Afghan Kush in AG

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ok ph treated water ready, beans germing, bout to put a lil electric heating pad,I know its not NECESSARY but i feel the taps pop out a lil quicker and i dont have very much patience,buy this shit here takes a lil sec. to get started(worst part)LOL
ok ph treated water ready, beans germing, bout to put a lil electric heating pad,I know its not NECESSARY but i feel the taps pop out a lil quicker and i dont have very much patience,buy this shit here takes a lil sec. to get started(worst part)LOL
I know what you mean man... I'm on day 13 today, and I can't stop thinkin' about them. I wish they would go faster... Maybe I should throw some miracle grow on top of em to encourage em, haha!
I know what you mean man... I'm on day 13 today, and I can't stop thinkin' about them. I wish they would go faster... Maybe I should throw some miracle grow on top of em to encourage em, haha!
i stronglyy suggest not doing that! Are they still germing at 13 days, or u just waitin on new growth?
my dog tested me once when he was about 2 years old. gauranteed every pit is gonna test the waters at some point. they are just ballsy dogs. after having 4 of em i noticed they will all test you. if the consequences are not servere they will take advatage of you. my girl used to get stuffed into the bathroom by mine and hed have run of the house. when jocko tested me. i litterally strangled him , held him down and fucked him up . he never tested me again though. and im not into beating animals. its just im the TOP DOG in my house. after strangling him against the wall slamming him and holding him down and growling in his face. he never got flip again. i went through it with all my pits. rest in peace jocko. man i miss this dog bad. he was my best bud ever


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my dog tested me once when he was about 2 years old. gauranteed every pit is gonna test the waters at some point. they are just ballsy dogs. after having 4 of em i noticed they will all test you. if the consequences are not servere they will take advatage of you. my girl used to get stuffed into the bathroom by mine and hed have run of the house. when jocko tested me. i litterally strangled him , held him down and fucked him up . he never tested me again though. and im not into beating animals. its just im the TOP DOG in my house. after strangling him against the wall slamming him and holding him down and growling in his face. he never got flip again. i went through it with all my pits. rest in peace jocko. man i miss this dog bad. he was my best bud ever
yes i agree this is my castle and im the glad i didnt shoot him cause a shock collar changes EVERYTYHING! now i just act like i got the remote in my hand when i correct him and he listens perfect, you can put it strong enough and itll make him squeel!
i stronglyy suggest not doing that! Are they still germing at 13 days, or u just waitin on new growth?
Nah man, I was just playin. No, this is the 13th day after germination. They got a couple nodes goin on, startin to pick it up now. They start slow as shit.
Nah man, I was just playin. No, this is the 13th day after germination. They got a couple nodes goin on, startin to pick it up now. They start slow as shit.
these afghans are quick but the most rapid growin and superfast germ. strain ive ever grown was the bc godbud from
one of my lights went out in my AG so i just ordered this..bye bye AG hoody.


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im in for round 2:-P
shit homeboy this round 4! im 1/4 so far. i did th best with bagseed on my second grow.fuked the rest of em up,or u know abput my last prob.Hopefully that shit dont happen to u no more.make u wanna kill a bitch LITERALLY!
yes i agree this is my castle and im the glad i didnt shoot him cause a shock collar changes EVERYTYHING! now i just act like i got the remote in my hand when i correct him and he listens perfect, you can put it strong enough and itll make him squeel!
My dog had to be put down last Wednesday (March 25). After 3.5 years of working with him (with a lot of success but not quite enough), he finally attacked me without any provocation whatsoever.... unless walking past one's dog on one's way to another room in the house is considered provocation. :roll:
When an Aggressive Dog Can't be Rehabilitated

We'd been trying for well over two years to find him a home where he'd be there strictly for security rather than a family pet, because he was so territorial and no matter what anyone did, he refused to back down as the pack leader of the house. He especially didn't like authority from women, and since I'm not only disabled and almost completely housebound but furthermore am the dog trainer in my household, it's no surprise that his final real attack (he'd been biting people's ankles again, but nothing more severe than that) was on me. Once he began the ankle biting again, we started looking harder than ever for a place that would be more appropriate for a dog like him, because we knew it was only a matter of when, not if, he'd hurt someone.

I've been rehabilitating rescue dogs, mostly aggressive alphas, all my life. This was the first dog that couldn't be helped, be it with patience or discipline or any other approach. He didn't give a rat's ass about the shock collar, which I wouldn't have believed had I not seen it for myself. I felt like a total fucking failure, even though I knew that everything possible had been done. The last thing we wanted was to see him put down; but what do you do when a dog won't stop biting/attacking people, is literally too dangerous to be a household pet, and no one can be found who needs a security dog?

I'm finished working with aggressive dogs now, solely because the disability has gotten too strong for me to defend myself, much less a dog such as him take me seriously when I know that they sense "weakness" easily, and physical disability is most definitely a sign of weakness to a dog; it didn't matter to him how strong-willed I am. From now on my rescues will be young puppies that haven't been raised by anyone before me, as well as smaller & less powerful dogs so that I don't have to worry about having the strength to correct them.

Well, sorry to go OT, but there was already discussion of the pups going on. He sure is a beauty! :)
My dog had to be put down last Wednesday (March 25). After 3.5 years of working with him (with a lot of success but not quite enough), he finally attacked me without any provocation whatsoever.... unless walking past one's dog on one's way to another room in the house is considered provocation. :roll:
When an Aggressive Dog Can't be Rehabilitated

We'd been trying for well over two years to find him a home where he'd be there strictly for security rather than a family pet, because he was so territorial and no matter what anyone did, he refused to back down as the pack leader of the house. He especially didn't like authority from women, and since I'm not only disabled and almost completely housebound but furthermore am the dog trainer in my household, it's no surprise that his final real attack (he'd been biting people's ankles again, but nothing more severe than that) was on me. Once he began the ankle biting again, we started looking harder than ever for a place that would be more appropriate for a dog like him, because we knew it was only a matter of when, not if, he'd hurt someone.

I've been rehabilitating rescue dogs, mostly aggressive alphas, all my life. This was the first dog that couldn't be helped, be it with patience or discipline or any other approach. He didn't give a rat's ass about the shock collar, which I wouldn't have believed had I not seen it for myself. I felt like a total fucking failure, even though I knew that everything possible had been done. The last thing we wanted was to see him put down; but what do you do when a dog won't stop biting/attacking people, is literally too dangerous to be a household pet, and no one can be found who needs a security dog?

I'm finished working with aggressive dogs now, solely because the disability has gotten too strong for me to defend myself, much less a dog such as him take me seriously when I know that they sense "weakness" easily, and physical disability is most definitely a sign of weakness to a dog; it didn't matter to him how strong-willed I am. From now on my rescues will be young puppies that haven't been raised by anyone before me, as well as smaller & less powerful dogs so that I don't have to worry about having the strength to correct them.

Well, sorry to go OT, but there was already discussion of the pups going on. He sure is a beauty! :)

just got to get a shock collar!it really does work.i am srprised!You can turn it up to your discretion on the remote.When he sees the remote he BOWS DOWN now fa real!i told my girl next time he charged at me like gonna leave him LEAKIN.
just got to get a shock collar!it really does work.i am srprised!You can turn it up to your discretion on the remote.When he sees the remote he BOWS DOWN now fa real!i told my girl next time he charged at me like gonna leave him LEAKIN.
Oh, he bowed right down to the shocks. He responded to all forms of correction, during the corrections. It was afterwards that he'd get all pissy, and he held grudges for a long time. If he could have spoken English, I'm sure we'd have heard him say time and again, "You think you're gonna do that to me and I'm gonna just forget it? Well, I'll show you a thing or two!" (Cesar Millan of "The Dog Whisperer" series insists that dogs "live in the moment" and don't care about the past, but if that's the case then why are dogs screwed up after past treatment/trauma, etc.?! DUH!!! If they only live in the moment, then there'd be no need to rehabilitate abused dogs. He's a pretty smart guy about pack animal psychology in general, but I don't agree with a good half of he says.)

I really think there was something badly miswired in Tama's brain. Let's face it, there are people who have miswired brains and simply can't be helped; I know there are animals that are born all screwed up too. If he were human, I'm willing to bet the lot that he'd have been a certifiable sociopath; they know right from wrong as well as repercussions, but they don't care about anything but having the upper hand in all situations big or small. So long as they have that, they're generally safe. It's when they don't that they're the most dangerous. (I've a close relative that is a sociopath, and I kid you not, Tama's personality was extremely similar to said relative's.)
hey wheres he deployed

also they doont show all the failures on ceasars show. hes bullshit just klike the rest of those shows. every animal is different


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yes every dog is diff.!Me and my padna both bought blue pits mine 1400.00 male and his 2000.00 female.He brings the dog over as a puppy and mine still a pup too,all he wanted to is fight and everytime he would bring her over,Beautiful female, BTW, it would just get worse and i was in such denial, until he brought her over one day and it happened.i had to put mine on a leash,hornace when the female would come over and he cause he would buck up.See we were going to start breeding them again, but these damn blues are sooooo territorial.My boy brought his over one day and GOTTI(mine) is smart as a mutha, knew i wasnt gonna let him get close to the female.When he saw STORM(my padnas dog) he didnt act up this time,so thinkin shit got better,we sittin in the living room smokin a blunt.gotti on his leash lying down,my padnas is sitting down on the side of him and all out the blue,gotti jumps up.i swear it was so fast and latches on to my padnas dogs neck brings her to the ground and sterts rolling,similar to an alligator or somethin.He waited till my mind was off him attacking the female and i was comfortablb with him sitting there with the leash in my hand, and SNAP!i didnt have the shock collar then.We finally seperate them,or gotti lets her go,my padna had a bite stick in his truck,he ran outside and got it and handed it to me,i pry his jaws open and ram that bitch into the top of his mouth,he releases, then ran my padna out the house.Good thing i went to school with and sold pills to the local vet. He said it would have cost me about 2000.00 to fix,but he he fixed her up nice and she is fine now.i told him never to bring her back again, hes just too damn territorial.My padna aint really been bak neither..what a waste of money.He should have been an African Grey Congo,when i kill him,cause its comin im gettin an african grey!Next time he chrages,snarles at me,im puttin him in the pit to see what hes really about.Hes a PERFECT game dog!Dont get me wrong ,im so not for that,but if thats what he wants to do,ill sure put him to the test!
purp when u gonna let me come down there and train that dog for some serious procetcion man a switch in his brain no collar and he will be the best dog till you say so and when you say stop he will be the best dog again guarenteed my man i can stop the dog on dog aggression in a heartbeat. im thinkin of makin a trip down that way in november just to blow with you my nig feel me, thanks for the linkto your grow, my girls r doin good no more postin pics on the net for mee though my dad gets on too much only phone pics
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