Air- Pot Club


Well-Known Member
How are you liking the airpots? they take a bit to get used to and you have to "crater" the soil at the top so you can water without leakage! I line my airpots with pantyhose at the bottom!
You don't have to crater if you have the airpot right side up (you want the end without the holes on top, I always make this mistake with at least one of my airpots each grow ><). Then just make sure its filled to within 1/4in of the top and you should have any leakage

Cratering is easy though, and it kinda does it on its own after watering it for a couple weeks in most cases


Well-Known Member
I know which end is up LOL i find that water tends to "find" its way out so over time ive learned that packing the sides down a bit when filling with medium prevents the water from tunneling both down the seam and through holes in the side... and the crater does create itself over time, but my pots are LOOSELY packed and my plants are at their max for root production which slows water absorbtion... water sometimes refuses to absorb... ive even considered just dunking these things to water them. and with supersoil its WATER ONLY!


Well-Known Member
how often would u have to water say the 5 gallon airpot with soil in it?
Depending on humidity and how thirsty your plant is ... you could do every other day or every 2 days.... my 2 gals i water every 3 days....
Remember to water ONLY first then water with nutes...i find that because these airpots do dry a bit quicker you want to avoid burning the roots with nutes... so give her a presoak with some water before the weekly feed... you have to use more water with these airpots so using water first prevents wasting nute solution ;) HTH


Hello guys, I ordered myself some 6L air pots, gonna use coco as medium. How long should i veg for before turning to 12/12, for best weight results? I was planning on doing 10 of them in a 3x3 feet tent, under a 400w HID. Basicly a sog, and I would also very much like if anyone could tell me the size of plants they get from 5-6L pots?


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its up to you really. bigger the veg bigger the end result. you working with seeds or cuts?

a reasonable sized cutting vegged for 3 weeks should do you 2-3 oz but any more youll be cramped.


Active Member
I love those things !! I'm currently growing an Auto in one of them; I have one Easy Ryder in one Airpot and 1 in a Regular Plastic Pot planted at the same time and the Airpot grow is definitely advanced. Could be genetics by all means but I will be buying some more regardless.


Well-Known Member
Check this out APs + F & D- Bellagio Style (my invention). The parallel runs of pvc have small holes drilled. When the pump cycles each hole streams nutes Bellagio Style= max aeration. The APs are filled with lava rock that surrounds a small net pot with starter cube + hydroton. Due to rapid drainage, I can cycle ~ 45 minutes. This produces amazing and explosive growth.



Active Member
I love these things just cause they look nifty.

Oh and i use'm to grow weed too! :)

@ Petflora - that is interesting. How small are those pots....or how big is that container? They look tiny


Well-Known Member
Check this out APs + F & D- Bellagio Style (my invention). The parallel runs of pvc have small holes drilled. When the pump cycles each hole streams nutes Bellagio Style= max aeration. The APs are filled with lava rock that surrounds a small net pot with starter cube + hydroton. Due to rapid drainage, I can cycle ~ 45 minutes. This produces amazing and explosive growth.

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Doesn't look that impressive especially while it's got all that dead shit hanging off of it,