AG Garland appoints special counsel

Let's see what the courts say, we wouldn't want to jump to conclusions! :lol: They can tell the difference between apples and oranges. I'm sure the Biden administration is working on the transition problem with secret documents, but it needs new law, provided a republican administration follows the law, since the last one didn't.

Your choice is to vote for a party that just trashed the house ethics committee and is full of criminals and grifters who want to cut Medicare and social security. You have no choice if you are a patriot, they tried to overthrow the constitution and are now trying to abuse power to try and get away with it. There is no getting around the fact the republicans are a fascist organization that both uses and promotes domestic terrorism as an organization. Only a fool would vote for such people, they are not an option for any sensible person.

It has nothing to do with trump or the last administration. It has to do with the carelessness.

"People know I take classified documents and classified information seriously," Biden said.

That's not true. People know that he didn't on at least one occasion which is why these documents were in a box in an office building.

Just because I won't be voting for Biden doesn't mean I will be voting for the Republican candidate. I don't know how you come to that conclusion. I can write in anyone I want so stop ranting about your patriotic nonsense. I'm a patriot of the United States of America not a man. I do not feel that Biden is the best man to lead the United States after his term is up and I'm not just going to get in line and vote for him because I'm on this side or that side. There is only one side as far as I'm concerned and that is the side of the United States of America.
he, or someone in his employ were careless, which is the same as him being careless. that being said, this is one isolated case, probably caused by forgetfulness in the throes of the campaign.
you seem to expect perfection from those in the whitehouse....when have you or anyone else ever gotten that? never...that's when.
on the scale of mistakes made, this is sub 1...this is a .45-.55 mistake....i am not that concerned about it, and will not become more concerned about it.
this is a nonissue for me, but apparently not for you, so you go lose sleep over it, you vote for an inferior candidate to ensure yourself of something that cannot ever happen...waste time and effort trying to turn this into anything...are you sure you aren't a trump republican? you seem to share a LOT of their concerns and attitudes.

The documents go back to the Obama era. They have been there for 6 years. During 4 of those years Biden was a private citizen and should not even been in possession of those documents.

It's rich the way some of you just assume that I'm going to vote for a Republican. Tossing crap out like "are you sure you aren't a trump republican?" How ridiculous.

Some of you have an Us vs Them mindset. I don't. That's why I don't fall in line defending "My Man" like many always do.
It has nothing to do with trump or the last administration. It has to do with the carelessness.

"People know I take classified documents and classified information seriously," Biden said.

That's not true. People know that he didn't on at least one occasion which is why these documents were in a box in an office building.

Just because I won't be voting for Biden doesn't mean I will be voting for the Republican candidate. I don't know how you come to that conclusion. I can write in anyone I want so stop ranting about your patriotic nonsense. I'm a patriot of the United States of America not a man. I do not feel that Biden is the best man to lead the United States after his term is up and I'm not just going to get in line and vote for him because I'm on this side or that side. There is only one side as far as I'm concerned and that is the side of the United States of America.
Who you vote for is your concern as an American, but gridlocking government over evil stupidity is not an option. Biden has provided stable, responsible government and has to deal with the aftermath of Trump, history did not begin with his inauguration. Despite it though he accomplished an amazing amount considering the situation in congress, he is also whipping Putin's ass and the Magats are plainly unhappy about it, not all republicans, but they tolerate treason and being in bed with Putin. That didn't start yesterday either, but with Trump.

You should have faith in Garland as many citizens have lost faith in his slowness to act on Trump's many crimes. If there ever was an even handed AG it is Garland and he handed the investigation of Biden off to a Trump appointee. Jack is neutral and was in Europe at the Hague for Trump's time in office, he was 3 months into a rare reappointment to the court when Garland gave him the job. Who Joe appoints as AG matters too, character counts and Garland is no Bill Barr.
The documents go back to the Obama era. They have been there for 6 years. During 4 of those years Biden was a private citizen and should not even been in possession of those documents.

It's rich the way some of you just assume that I'm going to vote for a Republican. Tossing crap out like "are you sure you aren't a trump republican?" How ridiculous.

Some of you have an Us vs Them mindset. I don't. That's why I don't fall in line defending "My Man" like many always do.
i don't blindly defend anyone. what he did was wrong...but you seem to think that this is some sort of major scandal that he should commit sepuku over...
this is a horseshit nothing scandal...the republicans are masturbating wildly over they do over me one "scandal' they've accused ANYONE of that has actually turned out to be ANYTHING...benghazi was shit, hunter's laptop is shit, everything they freak the fuck out over and crow about like hyperactive roosters about has been why in the fuck is this going to be any different? it's not. so pardon me if i start not giving a flying fuck early...
The documents go back to the Obama era. They have been there for 6 years. During 4 of those years Biden was a private citizen and should not even been in possession of those documents.

