Afghan Dream

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice man, Is this afghan dream strain ?? i have afghan kush going really big leaves to. i like how yours are all bushy.

what kind of nutes are you using ?

I do hydro mostly but i am getting into coco.

Going to fallow this one man ... i had the same problem post your journal in journals and no one finds it... took me a while but i did and will be here tell the end bongsmilie

dj crane

Well-Known Member
[quote=Hulk Nugs;2372613]very nice man, Is this afghan dream strain ?? i have afghan kush going really big leaves to. i like how yours are all bushy.

what kind of nutes are you using ?

I do hydro mostly but i am getting into coco.

Going to fallow this one man ... i had the same problem post your journal in journals and no one finds it... took me a while but i did and will be here tell the end bongsmilie[/quote]

Thank you very much!!i tried coco my first grow, thier were so many problems with that grow who knows what did it,learning experince i say, its helped me with this grow. i am useing Fox Farm full line up! i love the bushyness of this strain, Afghan dream, i have left most them unpruned for natural grow, i have tried abit of lst, and topping, but will tery more in future grows.


Well-Known Member
I love all the pics... Your clone looks good too. How long has she been alive (when did you cut her)?

I'm guessing Abigail was one of the boys???

dj crane

Well-Known Member
I love all the pics... Your clone looks good too. How long has she been alive (when did you cut her)?

I'm guessing Abigail was one of the boys???
Thank you! The clone was only cut yesterday(one day before this puic was taken) and she does look good but i thhink it might be too early to tell, though i have never cloned before, and only did this sticking it in soil and wartering, useing no root compound, but we'll see, maybe it will work. and yes abigail was a boy:-(

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
an owesome trick i've learnt through another forum (from a great grower by the way) for cloning is the following method:
1. grab an empty drink bottle. prefferably a clear one. I've used a pale blue one lately and it worked as well.
2. cut it in half.
3. get your pre-soaked rockwool \ jiffi (peat pellets) out of the 5.5PHed water (i use a hint of rooting boosting fertilizers), squeeze it to the point that it doesn't drip when you shake it and stick a pen in to make room for the cutting.
4. cut a diagonial cut on the wanted branch, prefferably about 3" long with close internodes, about 0.5" below an internode. (I've managed to clone a 1inch branch and a 10inch branch, just wasn't that ideal) the cut should be quick with a clean (sterile is better) blade.
5. right after the cut put it in water. air inside the stem will kill the clone. dead clones are sientificaly produce less bud later.
6. pull away the last internode slowly to discover some of the inner parts of the stem. I like to cut shallow cuts with the scalpel over the bottom of the clone as well. first it takes a few seconds, i always like my clones to be wet so i soak them every few seconds.
7. dip it in your cloning gel or powder and put them in your rooting medium. don't let the rooting gel\powder go off the stem when you insert the clone.
8. close the medium over the clone so that it doesn't move.
9. put it in the bottom part of the previously cut bottle.
10. spray some water over the sides of the bottle, the leaves and so on.
11. close the bottle with duct tape and keep the cap off to allow minimal air flow.

keep in mind clone need very high humidity and about 28C when it comes to temperature.
They do not need much light.

after about 10 days they should root (up to 3 weeks is normal) and be translanted. they will need something to cover them for their first week after being transplanted. or to the point they show a second new set of leaves.

thats my pretty fool-proof method. i'm a newbie grower as well and by now about 75% of my clones managed to survive. (i'm doing my first batch of clones right now)

dj crane

Well-Known Member
As the title suggests, here are afew more pics of the clone taken today when i woke up, stil seems ok, i have caution optimism

ps. i also decided to add some pics from my room to show people what i have kinda built as needed( this is not meant to be a stealth grow)


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
looking good man, that little clone is going to pull threw good job.... if the clone stays strong like that after 24 hours sometimes you can tell in less time, but when they start wilting and bending over they wont make it. The one looks really good allot better then my first clone try. I like how Foxfarm has that chart setup.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
looking good man, that little clone is going to pull threw good job.... if the clone stays strong like that after 24 hours sometimes you can tell in less time, but when they start wilting and bending over they wont make it. The one looks really good allot better then my first clone try. I like how Foxfarm has that chart setup.
Thank you!! the i hope my little lady does, i only tried because i wanted 4 females in my room, but only had 3, so i said "what the hell" lol. as for the fox farm sch, i love it, thougyh note i have made corrections for best growth, in my opinion that is, i think this sch was done thinking of tomatoes

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
its a new clone, right?
it better have humidity over 85%.
you can obtain that by putting a clear plastic cup over it.

if the plant has no roots he obtains his water and nutrients through the foliar.
you probably don't want to sit all day spraying it so keeping high humidity will cause enough water (in the state of vapor) to be in contact with the leaves.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
its a new clone, right?
it better have humidity over 85%.
you can obtain that by putting a clear plastic cup over it.

if the plant has no roots he obtains his water and nutrients through the foliar.
you probably don't want to sit all day spraying it so keeping high humidity will cause enough water (in the state of vapor) to be in contact with the leaves.

Any type of plastic dome?? i'm not sure if i have something like that, any ideas? i'll spray it for the time being i guess+rep