AG Garland appoints special counsel

WHAT GOES AROUND I said many months ago that all the Republican senators and House members who voted not to certify the 2020 election and tried to swap electoral voters with fake ones should hire good defense attorneys. We all know it isn’t illegal to vote no on something. When you vote no and try to stop an official proceeding of the U.S. government based on a lie that lost every court hearing (60-plus) because of lack of proof, that is what is illegal: your intent. Now, to these lawmakers: Meet Jack Smith, special counsel for the Justice Department. He will likely indict everyone involved, which includes many of you. He was not appointed just because of Donald Trump. He was appointed because a lot of these elected officials are still in office. The conspiracy, co-conspirators and planners have been found. Now we get to watch Trump throw all of you under the bus, thinking it will save him. But it won’t.

I must say, you deserve it. Thank God for the Constitution and the rule of law. Also, thanks to all the ethical and trustworthy government servants, elected and unelected Republicans, Democrats and independents who helped save America from dictatorship.

- Bill Moran, Platte City

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Donald is cracking up and even he can see the writing on the wall writ in meter high letters.
You have not seen desperate and stupid yet, when a judge gets ahold of him in the plea hearing Jack will throw everything he said and posted in his face when he tries to make bail.

Trump makes makes most DERANGED POSTS during his NIGHTMARE Thanksgiving

15,018 views Nov 26, 2022
Donald Trump made some of his most deranged posts during Thanksgiving as the walls of justice begin closing on him. Not once did Trump acknowledge anything about Thanksgiving and instead spread more dangerous conspiracy theories and attacked the special counsel. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas breaks it down.
Glenn seems happier every day, now that Jack is on the job and might end up as his biggest fan. Jack won't stop at Trump and his cronies, there are congress people too. Donald's rants and threats against the justice system, judges and prosecutors might earn him pretrial custody courtesy of DC federal judge. They are used to trying big cases and those involving national security matters and some of them are hard asses. Once indicted a federal judge will own Donald's ass and to get conditions of release, he will have to STFU publicly while his world collapses around him and the accusations in the press fly. Jack could bait him easily into fucking up and sending himself to jail until trial, play him like a fish. However, considering the magnitude of the crime and time involved, the mountain of evidence and Donald's behavior and complete lack of a defense, I'm not sure he will even be granted bail as it is.

One thing is for sure, if he is lucky enough to be released after indictment, the judge won't tolerate any public attacks on the judical system, prosecutors or witnesses.

Glenn Kirschner responds to the vile smear attacks by Trump on the Special Counsel's wife
Jack is working over the holiday weekend they aren't fucking around which explains why Donald is freaking. Canon won't have much say when Donald is indicted in DC and had better watch herself moving forward by staying out of this and send any filings back to the original magistrate judge.

Special Counsel Jack Smith ENTERS APPEARANCE in Federal Court before CORRUPT Judge Aileen Cannon

45,321 views Nov 26, 2022
The DOJ has alerted federal judge Aileen Cannon that Special Counsel Jack Smith will be appearing on future court filings. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports.

Prosecutor explains what happens if Trump is indicted
I'm pretty sure there is no way trump gets elected again, but I'm kind of curious. say he gets the nomination, gets indicted, and convicted...He's now serving time...Can a sitting president be in prison? How the fuck would they do daily briefings?
This seems like such a stupid question to me, but...A LOT of stupid shit has happened over the last 6 or 8 years. While i think this scenario is pretty fucking unlikely, i thought trump getting elected the first time was pretty fucking unlikely, as well.
So, how would America deal with president trump, of cell block 7?

Eugene V. Debs was in an Atlanta penitentiary, serving a ten-year sentence, when he lost the 1920 presidential election. Two years earlier, Debs, a labor leader, had spoken out against America’s involvement in World War I. He was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, after the prosecution argued that his antiwar speech obstructed military enrollment. The 1920 loss didn’t come as a surprise to Debs, who had run four times before. His fifth and final run, promoted with a campaign button that read “For President Convict No. 9653,” brought him nearly one million votes, says Claire Jerry, curator of political history at the National Museum of American History. President Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.

Well, that makes just as much sense as most of the laws in this country. Not fit for polite society, but fully qualified for a political career...
I'm pretty sure there is no way trump gets elected again, but I'm kind of curious. say he gets the nomination, gets indicted, and convicted...He's now serving time...Can a sitting president be in prison? How the fuck would they do daily briefings?
This seems like such a stupid question to me, but...A LOT of stupid shit has happened over the last 6 or 8 years. While i think this scenario is pretty fucking unlikely, i thought trump getting elected the first time was pretty fucking unlikely, as well.
So, how would America deal with president trump, of cell block 7?

Eugene V. Debs was in an Atlanta penitentiary, serving a ten-year sentence, when he lost the 1920 presidential election. Two years earlier, Debs, a labor leader, had spoken out against America’s involvement in World War I. He was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, after the prosecution argued that his antiwar speech obstructed military enrollment. The 1920 loss didn’t come as a surprise to Debs, who had run four times before. His fifth and final run, promoted with a campaign button that read “For President Convict No. 9653,” brought him nearly one million votes, says Claire Jerry, curator of political history at the National Museum of American History. President Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.

Well, that makes just as much sense as most of the laws in this country. Not fit for polite society, but fully qualified for a political career...
I think he’ll have to be more concerned about his daily debriefing by his cellie “Gator”.
I'm pretty sure there is no way trump gets elected again, but I'm kind of curious. say he gets the nomination, gets indicted, and convicted...He's now serving time...Can a sitting president be in prison? How the fuck would they do daily briefings?
This seems like such a stupid question to me, but...A LOT of stupid shit has happened over the last 6 or 8 years. While i think this scenario is pretty fucking unlikely, i thought trump getting elected the first time was pretty fucking unlikely, as well.
So, how would America deal with president trump, of cell block 7?

Eugene V. Debs was in an Atlanta penitentiary, serving a ten-year sentence, when he lost the 1920 presidential election. Two years earlier, Debs, a labor leader, had spoken out against America’s involvement in World War I. He was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, after the prosecution argued that his antiwar speech obstructed military enrollment. The 1920 loss didn’t come as a surprise to Debs, who had run four times before. His fifth and final run, promoted with a campaign button that read “For President Convict No. 9653,” brought him nearly one million votes, says Claire Jerry, curator of political history at the National Museum of American History. President Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.

Well, that makes just as much sense as most of the laws in this country. Not fit for polite society, but fully qualified for a political career...
Joe would love to run against Donald in his cell with maybe Kayne or Herschel as his running mate crazy on the stump. Yep, 2024 the big house against the white house, winner take all! :lol:

Donald Trump's attack on wife of Special Counsel Jack Smith is a sign of Trump's desperation

32,484 views Nov 26, 2022
Donald Trump feels the hot breath of justice on the back of his neck. He knows the evidence against him is piling up, so instead of attack the message, Trump decides to attack the messenger. Or, more accurately, the messenger's spouse.

Here's why Trump's attack on Katy Chevigny, wife of Special counsel Jack Smith, will prove to be a miscalculation.
I'm pretty sure there is no way trump gets elected again, but I'm kind of curious. say he gets the nomination, gets indicted, and convicted...He's now serving time...Can a sitting president be in prison? How the fuck would they do daily briefings?
This seems like such a stupid question to me, but...A LOT of stupid shit has happened over the last 6 or 8 years. While i think this scenario is pretty fucking unlikely, i thought trump getting elected the first time was pretty fucking unlikely, as well.
So, how would America deal with president trump, of cell block 7?

Eugene V. Debs was in an Atlanta penitentiary, serving a ten-year sentence, when he lost the 1920 presidential election. Two years earlier, Debs, a labor leader, had spoken out against America’s involvement in World War I. He was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, after the prosecution argued that his antiwar speech obstructed military enrollment. The 1920 loss didn’t come as a surprise to Debs, who had run four times before. His fifth and final run, promoted with a campaign button that read “For President Convict No. 9653,” brought him nearly one million votes, says Claire Jerry, curator of political history at the National Museum of American History. President Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.

Well, that makes just as much sense as most of the laws in this country. Not fit for polite society, but fully qualified for a political career...
The last 7 years in American politics and justice have been an aberration IMHO and people became adapted to the new reality. Trump destroyed the justice system and broke the republican party during his term, the indecisive result of the election in rejecting Trump, but not his enablers shocked many in America. The prospects for the democrats in the midterms was bleak and they had to do everything they could to deny republicans control of the government, including the timing of the J6 hearings and Garland delay while working from the bottom to the top. He wanted the political dust to settle, and I think saw the benefit of waiting a spell and the j6 panel to really get to work higher up the food chain. Actually they kind of met in the middle with Garland going right to the top of the Oath keepers and proud boys, their point men and contact with Trump world. Meanwhile the J6 panel started at the top and worked its way down gathering lots of evidence and leads for Jack. Now all their work will be made public and given to him along with Trump's taxes.

We are just waiting for the documents indictments to drop, clearing up Canon's mess and the Georgia runoff are all I can see between Donald and a date with a judge, he won't be able to send a lawyer for this one either but must appear. When he does, I expect Jack to throw all his threats and posts in his face while he tries to get conditions of release from the judge. That will jail or muzzle him about the case, and anybody involved in it. The judge might even require him to apologize, then and there, to the prosecutor and court as a condition of release!
The last 7 years in American politics and justice have been an aberration IMHO and people became adapted to the new reality. Trump destroyed the justice system and broke the republican party during his term, the indecisive result of the election in rejecting Trump, but not his enablers shocked many in America. The prospects for the democrats in the midterms was bleak and they had to do everything they could to deny republicans control of the government, including the timing of the J6 hearings and Garland delay while working from the bottom to the top. He wanted the political dust to settle, and I think saw the benefit of waiting a spell and the j6 panel to really get to work higher up the food chain. Actually they kind of met in the middle with Garland going right to the top of the Oath keepers and proud boys, their point men and contact with Trump world. Meanwhile the J6 panel started at the top and worked its way down gathering lots of evidence and leads for Jack. Now all their work will be made public and given to him along with Trump's taxes.

We are just waiting for the documents indictments to drop, clearing up Canon's mess and the Georgia runoff are all I can see between Donald and a date with a judge, he won't be able to send a lawyer for this one either but must appear. When he does, I expect Jack to throw all his threats and posts in his face while he tries to get conditions of release from the judge. That will jail or muzzle him about the case, and anybody involved in it. The judge might even require him to apologize, then and there, to the prosecutor and court as a condition of release!
to the bolded: I don’t think so. I think he unmasked the party. The agenda was that bad, just not obvious.
Ya know what would spook Donald, on the day of his indictment, his SS detail shows up with overnight bags and gear to camp out for the night. "We were told we might need it sir".
Why would you do that?
"In case you don't get bail sir"!
to the bolded: I don’t think so. I think he unmasked the party. The agenda was that bad, just not obvious.
Broke it by filling it full of idiots and driving out the few remaining decent people. The slide had begun long before Trump and it's been a magnet for bigots for a long time, Obama put the process on steroids. Trump did capture the nomination for a reason, and he was the biggest asshole imaginable with the IQ of a fucking turnip.
I'm pretty sure there is no way trump gets elected again, but I'm kind of curious. say he gets the nomination, gets indicted, and convicted...He's now serving time...Can a sitting president be in prison? How the fuck would they do daily briefings?

Those top secret documents gotta be worth a couple packs of smokes.
Broke it by filling it full of idiots and driving out the few remaining decent people. The slide had begun long before Trump and it's been a magnet for bigots for a long time, Obama put the process on steroids. Trump did capture the nomination for a reason, and he was the biggest asshole imaginable with the IQ of a fucking turnip.
That is an ineffective retraction.
Those top secret documents gotta be worth a couple packs of smokes.
On less he tattooed them on his hide, he can't remember shit, nor could he understand most of them. Donald thought there were airports in the 18th century revolutionary war, demonstrating he has a fuzzy and tenuous grasp on reality at best and is stupid as a fucking stump.