It's rich the way some of you just assume that I'm going to vote for a Republican. Tossing crap out like "are you sure you aren't a trump republican?" How ridiculous.

Some of you have an Us vs Them mindset. I don't. That's why I don't fall in line defending "My Man" like many always do.

they administration records during the Obama-Biden administration is what they are.....meanwhile in those 4 years Biden was a college professor at Pen State, Biden could have requested the records from the Archive in which the Archive prolly redacted a lot of it. While Biden was on his campaign the doc's we in a locked closet, in a private office only used by the Biden is president, he had to close that while the attorney's were closing the office, they found the Doc's in question and then called the Archive so they can retrieve them........

now beyond this, you vote to your hearts content
lmao it is so funny how adamant that 'people' are that this is some kind of scandal when we don't actually know anything other than a small number of classified documents were found and Biden's lawyers called and turned them in right away and there is a investigation on them to figure it all out.

I would wait to pearl clutch, but when people are fast to pretend that all the local brown kids doing stupid shit are Latin Counts, (or people doing shit while not wearing Trump gear are ANTIFA) I guess it is par for the course.
they administration records during the Obama-Biden administration is what they are.....meanwhile in those 4 years Biden was a college professor at Pen State, Biden could have requested the records from the Archive in which the Archive prolly redacted a lot of it. While Biden was on his campaign the doc's we in a locked closet, in a private office only used by the Biden is president, he had to close that while the attorney's were closing the office, they found the Doc's in question and then called the Archive so they can retrieve them........

now beyond this, you vote to your hearts content

Biden could have requested those documents? Then why did he say he doesn't know how they got there?
Biden could have requested those documents? Then why did he say he doesn't know how they got there?
In his Q&A his lawyers said that they would not even share with him what they were while the investigation took place. He wasn't the one that found them, so why would you expect him to know which ones were there?

I bet Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and many of you wouldn't care.
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lmao it is so funny how adamant that 'people' are that this is some kind of scandal when we don't actually know anything other than a small number of classified documents were found and Biden's lawyers called and turned them in right away and there is a investigation on them to figure it all out.

I would wait to pearl clutch, but when people are fast to pretend that all the local brown kids doing stupid shit are Latin Counts, (or people doing shit while not wearing Trump gear are ANTIFA) I guess it is par for the course.

you repugs are drooling all over this.....and every other right wing news and asshat is railing over it......

ps.....don't put Biden in twitter........made that mistake last night, got a few laughs but mostly i :spew: at the BS
In his Q&A his lawyers said that they would not even share with him what they were while the investigation took place. He wasn't the one that found them, so why would you expect him to know which ones were there?

Apparently he didn't know any classified documents were there so of course he doesn't know which ones he was careless with.

I know he wasn't the one that found them. They were found by people that were never authorized to even see them.
Biden could have requested those documents? Then why did he say he doesn't know how they got there?
I await the judgement of the courts, on Biden and Trump. When Biden's investigation is complete, then the DOJ can talk to congress about it, if no charges are made. Trump will likely be another matter, they might not even indict him over the documents, but over the more serious obstruction of justice he committed, two or three counts as I recall. Then Georgia will also be on Donald's mind.

In the wake of Trump you should be down on yer knees thanking the Lord for Joe's steady hand and wisdom. America had to mend a lot of fences that Trump broke internationally and then face down and whip Putin when the military said the Ukrainians not only had a chance, but could win with more help.
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I bet Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and many of you wouldn't care.
wow, cry much?...why is it so important to you that we think this is something big?
can you not look at this objectively?
Biden: found documents in a closet unused for years, left there in error. immediately turns them over to the proper people, without trying to hide anything.
trump: steals documents, hides them, lies about having them, when cornered returns some and then lies again about having more, forces the FBI to raid his home to get them back, and then starts trying to cover his ass with outlandish claims of doing something he cannot do...and tries to get the documents back!...
you really cannot see the difference in these two situations? you sincerely cannot understand why we aren't that concerned?
if you can't, then i've highly overrated the value of your participation in this discussion.
I await the judgement of the courts, on Biden and Trump. When Biden's investigation is complete, then the DOJ can talk to congress about it, if no charges are made. Trump will likely be another matter, they might not even indict him over the documents, but over the more serious obstruction of justice he committed, two or three counts as I recall. Then Georgia will also be on Donald's mind.

In the wake of Trump you should be down on yer knees thanking the Lord for Joe's steady hand and wisdom. America had to mend a lot of fences that Trump boke internationally and then face down and whip Putin when the military said the Ukrainians not only had a chance, but could win with more help.

You seem to be stuck on making this about trump.

I'm not getting on my knees. I also don't believe in the Lord or whatever it's called depending on religion.

My comments have only been about the carelessness of the handling of classified documents. Now you're talking about Georgia, Putin, Ukraine, the kitchen sink, etc... Nothing that has anything to do with SCI classified documentation.

