WELL whats the worse that can happen? i mean there going to be plucked the next day rite?


Active Member
as for the YEILD.. im thinking i might get over an ounce total from both these babies! the smaller one looks like she might have about 13grams on her almost a half.. The big one might be a straight 28grams so maybe an ounce an a half. ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lol.... fuck it. Im makin pasta on the last day!!!

lol... i bet nothin will happen with the guava juice..... pink roots lol

you should pour back into a cup and eat that shit... and sprinkle some angel hair roots on that....



Well-Known Member
Everyone's plants are lookin great, good to know its all working out for yall,

sadisue, that plant does look weird haha, you ordered that from a seed bank?


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2568021]Everyone's plants are lookin great, good to know its all working out for yall,

sadisue, that plant does look weird haha, you ordered that from a seed bank?[/quote]

Yep!! I'm surprised too. It's the same plant I've got flowering in the AG now and it's got the same weird leaves too. ?? I don't care how the leaves look as long as I get some good bud...but I'm getting a little freaked lookin' at those plants...but it's flowering on schedule. It's a fast finisher. I'll let you know how she turns out.


Well-Known Member
lol... i bet that shits not weed.. probably broccoli or something... LMAO Im fuckin dyin over here... im done.

Im sure its weed.


Well-Known Member
haha naw its a marijuana plant, i have seen some weirder growth then that on some threads, will produce the same, plus the freak plants are the best haha


Active Member
Yeah...I was lookin' at those crazy chicks again tonight!!! It looks like they're still veggin' while they're flowering?!? I was wondering if because I started them inside then moved them outside if I screwed up the grow cycle...but they're not in 12/12 light. But, the ad said they finished up early I'm guessing this how they due it?? I'll keep ya posted!


Well-Known Member

I AM ADVISING BUT CANT DO IT ALL MYSELF!!! lol come on "SICC", Lurk, Purp.... where ya'll at... lmao!

HomeMade CFL AeroGrow


Well-Known Member
so ofcourse after I make that last post... his post shows up right before mine. For some reason it was saying that the moderator had to review his post before posting.. oh well... its there now.. WTF
First off let me say a HUGE thank you for taking the time to create this, very nicely done! But, of course, I do have some questions, I like researching everything and learning from others…so here goes:
1. As I am trying to do everything as cheap as possible, do you recommend using the three bank AeroGarden I found one for like 59.99 on sale and since its at a particular store I get another like 6.00 off? Would this one be sufficient? I noticed you said based on lighting (and I am in no way holding you to this) but you COULD yield a little over an ounce per plant. That seems pretty good for me.
2. After inspecting the units at the store, doesn’t the device come with a figure 8 plug? Why would I need a second?
3. As far as a second light source, would you recommend a typical desk lamp with a removable hood so that you can fit a “Y” converter and have two bulbs?
4. Any other tips/tricks that you could recommend?
5. Is there a way to grow organic with the aerogarden?
Based on your diagrams and things, it would appear you have 6 bank (200.00) aerogarden. Any particular reason you chose this one? I appreciate everything you have contributed and hope that my questions are not answered somewhere in the post. I work mostly and have to remote to my home computer to read most of it, and lots of watchful eyes, so if possible you could send me an e-mail in addition to the post.
Thanks in advance for all of your help. Oh I was thinking of purchasing the G13 Haze seeds from I had some of that once a while back and OMG! Would love to have some of that all to myself…that I made…
Thanks again!