After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

We did not vote for 2.5 ounces. We voted for medical relief. Bill Shuttee and crew wrote the law.

When did we vote that MMJ growers have to be non-profit saints? We did not. Our enemies wrote that, and push that idea.
As soon as I read 72 plants it is obvious there was an attempt to stay within some part of this stupid law.

Actually yes we did. If you read the proposal, which we voted on, which was passed, the language clearly states 2.5 ounces. That wasn't Shutte, it any other governing body. That provision was in the proposal.
At least someone gets what i've been saying.
I'm guilty of saying 72 plants, thanks for correcting the information.
the article does NOT-

say they were the same guy. after they follow YOU, they will also get your brother, uncle, and nephew.

straight from the streets of west bloomfield! YUPPIE! HE HAS NO EXPERIENCE, COPS ARE HIS FRIEND. one time, he sold a twenty! get ready for his infinite emotional reasoning!

read in best used car announcer voice.
the article does NOT-

say they were the same guy. after they follow YOU, they will also get your brother, uncle, and nephew.

straight from the streets of west bloomfield! YUPPIE! HE HAS NO EXPERIENCE, COPS ARE HIS FRIEND. one time, he sold a twenty! get ready for his infinite emotional reasoning!

read in best used car announcer voice.

Ha, you certainly are melodramatic. And if only I came from West Bloomfield, at least I'd have a silver spoon.
The irrationality amongst some of you, while amusing, is also pretty sad. Over 100k of us in Michigan have a card. I don't see people being rounded up.
As much as I disagree with the bust, I have to anyone seriously trying to justify this?

If the facts are correct, they grew 155 plants, total. Of that, 70+ are huge trees, 12-15ft and we all know what that yields if they are what we think they are...Do I think that the 2.5 ounces of "usuable" marijuana is crazy?!?! Of course. But 50 lbs+ or whatever throughout 3 separate residences.... The fact is, you simply cant pass that amount or anywhere close for being "medical" in this day and age. And let's call a spade a spade here unless we want to lie to ourselves, we all know in St. Clair county it's obvious with multiple residences, which indicates a want to hide or spread out the grows, that they are nervous and selling for profit. Why be nervous if you are close to or following the law? Tell me otherwise all you want, but come on.

The very fact that there are now state supported laws at all is the main issue and if we want full decrim/legalization, we have to stick with what WE VOTED FOR. If you want different or increased/no limits, submit and vote it in. Colorado did...

I mean, is no one in here of rational thought, regardless of personal feelings? If you don't think you will be snitched on or aren't on the radar at that point, your just an idiot, period, no matter which side of the law you are on.

Growing, "Legal" or "Illegal" is just like Poker. Leave your emotion at the fucking door. That many plants, any rational person knows you are risking it with the authorities, period.

On top of that, they have multiple residences and etc etc. Even as a true Advocate, I cannot advocate for this alleged activity. It just doesn't make sense, regardless of if the law is senseless or not. IT IS THE LAW AND THE COPS DGAF.

But come on...Fact is, when you get on this scale, be prepared.

EDIT: I re-read the thread again. Apparently some people in this thread can't read and process. I saw multiple people quoting that they had 72 plants...WRONG.


Police found a greenhouse that contained 72 mature marijuana well as a factory in the 500 block of Memphis Ridge Road in Riley Township where 71 more plants were seized....aaaannddd the city-county major crimes unit found a dozen more marijuana plants at a home in the 3000 block of Elk Street in Port Huron

72+71+12= 155 plants. not 72.

Kslo, you make some good points.We would be fools to deny that some people are growing/selling amounts of weed far beyond the scope of the act under the guise of medical marijuana. Personally I have no issue with this, but as you said they had better be prepared to face the music when popo comes knocking. That is each individuals decision to make, and is no business of mine.

Where I disagree with you is on the "facts" of this report. Just because a newspaper publishes something, or just because the police claim something does not make it true. I guarantee you that no matter how closely you follow the law and keep your numbers in line, the police could show up at your door and manipulate those numbers to make it look like you were operating a large scale drug house. Nobody is truly protected under this law.
When I started this thread, I just wanted people to think about moving their OD
harvest away from where they just grew it. I can see where LEO would just wait
in till after you chopped and you are over your limits before they suited up.

Disclaimer: I keep the bong on my computer desk. I take a rip and then troll the internet for
30-60 minutes. I am fully aware that most of posts come off as opinionated brain dead
drivel. Admitting it, is the first step on my road to recovery.