"Sensitive compartmented information (SCI) is a type of United States classified information concerning or derived from sensitive intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes. All SCI must be handled within formal access control systems established by the Director of National Intelligence."

It's not just Biden but the entire system seems to be flawed which I made in my first comment regarding this. Unless Biden made his own copies of the documents then there should have been a trail and those documents should have been requested to be returned years ago. If Biden did make his own copies then that's as bad if not worse than leaving them in a closet for six years.

This isn't the only reason I won't be voting for Biden. It's just one of many factors I used to make my decision. My one vote isn't going to make any difference but it's mine and I don't just give it away like so many do.
You seem to be stuck on making this about trump.

I'm not getting on my knees. I also don't believe in the Lord or whatever it's called depending on religion.

My comments have only been about the carelessness of the handling of classified documents. Now you're talking about Georgia, Putin, Ukraine, the kitchen sink, etc... Nothing that has anything to do with SCI classified documentation.

"Sensitive compartmented information (SCI) is a type of United States classified information concerning or derived from sensitive intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes. All SCI must be handled within formal access control systems established by the Director of National Intelligence."

It's not just Biden but the entire system seems to be flawed which I made in my first comment regarding this. Unless Biden made his own copies of the documents then there should have been a trail and those documents should have been requested to be returned years ago. If Biden did make his own copies then that's as bad if not worse than leaving them in a closet for six years.

This isn't the only reason I won't be voting for Biden. It's just one of many factors I used to make my decision. My one vote isn't going to make any difference but it's mine and I don't just give it away like so many do.
we're only bringing trump up in comparison...he is still free, walking around with no charges after doing something exponentially why would Biden be in any real trouble for doing something relatively benign in comparison? any desire for Biden to be punished in this situation leads me to ask "where is trump's punishment for doing something 100 times worse?"
and it makes me wonder why you don't seem to give one thin fuck about trump doing what he did, while flipping shit over Biden's lesser offense?
wow, cry much?...why is it so important to you that we think this is something big?
can you not look at this objectively?
Biden: found documents in a closet unused for years, left there in error. immediately turns them over to the proper people, without trying to hide anything.
trump: steals documents, hides them, lies about having them, when cornered returns some and then lies again about having more, forces the FBI to raid his home to get them back, and then starts trying to cover his ass with outlandish claims of doing something he cannot do...and tries to get the documents back!...
you really cannot see the difference in these two situations? you sincerely cannot understand why we aren't that concerned?
if you can't, then i've highly overrated the value of your participation in this discussion.

I'm not comparing one to the other like you are. You're the one bringing up trump. I never made that comparison. I only focused on the carelessness in this instance.

You're saying things that make no sense. I never said there wasn't a difference between these documents and the trump issue. How did you come to the conclusion that I didn't see a difference? Where did I say they're the same? They are completely different.

How you rate me is not my concern.
we're only bringing trump up in comparison...he is still free, walking around with no charges after doing something exponentially why would Biden be in any real trouble for doing something relatively benign in comparison? any desire for Biden to be punished in this situation leads me to ask "where is trump's punishment for doing something 100 times worse?"
and it makes me wonder why you don't seem to give one thin fuck about trump doing what he did, while flipping shit over Biden's lesser offense?

Some of you need to get trump out of your head. This has absolutely nothing to do with trump. I never said Biden should be punished. I said I won't be voting for him.

I've been a very vocal trump critic so I don't know why you guys try and pretend I'm a trump supporter. It's that mentality I suppose. You're either 100% with us or your one of them. Whatever floats your boat.

Real patriots like Gen. Milley despise traitors like trump.

trumps an idiot. Does he actually think anyone believes anything he says? Even many of his diehard followers know he's full of shit but they like him anyway because he's a racist and and so are they.

Fuck trump. If he had been President Russia would have invaded Ukraine unopposed with trumps blessing. Both trump and pootin are pure garbage the world would be better off if neither had been born.
I'm not comparing one to the other like you are. You're the one bringing up trump. I never made that comparison. I only focused on the carelessness in this instance.

You're saying things that make no sense. I never said there wasn't a difference between these documents and the trump issue. How did you come to the conclusion that I didn't see a difference? Where did I say they're the same? They are completely different.

How you rate me is not my concern.
we've all admitted that this was carelessness...people are sometimes careless, especially people with a lot of responsibilities, who are actually trying to see to those responsibilities. Biden does not have a history of such incidents. he doesn't make a habit of taking classified documents.
when they were discovered, he could have attempted to cover it up, but he did not. he turned them in like he was supposed to, and continues to cooperate fully...
if this situation alarms you this much, it makes me wonder at your lack of alarm over much worse situations...
i don't recall your outrage over the previous situation, where the former leader of the free world stole shit, lied about it, and obstructed justice...if you expressed such outrage and i missed it, i apologize...if you didn't express such outrage, i am curious why, in the light of the current situation.