Air con unit


Well-Known Member
I had bought a primair and an RVK 125 fan to cool my grow room to the
70-80 degrees required but the weather outside has been over 80 degrees this last week so in my veg room with 1 125w enviro and 2 babies its been hitting over 92 degrees.

I must admit that I haven't fitted the fan or the primair yet (for anyone who doesn't know a primair is a fan controller that you set the temp and it speeds the fan up as the room gets hotter to cool it down to the set temp whilst allowing a minimum speed for the fan to idle at to get the minimum air changes needed for co2)

Anyhow, I figure that sucking in air that is say 85 - 90 degrees outside is never going to lower the temperature inside my room to below 80, its impossible isn't it?

So I'm thinking of leaving my RVK 125 and the Primair in their boxes and selling them back on ebay as I have bought an air conditioner unit today that cools and heats and also dehumidifies and then fitting a simple bathroom type fan just to give the room the minimum air changes needed for when the air con unit isn't cooling.

Does this sound ok, can anyone disagree with my plan on any basis? the RVK and the Primair will cover the cost of the air con unit and a bathroom fan will be peanuts to buy - I even thought that if I had a co2 release system I could forget air changes at all, but this would probably cause a serious odour problem (or would the air con vent take all the smell out with it.

Any thoughts, although its a lil late as I have ordered the air con unit as my babies are looking a bit tired in all this heat - their not going to die off but it surely isn't doing them any good.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts


Well-Known Member
thinking the same thing right now, how am i going to get a room to 75 / cool a room if its over 90 degrees outside, air conditioner is a must, but its interesting i never see posts about people getting air conditioners or ducting them to the grows.


Well-Known Member
I flower in my closet.Its 8' long x 2' wide x 8' tall.The heat shot up the day I turned on the HPS to 92 degrees.$45.00 dollars later I got the temps down to 76 degrees and lower after the light go off.I have centeral air,So i got 25' of 6" insulated flex duct ,one duct ring and one 8"x12" ac vent and cut a hole in the closet ceiling and installed it.One 8" fan to blow around in there too.My cab that I veg in has two fans,one pulling air in and one pulling air through the light shade and out the top.The room the cab is in is air-condition, so the intake air is cooled.It's working for me. PEACE


Well-Known Member
Similar situation here. I have a 4" duct running from my window AC Unit, behind all the shit and into the back of my grow room. it lowers the temps pretty good. without it the room gets about 100-105F. with it ive managed to drop it down to about 82-85. is this still too hot? i dont have a fan blowing around inside the room but i do have one exhausting. will an oscilating fan inside lower temps as well? or just push already hot air around? any info on that? what else can i do to lower my temps? ive been looking around for small AC units but theres nothing under 5000BTU, pulls to much power for my tastes. ive seen a few used for cooling lab equipment and such thats stored in closets, but theyre a pretty penny.


Well-Known Member
ive been looking around for small AC units but theres nothing under 5000BTU, pulls to much power for my tastes..
The one I bought today is a 9000BTU portable one that heats and cools and dehumidifies so its all in one, I'll set it to the temp I want and however hot or cold it gets it should keep it where I want it - as to how much power it pulls it will only pull power until it has it to the right temp that you set, then it will only run at the power needed to maintain that temp so I don't think you need to worry about how much power it pulls.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
They work great if you can afford them. Cost is a little more on the electric bill but it is nice to just set it to 75F and forget about it.

Just make sure you still have lots of fresh air coming in.


bam bam

Active Member
Iam going to be running ducting from my window air con unit into my closet.

Should I have the ducting going into my closet at the bottom of the closet or at the top of the closet? The top of my closet has my exhaust, I am scared my exhaust fan will exhaust all my cold air coming in.