Well @tonite my phone won't let me qoute you so I'll answer you the hard way. Yeah was a gov contractor. Means I was more of a nemotode. I actually worked. And I was not "on the teat" I was tapped right into the fuckin aorta. 20 years. Good money the work was good but the job sucked. I enjoyed the daily work, but want I did sucked. The one redeeming things for me (besides the $$ of course) was the belief that what I did benifeted the weak and less fortunate. 20 years. When the agencies responsible for doing that started taking our kids over MMJ and leaving others in known Meth/salt houses to die horribly. When the cops,courts,lawyers,press are all fine with that? I quit my job of 20 years with no pension no nothing and went to WAR. what the fuck have you done sonny? Btw? ^^^ those are my views. I earned em,and don't need some little cop-out tag line.
Brilliant, no pension because you quit. Yea, that's going to war with them!Well @tonite my phone won't let me qoute you so I'll answer you the hard way. Yeah was a gov contractor. Means I was more of a nemotode. I actually worked. And I was not "on the teat" I was tapped right into the fuckin aorta. 20 years. Good money the work was good but the job sucked. I enjoyed the daily work, but want I did sucked. The one redeeming things for me (besides the $$ of course) was the belief that what I did benifeted the weak and less fortunate. 20 years. When the agencies responsible for doing that started taking our kids over MMJ and leaving others in known Meth/salt houses to die horribly. When the cops,courts,lawyers,press are all fine with that? I quit my job of 20 years with no pension no nothing and went to WAR. what the fuck have you done sonny? Btw? ^^^ those are my views. I earned em,and don't need some little cop-out tag line.
If someone who worked in the meat packaging industry 20 years said they would never eat hotdogs would you think their opinion was ignorant?I ain't knocking your work ethic or what you may have done for others. I believe you may have missed the intent of that post. I'm sure you worked hard and took pride in your contributions. If you did serve, thank you for your service, but that doesn't give you a free pass for being ignorant, jaded and participating in over simplification of complex problems. I've done a lot of fucking things with so much more to do but due to the nature of my career being in the public sector, it would not be in my best interest to disclose much as my hobbies can be frowned upon by many. Which of course could impact my career negatively. Surely you understand if you were a nurse. ETA : "you eared them", is no way to go through life. Being hard headed with an opinion even in the face of contradictory or new information is simply stupid. Opinions can be, and often are wrong as well as fraught with irrationality based on basic emotions.
Brilliant, no pension because you quit. Yea, that's going to war with them!
You are a moron. Private contractors don't have pensions. What have you done in our war on drugs cashCops???Brilliant, no pension because you quit. Yea, that's going to war with them!
this is ridiculous!
1.) with 72 plants and a greenhouse - you should have AT LEAST 72 LBS!!
2.) there is NO WAY it's worth $3 million!
50 LBS x 16oz = 800oz total!
At a street value of $300 per oz, it's only worth $240,000
am i rite?
this is ridiculous!
1.) with 72 plants and a greenhouse - you should have AT LEAST 72 LBS!!
2.) there is NO WAY it's worth $3 million!
50 LBS x 16oz = 800oz total!
At a street value of $300 per oz, it's only worth $240,000
am i rite?
That's an ignorant comment. LEO doesn't set the rules, they only carry out signed laws as best they can interpret them. Next is the judge/jury which will decide if a crime had been committed.
We've already reached Godwin? Dude LARA is nothing like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. That is very disingenuous
Do you know how guidelines are set? Any clue? They are not making rules, they are guidelines first and foremost not rules. Attorneys for the state work with the agencies (Not just police but an agency with a specific oversight) when a new law is passed to figure out general guidelines for dealing with the legislation to be carried out.
And no I haven't had to deal wIth the police and plan to keep it that way. It isn't hard to keep things on the up and up. Its not hard to not attract attention. Furthermore in the event I have to, I will simply get an attorney to take care of any issues I have. Police are far from perfect, can be dishonest, but know your rights, exercise them, and keep your nose clean.
Nazi references do not apply here. We aren't being rounded up and facing genocide. So your analogy is grossly inappropriate, inaccurate and frankly stupid .
So you were a government parasite yourself? Sucking on the government teat. The fucking irony of being a hypocrite yet enjoying that paycheck I'm sure.
/Not nessarily My views, Just going off your nonsense statements
I'm with you on not inprisonment of people growing a plant. I've stated previously that its a waste of resources and peoples lives. Yet as a society we have the rule of law and we also have the ability to change less. Actions have consequences, but perhaps in instances such as these civil penalties would be more appropriate.
You are being terribly hyperbolic and myopic
I ain't knocking your work ethic or what you may have done for others. I believe you may have missed the intent of that post. I'm sure you worked hard and took pride in your contributions.
If you did serve, thank you for your service, but that doesn't give you a free pass for being ignorant, jaded and participating in over simplification of complex problems.
I've done a lot of fucking things with so much more to do but due to the nature of my career being in the public sector, it would not be in my best interest to disclose much as my hobbies can be frowned upon by many. Which of course could impact my career negatively. Surely you understand if you were a nurse.
ETA : "you eared them", is no way to go through life. Being hard headed with an opinion even in the face of contradictory or new information is simply stupid. Opinions can be, and often are wrong as well as fraught with irrationality based on basic emotions.
One's perceived experience in said hot dog factory may have changed once one sees "how the sausage is made", so perhaps health questions or ethical concerns arise but comparing the two is overly simplistic in addition to having a lack of understanding of how things work. It's disingenuous at best, stupid at the worst.
I try and be polite with people, but damn can it be difficult. The lack of understanding processes, and how things work in the complex world we live in is astounding. I find some people have given up on critical thinking, researching complex questions, and understanding sources in exchange for simplistic, emotional responses.
Its a shame really.
Lololok being educated doesn't make me a cop.