What does my use have to do with anything?
What does alcohol, tobacco or prescription meds have to do with anything?
Cocaine is a naturally occurring plant that has medical uses. Should we all be smoking crack?
Well cigarettes kill people by the thousands annually and alcohol accounts for many domestic abuse cases and roadway fatalities. You can od on alcohol .... Never heard of an od that lead to death on THC.....even with concentrates. Most people pass out before they even get close to toxic levels.
As far as cocaine...that's a heavily processed product. The coca leaves themselves are a stimulant much like coffee.
Again naturally occurring cannabis consumption is far less impacting than alcahol , tobacco or any pharmaceutical drug prescribed for similar reasons cannabis is prescribed.
For anxiety its like xanex...only non addictive. For pain its like lortab only...far less addictive.
There is no medicine currently that can come close to CBD oil for epilepsy. And were you aware THC and cbd both have been shown killing cancer cells in a lab? Oh how about diabetes...Harvard research paper out there showing its a natural blood sugar regulator.
End of the day we have an endocanabinoid system is n the human body disigned for cannabis consumption. Take that one up with th the creator if you have questions
Thanks for your time (and I see what your doing here. Good job stirring debate)
All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic