Air ciculation QUESTIONS


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 by 2 foot tent that I will be keeping in my closet. When I am away from my house I plan on having the tent closed and the door closed for around 12 hours. During that 12 hours there will be no fan blowing on my plants. Once I get home I'll turn the fan on. Is this fine or are my plants going to not receive enough air circulation during the 12 hours I'm away.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you will burn your ladies up even with cfl's. thats a long time i would'nt take the chance


Well-Known Member
Well will my plants survive If I only turn the light on the 12 hours that I am home? I guess I'll be forced to do 12 12 from seed. Will my plants be fine in the closet for 12 hours with no fan circulating air. I will not have the light on for these twelve hours


Well-Known Member
bump..... will my plants be fine in a walk in closet with no air circulation for 12 hours? No light will be on. They will just be sitting in their tent till I get home. Thank you


Well-Known Member
It depends on how fast they are growing, which determines how much CO2 they'll be using. The other concern is heat and humidity, which only real world testing will tell.


Active Member
Dude Make Sure Your Setup is Complete Before You Start You Need to cover all your angles & Cooling & Airflow is a very important one. If I Were you i would figure that out before you start.


Well-Known Member
I agree. You live and you learn. I wont have to worry about heat and I'll have circulation when the lights are on. I hope I'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
any one else have a comment or a solution. WHen I'm gone for the 12 hours I wont have the lights on in the 4x2 tent which will be closed, so without air circulation will the plants survive the 12 hours. I'm running auto flowers 12/12 the whole way through. When I'm home I'll have my carbon filter running and heat and humidity controlled. If you have a solution that I can use let me know. I have a 4x2 tent in a 4x4 closet. Should I keep the tent open inside of the 4x4 closet? will this help? Thanks


Active Member
You will still need some airflow, plants require CO2 <and make O2> when there awake and asleep. Try using some 3-4 inch foil ducting and a computer fan or 2 to have a good flow of air. then there should be no problems leaving the tent shut.
good luck