Well-Known Member
Sounds like he'd be a "perfect game dog" as territorial as he is. I'm glad you're not for that! Whether it's him or another dog, some animal would end up horribly injured if not dead. I love pit bulls, but hate how that breed came to be in the first place: greed and cruelty. Now most property management companies ban pit bulls (along with other "dangerous" breeds) from renters, and of course there are "movements" to get rid of these breeds altogether. If someone can't handle a particular breed's characteristics, then one shouldn't get the dog in the first place! (Not aimed at you or anyone in particular! This is in reference to people thinking it's all caused by a dog's breed, instead of looking at the fact that people get dogs without stopping to think about how they'll raise it, etc.) Got a shot posted here of Tama & Missy a year ago; he's the larger one in front. He didn't look very mean, huh? Missy looks like the one to deal with according to breed characteristics, but she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.Next time he chrages,snarles at me,im puttin him in the pit to see what hes really about.Hes a PERFECT game dog!Dont get me wrong ,im so not for that,but if thats what he wants to do,ill sure put him to the test!
LOL! Thanks! I was really bored one day a few years ago when I was running a forum, and decided to play around with forum "smilies" and came up with what I've got now. Creativity can cure boredom once in a while.LMAO at ur avatar kat!