Afgan kush ryder & Snowstorm #2 .... First Grow Autoflower


Active Member
Afternoon all, well iv finaly got my 1st grow on, should of been 7 plants but 4 didnt germ, im growing 2 x Afgan kush ryder AF and 1 x Snowstorm #2 AF....

using 2 x 250w cfls dual spec for veg then moving onto 600w hps dual spec for flowering

Terra Professional Plus Soil

lights are on a 20/4 cycle

74 f
52 % hum

will be starting plants on biobizz bloom around day 14-21

The Pics are @ day 4 :-P


Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
yea, that plant in the picture is afghan kush auto @ 55 days. when i harvested it. yieled 32 grams dry. it was grown in 3gal pots with fox farms ocean forest soil with technoflora recipe for success kit for nutrients. under a 400watt hps. the light cycle was 24/0.


Active Member
yea, that plant in the picture is afghan kush auto @ 55 days. when i harvested it. yieled 32 grams dry. it was grown in 3gal pots with fox farms ocean forest soil with technoflora recipe for success kit for nutrients. under a 400watt hps. the light cycle was 24/0.
Thanks M.G , got mine in 7 ltr pots, did u harvest at 55 days or did it go longer, W.O.S claimed 100-150g m2 ?

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
that one we chopped at 55 days, it was done. we had a few other go as long as 65 days. but some were done around day 58 and 62 as well. And honestly, that is all speculative because your waiting for a timer to go off :P some people would chop them all at the same time, but i like to look at the trichs and harvest when cloudy/amber. these plants well hardly turn amber in my experience, and even if harvested clear, the buds cure and the trichs all turn cloudy :)


Well-Known Member
Very nice, i was thinking about starting this as my first AF and i think you both just confirmed it =) (the afgan)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
that one we chopped at 55 days, it was done. we had a few other go as long as 65 days. but some were done around day 58 and 62 as well. And honestly, that is all speculative because your waiting for a timer to go off :P some people would chop them all at the same time, but i like to look at the trichs and harvest when cloudy/amber. these plants well hardly turn amber in my experience, and even if harvested clear, the buds cure and the trichs all turn cloudy :)
wow i must have been REALLY Lit when i wrote that. lol

So the AKR avg'd about 1oz per plant
Harvest window for me was between 55-65 days. I harvested based on the looks of the trichs, color of hair, how swollen and how overall mature the buds look.

I have never had a problem with this strain not auto flowering.

How are your girls looking?


Active Member
Afgan kush ryder PL1.jpgsnowstorm #2 day  11.jpgrighty O, heres my ladies @ day 11. snowstorm 2 gt a lil burnt as i moved the light closer 2 her, she had a few yellow marks on the tips of 2 leaves, and im not sure if afgan 1 is really big or if afgan 2 is small cus there is a bit of a fair size difference btwn the 2.Afgan kush ryder PL2.jpg


Active Member
iv just been and checked my baby girls and the leafs are starting turn up, is this a heat problem, lights to close maybe ?


Active Member
Afgan kush ryder PL1.jpgsnowstorm #2 day  16.jpgAfgan kush ryder PL2.jpg

hi ppl, heres my my girls @ day 16, getting really bushy but not very tall, i changed my lights yesterday 2 my 600w hps dual spec and going to start adding nutes in the next few days


Active Member
Afgan kush ryder PL1.jpgBag seed day 5.jpgsnowstorm #2 day  19.jpgAfgan kush ryder PL2.jpg

Heres my girls, on day 19 , iv had a few probs with heat since going onto hps lights, leaves turning up some were completly closed , wasnt sure if it was heat stress or mg def, iv adjusted the lights to 15 inch from my plants and put a bucket of water with a towel half in/out and changed my light cycle to 20/4 and the girls seem much better from 2 days ago