AK47 CFL Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
its def not sativa but could be a hybrid they are def short and bushy for sure...I was told they were ak47/mr nice but i don't know if they meant a hybrid or the seeds were a mixed bag of both strains...I do know that mostly what he was growing was ak47 so im just assuming..And i don't really understand your question? Im using cfls and not enough watts thats all im saying haha...this is my first real grow and im just using what i got and hope i get at least something. I was planning on getting an Hps but roomie who i also pay rent to is ify on all the electricity...so i do what i can and hope for the best..

to be honest im praying for only 1 or 2 to be girls so i can get a better yield with what i got..


Well-Known Member
all i was asking is if you know what side ak47 lead indica/sativa but if its short n bushy am thinking indica


Well-Known Member
They just look sad and i don't know what to do...I know they don't like the new room they are in but i made a ghetto contraption with space blankets to surround them and the lights but allow nice air flow through it from a fan...would love some more thoughts...check out the earlier posts on why they got all screwy in the first place..


Well-Known Member
One big question is both times i transplanted they were bound in a thick circle on the bottom and are already like that again i can see through the buckets..I was told to always leave it alone..but i think its just gonna keep wrapping and strangle itself..can i pick them up and undue the roots carefully then transplant them back into the same pot so they use up the whole space not just the bottom?????????? Or i hear cutting them in 1/2" line in sections or something around it can cause them to fill the pot too...


Well-Known Member
I want to start flower nutes but need all the info i can get..or should i do another round of low low veg nutes...i only used veg nutes once i think i mighta burnt them i suck at that shit...I also still have one that i wanna say has some pistils but also has something that looks like it could become nuts still to small...i should know hopefully before its to late was thinkin bout maybe just ditching it..the last two pix are obvi a boi the one im not sure is the top right which looks female from the top but im not to sure yet..



Looks like over watering to me but as a whole they look good. No need to freak over a little drooping they look pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
I usually wait several weeks into flowering before switching to "Flowering nutes". Give them another shot of the veg nutes. They will need it for the early flowering stretch.


Active Member
The nutes you are using now are perfect for flowering. Next time, find a fert that is higher in N for vegging ( something like 10-5-8 ). This might be the reason for the stunting you noticed and the yellowing of the leaves. I even add an extra shot of Botnicare Cal-Mag (2-0-0) to my mix for good measure.


Active Member
Whens the best time to clone???
Any branch, or top, that is about 5-8 inches long or about 5-6 nodes. Though small branches (as little as three nodes) can be cloned, they'll take a little longer to take off and are quite delicate.

I try not to cut anything off the plant when im flowering. I like to stress her as little as possible. im always paranoid about her going hermie from messing with her too much


Active Member
hrmph. i can honestly say i did not have any yellowing of my ak48 that young , i only ordered 1 seed , but I honestly think you just need to transplant her...shes just to big for that cup bud. put her ina new bigger one and she should perk right back up again. id throw her in your final potting pots now if i were you , she has a niec stable root system right now and tyhis grow ive personally decided right after the initial rooting of a clone/stable part of a seedlings life , go right to your final pots. Fuck transplanting its not worth the trouble/hastle. put it in a nice sized pot this transplant.


Well-Known Member
They are in 3 gallons buckets and this is my second time transplanting cause of root bound..which i think is what made them yellow and stunted them...the roots just rope around the bottom of the buckets and stay there and then they get shitty again..ive asked if i could undue them or do that cut thing with you go along the bottom i dont know the details...but everyone has said not to touch the roots at all and now im in flower...this is def a learning experience...


Well-Known Member
i need all the opinions i can get people :roll:


3 gallon buckets...9 26w cfls (i know not enough at all)...no nutes at all since first time veg nutes like 4 waters ago which i think burnt them..grow room has been getting alot hotter but not over 90F..i have a fan in the room blowing on them but its just a small one..ive been dealing with alot of shit and haven't been dedicated like in the beginning thats life though boooo.. How are my girls doing i know they look like poop but they are trying! Ps. i will def top all my plants from now on! That one stayed healthy and strong the whole way id like to take some clones..i need rooting gel..


Well-Known Member
them 3 gallon pot are more than big enough for them, i use the 3 gallon buckets and mine are over 2 foot now and are never root bound even when i chop them.


Well-Known Member
So after long debate at my local hydro store..I decided to just go for the Dyna bloom and not the foxfarm..I was gonna start half veg and half flower FF cause the girls def need some nitro but the DB has a lil more nitro then the FF it seemed right in the middle and cheaper so thats what i went with...As always i hope for the best they look sad but still kickn it :peace:

3 week flower

Dyna-Bloom 1/8 of a tsp/gal for starters..
